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Everything posted by DragnHntr

  1. Near quarries eh? Theyre probably spitting shit all over the ground. Try "/remove items -1" in game.
  2. All of the mods that are in technic that you want but are not in tekkit... are not in tekkit because there are no multiplayer versions of those mods. Tekkit is as close as they can get to smp technic. Stuff like mo creatures may be coming in future versions of tekkit since smp version just came out. Just gotta wait for modders to release smp versions of their mods, then for a bukkit port to be made, then for enough of them to be ready on a stable version of minecraft for technic to take the time to make a modpack out of it. It is happening, you just have to be patient. In the meantime we have tekkit 2.0.
  3. Wow, that is hilarious, thanks for posting those, I missed all but the first one and this one. I even explicitly explained that his first post was deleted for not posting the bug report format and then explained he needed to read the stickies when he cried that he didn't know that. What do? Make more posts without the correct format while getting increasingly whiny! Yay! We get it, you don't know more. I told you what to do: LEARN MORE. There is not a known issue where MFEs stop working. This is not a thing that happens. This means either you got some wacky obscure bug that nobody has seen before, and we therefore cannot help you, or you just fucked something up, in which case we cannot help you without MORE INFORMATION. So stop being a lazy ass and log back into your server and open your eyes and look at the setups that are not working then report back when you actually have something to report.
  4. You are expected to read the stickies before posting. You cannot speed down the highway going 90 and when you get pulled over say "I didn't know the speed limit was 70, someone should have told me!" You didn't even say that they weren't outputting EU, you just said "they arent working" which tells us exactly jack shit. You give information you don't have by not being a lazy ass expecting us to figure out your problem for you and doing some research into YOUR problem. Maybe, idunno, learn how to explain an issue using descriptions and details and more then 1 fucking sentence. here is an example of what you should have done: What a good detailed report! Based on your description it sounds like maybe you have a redstone signal touching the mfe that is turning it off so it doesn't output power. If you don't want to move the stuff, you can change the mfe behavior so it does nothing when receiving redstone power when you click the redstone dust pile in its interface. Or, like i said, you could post some pics so we can do the investigation for you since you clearly have no will to do research into your own problem. Edit: Notice how the people trying to help you have to ask like 10 questions before offering any suggestions? This is shit you should have mentioned originally
  5. I cannot wait for logistic pipes to come to smp, gonna be super awesome to set up a huge crafting/request network with my wife instead of a lonely ssp world. Alas, that doesn't help in this case as this is the tekkit section and there are currently no logistics pipes =p I would agree that rp tubes would indeed be more useful then basic bc pipes for this purpose, especially since you can have the rp sorting machine wait for certain sets of items before pulling them, that would be ideal for auto-crafting in the absence of logi pipes, no? I have no practice with auto crafting sans logi pipes here, so I may be way off. Do tubes even play nice with auto crafting tables?
  6. Your post was deleted because it was on the bug board but not in the bug report format and you gave nearly no information. They are not outputting EUs, but they are still charging? Are they connected directly to a machine? Are they running through a transformer? Are the wires connected to the output side? Is the transformer aligned correctly so the 3 dots are towards the higher voltage? Is there a redstone signal touching the mfe or the transformer? Is there a duck in your server? Any number of things could be wrong, you are going to have to be a lot more specific, describe the situation, or post a picture or something man.
  7. Do you have a chest or pipe on the side of the logger so the wood has somewhere to go? If you have further additions to this thread I recommend modifying the first post to include the bug report format specified in the sticky. Also an image of your setup can go a long way to diagnosing problems.
  8. Uninstall norton Or post in the right section and read the stickies
  9. There aren't any server files yet. You can create one yourself, but if you do not know how to do this you are probably SOL. Also you could have searched for this answer, as there are a dozen threads on it already.
  10. but... and according to jakj (and I believe him): Minecraft says you cant distribute modifications of our code. Mods are distributed modifications of minecraft code. Seems pretty cut and dried to me. You are saying that even though it is based on decompiled minecraft code that they wrote it and it is therefore their code, so let me make a completely ridiculous and probably irrelevent comparison. If I take a copy of someone elses copyrighted painting and draw a moustache on it, does that make it my art and I can now sell it as my own?
  11. This guy knows what's up. There is no logical reason why the block IDs would suddenly change, so what did you do to it. Even if you did find a working ID for whatever you fucked up, you would need every client to change that id to the same thing, so your best bet is to just redownload the server and copy your world over.
  12. The Development build is still being developed. that means it is not done yet. You also could have searched for this, as there are about a dozen threads like it.
  13. There is a bukkit port actually: http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/index.php?topic=2535.0 I couldn't actually get it working on my custom server though, some creature spawner BS errors. So good luck with that =p
  14. The latest version of railcraft is for 1.2.5 and tekkit is running 1.1, so that's not really possible without doing a complete overhaul of your server.
  15. Make sure you edit it with notepad++ and make sure there are no red sections. yml files are super picky and have to be in the correct format if you just open it in notepad and dick with it you probably broke the formatting. Especially if you hit enter. This was in the guide too btw =p
  16. If you haven't installed any permissions plugin already just drop permissionsbukkit in the plugins folder, run it once to generate the files. The default permissions.yml in the main folder does not conflict with it in my experience.
  17. Like I said, I have never had any luck getting anything to work in the default permissions file. If you followed the guide I linked you would see it says you need to install permissionsbukkit or another bukkit plugin. If you use permissionsbukkit it comes with a template for the permissions file so you can just change the names and permissions.
  18. I could never get the default permissions file to do anything. try this: http://wiki.bukkit.org/Setting_Up_Bukkit_Permissions
  19. I don't see how changing the emc value of condensers would be anything but a nuisance, unless you change the value of the components equivalently. This whole thread is puzzling actually, what is the point of stopping condensers from making condensers. The EMC value is based on the mats that go into it, it is just a cheap item. Even if you did this, people could just target diamonds or red matter and pop it into the transumation tablet and get them that way. Or if you change the EMC value without also changing the components, you could just have condensers target the components and run them through an auto crafting table, easy peasy. What would one even do with tons of condensers? I mean do you really need a condenser chest full of them? Again, even if you do want a ton, the mats are cheap, its basically just a diamond, so if you want a ton you can easily get them regardless of what measures you try to implement to stop it short of just removing them altogether. It's not like condensers are overpowered compared to the rest of EE. Collectors on a relay charging a klein star is the same damn thing, pop that bad boy into the tablet and make what the fuck ever you want. Seriously, what is the point of what you are asking for?
  20. For the basics, you copy all the server files into a folder and run the launch.bat. If they already have a setup to run bukkit servers, you rename the tekkit.jar to craftbukkit.jar then run
  21. Shouldn't you be asking them this? It is just a modified bukkit server, how hard could it be?
  22. Except the very second person who replied to his thread told him nothing like it existed. Multiple people explained to them that the default generator with some tweaks using third party programs is about the best you can hope for, and are in fact very versatile and create some amazing terrain generally. The posts may have been in a snarky tone but that is how it works around here. If you make a stupid post, people will respond sarcastically. People are encouraged to put thought and effort into their posts, or at least have a sense of humor. The reason his OP incurred such ire is the short nature of it showing lack of caring, the vagueness, and general attitude rubbed people the wrong way. Instead of accepting the help, snarky though it was, and moving on; he instead got an even worse attitude, continued to insist that people didn't understand what he was talking about, and telling what he wanted in an increasingly demanding tone. Long story short: Mods and technicians around here help those who put thought and effort into their posts, or at the very least have a sense of humor and can take a punch. Notice how you approached this forum with a well thought out post and a good attitude and received a much better reception despite being openly critical of the community. Rather then taking this advice and running with it
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