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Everything posted by DragnHntr

  1. Forward the port through your router and have your friend connect using your external IP.
  2. In my opinion, worlds made on heavily modded versions of minecraft should be seen as a sort of standalone version. So much can change between releases that it is almost unrealistic to expect your world to be compatible between versions. Take the upgrade of thaumcraft for example, or the removal of forestry. How do you transition that? I believe that if you expect to keep your world going indefinitely, you either need to stay on vanilla, or stay on a specific version of a mod pack that you are happy with. If you really want to upgrade your server but you really like your world... Well, all good things must come to an end. This is just my opinion of course, if the world works fine or someone makes a converter, great. I will be starting a new world either way. For me half the fun is getting settled in the world and building up my house and machinery. I don't tend to stick around and build tons of useless buildings and incredibly elaborate setups that I will never actually use. I know some people enjoy that, to each their own. :)
  3. You wouldn't happen to be trying to use MCpatchers HD textures would you? Cuz you shouldn't.
  4. How is this a bug? If someone dumps lava on you it hurts too.
  5. These threads blow my mind. Let me give an example of how this looks to us: Bob: Hey my TV remote isn't working! Jay: Try reading the manual. Bob: I did, but it just said to replace the batteries but that didn't work! (He doesnt say that it calls for AAs and he only has AAAs, or he put them in backwards, just that it doesn't work) Ned: Oh I had this problem and I tried everything! Turns out the correct solution is to push the buttons on the TV, that works! Jay: That isn't really a solution, are you sure you replaced the batteries correctly? Bob: Thanks Ned, I tried that and it worked! Facepalms all around.
  6. Great idea! Someone sticky this: [img width=800]
  7. Here's how it works 'round here. If someone makes a low effort post, we are allowed to post a snarky response if it is funny, or it answers their stupid question anyway. If somebody replies to a post that actually took the time to answer a stupid question that could have been answered by simply looking for it, and they have a bad attitude/better then you attitude/butthurt whiny tone, etc. then we are allowed to be an ass to them, again as long as it is either funny, or it answers their increasingly stupid questions. MrHoroX answered a question that had already been answered multiple times and could have easily been found by looking around, not only that he did it in a completely snark-free and well composed way, and correct of course. Despite that, someone responded with a smarter-then-you tone implying that the correct answer was actually wrong. That post came across with a bad attitude, and therefore someone who knew the correct answer definitively (being a mod) felt the need to clarify the situation by stating the facts again thereby answering the low-effort OP and the bad attitude reply to the correct answer, and doing it in such a way that it points out the poor judgement in making those posts, by calling the person a moron.
  8. You tell Linux to launch the tekkit jar using java, just like the bat would do. If you don't know how to use Linux to launch programs, may I suggest switching to windows.
  9. You run the launch.bat, not the tekkit.jar
  10. From what I understand, the Launcher only is a fork of spout. Tekkit itself is not compatible. Then again I don't know what Spout is, this is just what I have seen people answer this question.
  11. http://integratedredstone.wikispaces.com/Sub+Blocks
  12. what about a sticky or where the rules is
  13. There is a dev build out now, but the rec build did not change. No reason to use the dev build either, there is not a server available for it.
  14. I'm guessing he wants the new and improved 1.2.5 version that clearly will not work on the 1.1 minecraft the current tekkit is running.
  15. Just because the launcher updated doesn't mean the tekkit version changed. You can check in options on the launcher to see what version of client you are running, then you can see if it has changed or not. Or you could check the website and see that there are no new server versions out, nor did the client update.
  16. Wouldn't you check to see if it was already in before making this post, because it is.
  17. I have had this happen before. Shutting down the minecraft client, restarting and reconnecting fixes it about half the time. Sometimes it will break again in the same session, sometimes it works fine.
  18. Youre gonna have to contact them and see if they will update to java 7. For reference, you can modify your post to add more information instead of multi-posting.
  19. Read the stickies in the tekkit bug section.
  20. The mods are the ones laughing you, and the one who actually changed it is the top of the totem pole. You're barking up the wrong tree. You know what they say: ask a stupid question, get a stupid name change.
  21. I don't think the technic devs WANT this to become a place where, how did you phrase it... where the modding community centralizes at? This forum isn't really for everyone. It is a place to discuss the mods and modpacks that the technic devs choose to include. Three things I would like to help drive home that Jay? already pointed out. The technic devs decide what mods and modpacks to include and nobody else. There is already a method for bringing things to their attention, it works fine and they are happy with it. Technic is a specific place for specific people.
  22. That makes no sense. What does whether your computer can handle technic have to do with whether or not you are using shitty antivirus?
  23. Read the stickies, the bug report format is required so we have the information we need to help you, Harry. =p Luckily this is a very common problem, I believe the solution is also stickied actually. You just have to add java to the PATH. You can google it. That would work but it is a temporary solution. Would have to do that for every bat that runs java.
  24. I think we like to see if they come back and get all defensive and make an ass of themselves first. That way we all get a chuckle before they get bent.
  25. I would say that is a no-content post, however I think this is gonna be "one of those threads."
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