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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. None of that is possible. Its also been gone over several times before.
  2. "you're title" Joined: Today Posting in platform pogoda, when it clearly belongs in the whalebox cafe lame or technic discussion Still thinks that technic is illegal, despite nobody in a position to know has said that in close to a year. Yeah, those are some things you should probably look through if you ever want to be taken seriously.
  3. Guys, stop signing your posts. On an unrelated note, congrats on moving to Mint. I've been a mint user since Mint 8, and it's super practical.
  4. There's a Lets Play section. That's where this should go.
  5. I don't know how i'd feel about the death of EA. While the company itself elicits no emotion from me (besides occasional bouts of rage), some of the companies they've acquired still do mostly good work. The risk of those groups and teams being taken over by someone else, and re-gutted could spell disaster for a lot of series that i still like. Devil you know, right?
  6. So wire it all up with redstone?
  7. No. the only reason your post is standing out, is that you've decorated it like it's being pimped out on myspace. Your thread is good enough to stand out on its own merits, without being tarted up like a 14 year old girl with a hello kitty obsession.
  8. You could have your launchers just a bit below the surface, and use sticky pistons.
  9. There are two ways that things like this happen. The first is because you clicked on an ad that said something was wrong with your computer. Don't do that. The other way is that it came bundled with with some other junk software. I'd also suggest not downloading junk software. Stick with bigger name products, research programs before you download them, and always keep a decent antivirus and antimalware installed. I tend to go with Avast! antivirus and MalwareBytes, both of which have free versions that are very effective.
  10. Google gives me this: http://www.americanpendulum.com/tag/remove-qvo6/
  11. Are you making a mod or a modpack? Either way you're in the wrong spot. There is a "how do i mod" sticky, that you can ask specific questions on, or you can use the search function to find one of the many other times somebody has come in and said "lol i dont get it" without telling us what "it" is.
  12. Both of this thread are in the wrong section. I'm going to be nice and only give you the warning points for one of them.You're looking for the Hack/Mine portion of the Bug Reports board.
  13. Aw man, i love that duck! Please stay on topic though.
  14. O_o Who told you this was okay? They were clearly lying.
  15. Not likely, but if you're already gonna emulate, I'd use pSX (aka pSXfin) for Lunar and FFVI, and ePSXe for legend of dragoon (LoD has a ton of hanging and glitches in pSX, i don't suggest trying it.)
  16. Looks like Secret of Mana for the Super Nintendo, to me. Which you should totally play, because it was downright amazing. Other old school games i'd suggest, that probably don't fit as well: Legend of Dragoon (if you're into 4-disc, long haul RPGs) Final Fantasy VI, which is non-negotiable. now that most FF7 fanboys have grown up enough to identify their own nostalgia goggles, FFVI is starting to be recognized as the best final fantasy game so far. Lunar: Silver Star Story
  17. Have you tried Anonfiles? I haven't tried it for anything big, but it's been pretty reliable so far.
  18. Neowulf is banned for mixing fandoms that should not be mixed.
  19. Neowulf is banned for mixing fandoms that aught not be mixed.
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