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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. You aren't understanding. He's proven that he sees attacking users as a valid conflict resolution model. This adds a significant risk to the users or a significant workload to the devs. Neither of those things are acceptable. The fact that he's opened up his license MAY be a sign that he won't freak out about it again, but we can't be sure about that. the two things we CAN be sure about are that he's capable of changing his mind in a significant fashion, with little or no warning, and that if he changes his mind in the wrong direction, he's willing and ready to cause significant damage. As for the legal nonsense, don't even bother. There aren't going to be any lawsuits over minecraft mods one way or another, unless somebody does something that causes java to delete data outside of minecraft. It's just not worth the risk/work.
  2. Yes, we're all aware of this. Future inclusion of forestry is, in my opinion (which isn't absolute, mind you), unlikely. The problem is that Sengir has already proven that he is willing to attack players to get at devs. This puts players at risk, and adds work to the devs who would then have to check every new version of forestry extensively to see if Sengir had changed his mind again.
  3. It's also a way to make sure that you can't play it in multiplayer. which is the most likely reason the OP asked which pack was more fun, rather than how to add mods to one pack or the other.
  4. Looking to check this server out. IGN is Syuvial Age is 23 It's a shame you changed your OP so much. It used to be just about Deluxe quality.
  5. The biggest thing for me has been the fact that Voltz doesn't have any mass-mining ability yet.
  6. I went on for about half an hour. It lagged that whole time, with between 7 and 12 players online.
  7. Thanks for posting these. They're a great argument for the validity of musical styles that people tend to dismiss. If you can change nothing but the instrument that it's played on, and it "becomes" music, then it was music to begin with.
  8. Obama hates america. That's why he's secretly selling our freedoms to other secret muslims at drastically reduced prices. Also he used the portrait of George Washington as a bib. YOU CAN'T ROVE ME WRONG SO IT MUST BE TRUE.
  9. Optifine is included with tekkit lite. You're probably experiencing low performance due to a very common virus. Duck.exe has been floating around in these forums for well over a year, and continues to be a significant problem.
  10. No. And don't worry about those. If a moderator doesn't notice a necro, it probably wasn't a big deal. Focus your efforts and derisiveness on people who are doing and saying stupid things.
  12. I'd also like to extend my hand of "fuck yeah, dude". Modular Powersuits is pretty much my hero. The fact that it's available in early mid-game in a non-crippled way is super awesome.
  13. A bit. You get slowed down if you pass 25Kg, but you can also substitute with the sprint enhancement.
  14. I love the Modular Powersuits. It's important to note, though that Modular Power Suits are available and useful MUCH earlier than quantum.
  15. It's a newspaper title. Massive Face Saves Universe
  16. Jay?


    Rather than make trainlines spawn along villages, you could make train lines part of regular worldgen, and make villages spawn alongside trainlines. That way, you wouldn't need to know where villages are, or worry about making trainlines through player areas.
  17. Granted. However, you really WILL need it someday. I wish all this spam would go away q_q
  18. I can't tell you about shotguns, I've never used them on any faction. I typically play either a heavy (my Vanu primary) or an engineer (my Terran primary). I also have double-AA Max suits for both factions. For vehicles, i focus on the Vanu Magrider, which has a lovely predictive range, and the Terran Mosquito, because ... because.
  19. For instance the Lasher, It's deadly accurate, has minimal recoil, area damage, and a high damage factor. It's also long range, fully automatic, and has a large clip size.
  20. Don't misunderstand, their high tier weapons are goddamn broken sometimes.
  21. And the VS max comes with a left arm squirtgun. I hate that gun. The dual AA, and the dual Anti-tank are decent, but those are also good on TR, with the added benefit of the default TR weapons not sucking.
  22. Really? I've been playing with the TR MAX and it makes the VS suit feel like a fisher price truck.
  23. Vanu have a weird recoil pattern that's kinda difficult to get used to. Also, the Vanu MAX suit sucks thirteen different varieties of ass.
  24. I kinda miss the old days. The mods got to do a whole lot more screwing around with people then.
  25. I'm a fan of free content, and always on the lookout for MMO's that are actually fun. Just downloaded this, and will post my findings later.
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