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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. hey i dont no where to put this but can you ad flans mods to tekkit because it is awesome and i just want t fly a plane why cant i fly a plan huh.
  2. Things to try: 1. Go to options and select "clear cache" 2. go to users/roaming/appdata/.techniclauncher and delete the entire folder 3. delete your launcher file. Without information like your OS, Antivirus, or logs, there's not much else anyone can do.
  3. Looks pretty neat. I'm not so sure about the easy-mode bonemeal, and the easymode modular powersuits thing seems a bit OP. Do you include a config file so people can fiddle with the settings? On the other hand, i'm always super excited when i see someone using Metallurgy. Metallurgy is one of my favorite mods of all time.
  4. Hmm. Well, keep it within the rules. That means no more memes out of you. And with that I bid you all adieu, for now. I'll be watching, but i think i'll leave the rest of this thread for neowulf and the other mods.
  5. Aw, man, and everyone had just started being civil. I guess all those edits about being superior by being quiet were just nonsense. Also, question time. What are you even mad about now? I was being pretty nice.
  6. I dunno if you're drunk posting, or intentionally trying to get banned, or what, but stop.
  7. It didn't. We haven't set up a moderation queue for this board yet.
  8. You don't need to apologize for the behavior of others. Everyone is responsible for their own actions.
  9. Jay?

    Helen Keller

    Aw shit guys... I think this guy might be serious, run for it!
  10. Your value as a human being is not on trial here. The only thing i am criticizing is what you have displayed here. The "but i'm a great guy" argument isn't even remotely applicable.
  11. Well, i still say you should look around. There are hugboxes on the internet, and if you like that kind of thing, there's nothing wrong with them, but this isn't one of them. We're harsh here, and if that isn't something you agree with, you aren't going to enjoy your time here. I'll try talking to him on skype or something, but the problem isn't that I, personally, can't see what his ideas were, it the entire concept of people who come in expecting their ideas to be taken seriously, when they don't display any substance along with it.
  12. There is no outcome where this thread would have been good. If people hadn't laid into him, the thread would have been completely empty, just like the one he made a couple months ago with a different account. There's no "constructive criticism" to be given here. I could have been more blunt and just said "Go away", but i tried to tell him WHY this was a stupid thread. Seriosuly, though. Read the forums. You clearly don't belong here. Aw, im not the only one here, i have you and the skittles guy. "capable of" doesn't mean anything. The only things that matter are things that people have actually SHOWN. And all he's shown is that he thinks he's amazing. I have lost nothing here, because he brought nothing in. There was nothing here. Even his ball is still imaginary.
  13. Yeah, see, that's just more evidence that him, and you guys, didn't bother to look around before you posted. Rule one of any forum is LOOK THE FUCK AROUND. And if you don't like what you see, don't post. Nothing out of the ordinary happened here. Some guy made a useless post, people made fun of him, and then he took his ball and went home. It's practically a weekly event here. I have yet to see anything that contradicts my opinion of him as "just like the rest of the kiddos", particularly as he seems to be under the impression that this thread was welcome here at all.
  14. You guys don't seem to understand where you are. When people post stupid things like "I need a java developer to work for me for free, and it will be the greatest thing ever" they do not get the benefit of the doubt, they get ridiculed. If you want a hugbox, go back to minecrafforums.net, by all means. Also, if you had bothered reading, i never said anything about his ideas. I said that nobody needed his ideas, because anyone with the capability to make a mod already has ideas of their own. His ideas may be great, but that's neither here nor there. As far as i've seen he's STILL just like every other kid who comes in to pitch his mod that he can't make. He came in with a vague pitch, and when people called him on it, he said "yeah, well i already GOT a developer, so there" and tried to abandon thread.
  15. He explained nothing. He just kept saying how his mod would be amazing, and revolutionary, and it would change the face of minecraft forever. And what were the actual ideas he mentioned? Streaming audio. Tons of window dressing, no actual post. What he posted on other forums has no bearing on what he posted here, particularly as he didn't link to it. We were given two large posts about how awesome he was, and that's about it.
  16. You do realize that if i was just after the last word, i could easily have it, and then lock the thread right? I'm trying to make you lot understand WHY what he posted was of no value.
  17. Yeah, uh-huh. I'm totally convinced. It's the entire rest of the community that was wrong! And all it took was a person to dedicate their first post to telling me! Let me give you some advice: Lurk a bit. Find out what a community will accept and not accept before you try to put yourself out there. We aren't trying to "get back at him" and we don't care about his ever-so-successful life outside of the forum. What matters is what happens here, and whether it has substance and quality. His post was all window-dressing and auto-fellatio. A fact that was made clear by the fact that he was immediately shut down by two Modders and two moderators. Our goal is to make him, and all the other self-styled idea-guys shut up, and either make something or don't, instead of trying to come in and act like they're important.
  18. It's a problem with the pack. There's apparently a workaround on the SA thread that Plus* is from, but it's behind the Something Awful paywall.
  19. I'm wondering why you're still trying. Nobody here has taken you the least bit seriously. In fact, all of the response to your pitch has been people calling you stupid, or trying to pound it into your head that you've displayed nothing of value.
  20. Then what you SHOULD have done, what any good architect would do, is start working on this "amazing thing" and then, when you got to a point that you needed things you couldn't do on your own SHOW PEOPLE WHAT YOU HAVE. Right now, you're coming off as just some wannabe suit-and-tie who likes to blow their own horn. If you had shown up and made a real pitch, you would have gotten responses related to your content. Instead you just waved a "look at me!" flag around and told us that you had the best underpants in town.
  21. Congratulations on being a smarmy CEO-wannabe. Nobody cares about your super-special ideas. I can guarantee that you are spouting nonsense, and that there will be no mod, or it will be terrible. I know this from experience. Do you think that your case is unique or something? Because you're so super special? Let me explain. Your ideas are not special or unique. Ideas are not important, only action is. Every time one of you numb-nuts posts this same damn thread, a moderator comes in and tells you that you're being stupid. Then, you tell us "Oh but I DID get a developer! So who's stupid now!" And then the mod never comes out. The fact that you claim to have spent 7 months planning this ever-so amazing mod and still haven't even looked at any code tells me that you're completely full of shit. You've come in with a bunch of buzz words and an assurance that it's totally worth it! P.S, i didn't call your ideas stupid, i said that they don't matter. Your idea may be great, but it's irrelevant, since ideas are just so much slop when they're coming from someone without the personal capability to execute them. P.P.S, Everyone thinks I'm awesome until the first time they make a stupid thread. P.P.P.S, i just went through your posts with notepad, attempting to make a single piece of text without any buzzwords or vague assurances that your idea is the Best Thing Ever, and all i got was five lines of " I am looking for a developer" or similar.
  22. You sound just like Labigcheese. Guess what: Anyone capable of making a decent minecraft mod is either already doing it, or doesn't want to. Nobody needs your ideas, particularly not when the entire community can't help but vomit their "ideas" over every board of every site. There is no shortage of good ideas, there's a shortage of talent to produce them, so coming in and acting like you're special, because you have ideas is downright stupid.
  23. Aw man, just what we needed, an idea guy! We were totally incapable of having ideas before you showed up! how can we ever thank you?
  24. You don't have to update every time something changes. I'm a moderator, numbnuts. I have a psuedo-obligation to wander the community correcting people and checking on the community. Oh, you mean like moderating server threads and dealing with reported posts? OH WAIT. Now, this is your official warning to cut out the whining. Your questions have been answered, and at this point you're just behaving like a recalcitrant child.
  25. There's a server board for a reason. Follow the guidelines and post there.
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