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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Voltz is very early beta. The mods are still changing on a constant basis. It's not super complicated. Now take your over-entitled attitude elsewhere. Oh, and by-the-by, Wiki entries are USUALLY not made by the software developers, they're made by users. The fact that there's an official Voltz wiki at all is a testament to how far out of their own way the voltz modders have gone, just to benefit the players.
  2. Oh, right you are. Just goes to show how good a job FTB does of letting you know what's in their pack.
  3. You could restrict them by rank, and make ranks dependent on playtime. That way, you could even restrict solars to one rank, and advanced solars to one further up fro that.
  4. I like lacrosse and soccer, but am no good at either. I Like running track, quite a bit though. I was on my highschool track team for 2 years.
  5. Yeah, he added some neat solars. they're easier to craft, make more sense, and still generate a small amount of power at night. They're certainly neat, but his policy regarding technic are obnoxiously strict.
  6. I like his solars, but i can't stand hardly anything else in the whole mod. But no, Gregorious decided that kakermix should have to ask permission for YOU to use his mod, even if his mod isn't in technic at all.
  7. Well, by all means gimme an update when you have the auto restarts and stuff in place.
  8. Luckily, you aren't the arbiter of who deserves what. It's a good mod, and a lot of work went, and continues to go, into it.
  9. So, let's see. Tell people not to post Yell at them for posting Claim that you didn't tell them not to post Make claims about multiple huge bugs Don't provide any examples Demand that other people prove you wrong before you've provided any supporting data Claim that you DID provide supporting information claim that it's "common knowledge" or "word of mouth" when you can't find it yourself Yup, that's some airtight argument you've got there. Also, to the person who was asking about where these people come from (can't be assed to go quote you, sorry): This is a recurring theme, and it happens every time technicpack updates with something neat. It happened when tekkit came out, it happened when the launcher came out, it happened when the forums switched, it happened when hack/mine came out, and now that the Platform is out, it's happening again. Nothing to really be alarmed about, it's just a result of increased attention.
  10. From Dresden Codak, specifically the Dark Science chapter. Planning on switching back to a picture of Spider Jerusalem soon though.
  11. Yeah, this has been a thing for a long time. It's better than it used to be though, all volcanoes used to be wallcanoes.
  12. There's your failure to comprehend. We aren't trying to mock the stupid out of people, we are trying to mock stupid people out of our forum. those are two vastly different concepts, and it works pretty damn well.
  13. Since you clearly missed the variable clause in my statement, let me point out the important part. without actual information, noone can say. I gave you the two most common causes of lag spikes in tekkit. if you post specs and logs, it's likely that someone can TELL YOU what's going on. And yes, i do have to be so blunt, and i don't care how other people feel about it. people will either take my blunt advice, and probably fix their problem, or they will not take my blunt advice, and maybe they'll just keep having their problem.
  14. You say that, but if i were running the site, it absolutely would be on the front page. I also think you're underestimating the number of people who are dissatisfied with the minecraft community hugboxes, and want a place where they don't have to worry about affirming everybodies feelings.
  15. The launcher was fixed long ago. As for a lag spike, without actual information, noone can say. with what you've told us, i'd assume that you either had minecraft using the wrong video card, or just in general have a bad computer, in which case, no, tekkit lite would not fix that.
  16. It isn't even over-reacting. Our responses are measured and deliberate, and intentionally harsh. Since the forums began, we have had policy of making fun of the stupid, the lazy, and the biased. The reason is shockingly simple: We don't want them here. So we make fun of them, and either they come around or they go away.
  17. Let me make this even more clear: Grow a thicker skin, or get out before you hurt yourself.
  18. There's no profit being made, in fact, i'm pretty sure kaker is still paying money out of pocket to keep all this running.
  19. Try deleting the folder for modpack1, there seems to be a thing right now where a previous non-custom version being loaded can override a new custom zip.
  20. You said you were trying to download a custom zip, yeah? Try asking the person who was uploading it. Also, more specific details, like crash logs, would be useful.
  21. You may need to fiddle with the "reset pack" "clear cache" and "manual build selection" buttons. Other than that, deleting the folder for the pack the custom zip is for, and letting it redownload seems to work pretty well.
  22. You should get the New Launcher and use the custom zip feature. It's pretty swank, and will do exactly what you're looking for, plus give you the ability to share it with people you want to play with. But no, the launcher won't overwrite it.
  23. Of course. How else would you think people get their dongs shipped cross-continent.
  24. Guy, seriously. Your children joined a server owned and run by other children, in a game that appeals to children. Why are you acting surprised that people are displaying childish behavior? Here's the advice: Grow up. Find a new server. Stop whining at us about things we have no control over. STOP.
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