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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. What. Acer is absolute trash. Acer is the bargain bin brand. Toshibas are well built, decent value for price, and have a good range of builds. Asus has the netbook and smaller notebook market completely cornered. Alienware on the other hand has frequent problems with machines that don't include adequate cooling, bloated prices, and bad bottlenecks, i.e extremely high ram with a bad video card. Alienware is just mac for gamers. sounds nice and looks nice, but really is only useful for a small handful of people.
  2. There are no expressed minimum/optimum requirements. There are a dozen different mods that all have different performance needs. Some video cards handle different things in different ways. If you own minecraft, just try it out. If it works, then it works, if not, you can upgrade until it does work.
  3. That isn't true. Toshibas are wonderful machines. Asus does pretty well too.
  4. For 1600? It damn well BETTER outperform an alienware. Alienware is kinda shitty.
  5. Where the hell are they gonna go from 3? i may not have liked it, but the ending WAS closed.
  6. Stop double posting. Download an updated launcher. Then we'll see if something can be done, but we're not going to support an ancient launcher like that.
  7. "latest" is not a java version, Dell is not an operating system, and dk is not a java version. Give us numbers.
  8. When you use the launcher, yes. It downloads the pack from us, and Minecraft from Mojang.
  9. Nope, the launcher just automates the act of YOU doing it. The difference is that it's still YOU putting in YOUR information to the minecraft servers.
  10. There are many epic tales, but for a nice selection, go into the whaleox and read the tale of LaBigcheese, and the story of one bad ASS cat.
  11. absolutely not. That is specifically forbidden by the minecraft TOS.
  12. You'd still need to have used the launcher.
  13. There's no pack to be downloaded without the launcher. You could do the work and put all the mods together yourself.
  14. I play it a lot. The balance has gone way downhill though. One of the Vasari vactions has the abillity to move its starbases between gravity wells. It's like having a ton of extra titans. The balance got thrown further off. Superweapons were finally balanced, but they added in a bunch of ridiculous super-ships, and those goddamn vasari starbases. Corvettes are in though, and they're pretty neat if you know how to use them
  15. Starcraft was okay if you played the campaign and ignored the multiplayer. I really did enjoy the story. I just got my ass stuck about halfway through Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. the fucking hawk people keep finding a hole in my defensive lines and killing someone important.
  16. I don't care about the DLC bitchfit, but i hated the ending. The ending took this dynamic that we previously had, where every action had a defined and logical reaction, and reduced it to simple maths. There's also the issue of the lack of a "better option" that bothers me. The fact that no matter what you do, you're stuck with the choices of enslaving a sentient species, forcing a new paradigm on all living things without their permission, or irrevocably destroying the only means of galactic contact between species. I can deal with sad endings. I loved FFX for its sad ending. The difference is that all of the options feel like they aren't really victories.
  17. GPUs vary by quite a lot. The model number is FAR more important than the clock speed in this case.
  18. Old school in reference to style. Sound of music, West side story, Annie, crap like that. Chicago was great, it broke the mold and kicked a lot of bad cliches. I wouldn't have the confidence to play in it, but it was still great.
  19. I don't know much about that card, but it should do moderately well. Don't expect framerates of 120+ or anything, but it should run.
  20. I share your enormous grief in that as well. If my school had tried to do grease while i was in the club, i would have walked the fuck out. The only way to go lower than that is to go for "the sound of music". Old school musicals are downright painful.
  21. I'm... not sure why you quoted me on that. Stephen Sondheim had nothing to do with either of those.
  22. If you're into musicals, try some Stephen Sondheim. A lot of very harsh tonalities, and dark themes. Good ones are "Into the Woods" "Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street" don't watch the one with johnny depp though, it was wretched. The good one is the stage performance with John Hearn and Angela Lansbury.
  23. I just prefer military strategy, as opposed to complete civilization-style strategy.
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