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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. What they really mean is that your link doesn't go to a file, it goes to the mediafire homepage.
  2. Sometimes, but like most of minecraft, it isn't perfect.
  3. Doesn't look like it, now. i made some major structural mistakes and don't feel like starting over.
  4. Everything about my post still stands. I don't care if you repost it, but adf.ly is against the rules, so don't use it.
  5. OI! Last warning. Next person who offers an OS change as a solution is getting kellered.
  6. Just to make sure, you do realize that Adf.ly is against our rules, and will result in another ban if you use it right? and your split archive is blocked.
  7. It is. It's fucking fantastic. That skin is pretty bitchin too. Thanks for that.
  8. I will admit, i play a patched Un-Dub version, specifically because of that scene. Eh. The story wasn't really all that confusing. There were a couple of neat "aha" moments, but overall it didn't have the emotional power or the richness that we expect from RPG worlds.
  9. To elabroate further on the final fantasy games of note, I shall do a few pro/con comparisons. FFVI Pro- Great story Con- ancient graphics. Welcome to spritesville. Pro- Great soundtrack Con- You might need to listen to remixes to notice it. Chiptunes everywhere. Pro- Great villain Con- He's a clown. FFVII Pro- Amazing soundtrack Con- hold O = Win Game. Pro- Cinematography in the cutscenes was great con- CGI backgrounds were beautiful, which made the awful CGI characters look incredibad. Pro- decent story Con- Terrible dialogue Con- If you like it, Jay? will call you a fanboy. Con- If you don't like it, everyone else will call you an idiot. FFVIII Pro- Another hit soundtrack, because Nobuo Uematsu knows his shit. Con- Relatively bland story Pro- A few very vibrant characters, and a complete lack of the token "silly" character. con- ingame sprites were pretty bad. Pro- cutscenes were fantastic! con- SUBMENUS: THE GAME Pro- Combat system was pretty slick. Con- Leveling and stat raising was silly. FFX Pro- Good dialogue, except for one particular scene. Con- Linear as fuck. Pro- finally have access to your whole party during a battle. Con- makes even less sense that only 3 can fight at a time. Pro- Leveling system was very flexible, you won't be forced to use a character you don't like, just because they have a spell that you do. Con- Summons tend to feel a bit crap until more than halfway through the game Pro- Good story Con- HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA. HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA. FFXII Con- not very fun Pro- There's a system built in that allows you to NOT EVEN PLAY THE GAME. Con- the fact that you don't have to play it is a pro, come on now.
  10. 6 was pretty magnificent if you're after story. 8 had some good bits, but was mediocre overall (i have huge ridiculous nostalgia goggles for it though), 9 was apparently really good if you can ignore the intense cartoonishness. I happen to really like 10, for the story and the battle system, and the level system, but it's an unpopular opinion. The popular opinion says that 7 was the greatest game ever made. Fuck the popular opinion. When it gets right down to it, though, there are better RPG franchises to go with if you want to break in with a good game. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, despite sounding horrid and being a mouthful, is one of my all time favorite games of any genre, has a good mix of gameplay, story, and visuals, and is challenging enough to keep a gamer involved. Also from the SMT franchise, Nocturne is equally as good. .hack//quartet (.hack//infection, .hack//mutation, .hack//outbreak, and .hack//quarantine) are a little more hands on, and have an interesting enough story, but some of the voiceacting is silly as fuck. I also have huge nostalgia goggles for those games.
  11. I think that it's been said time and time again, that Technic is just a name. Magic fits in just fine.
  12. You're better off with the forums, though, the questions site isn't really reliable yet.
  13. Possibly. It depends on what the other specifics of EE3 are, but i'm talking about without using save converters, or MCedit programs.
  14. That's the one. It just felt like it was more magical. It left the machine building to other mods. The last fortress i really loved was my EE1/Buildcraft fortress.
  15. Realistically, in any situation where block types cease to exist, everyone loses everything, because the saves aren't compatible anymore.
  16. I always wished someone would port the final version of EE1 up to current minecraft. I always thought it played nicer with everything else.
  17. No seriously guy, go ask for help from hamachi tech support or the hamachi forum. It's full of people who actually know how hamachi works. This forum is about a minecraft modpack, it's pretty much the worst place you could possibly look for help.
  18. It sounds like you have more than one java version installed. Your console is saying Java 6, but your log shows that you're still using java 7.
  19. Oi! no console wars, kids, or so help me, i WILL turn this thread around.
  20. Hey gee, maybe you should look for help on sites that actually deal with either of those things?
  21. I keep seeing this argument. It's not a valid argument. I run a freelancer server on the weekends. I have the right to install a plugin that turns all the screenshots taken on my server into pictures of a baboon. I have every legal right to do that. That in no way prevents it from being an enormous dick move. Legality doesn't even begin to enter into it, first of all, because modificatoins are very shaky legal ground even without Mojangs vague-as-fuck terms, secondly because noone is talking about filing suit, they're talking about people being dickbags (bags of dick), and thirdly, this doesn't even affect us! RichardG himself came on and told us that it didn't affect us, because our permissions are up to date (and richardg doesn't like us very much, in case you missed that part).
  22. That's not functional, because many mods change the way the world is generated. Despite some of the recent updates, technic tries to stay world-compatible whenever possible. Incomplete pack updates would make that completely impossible.
  23. I deleted the other one, since this already has people talking in it, and the other was empty.
  24. I've had my gall bladder removed, which resulted in long term digestive problems, and also a bone spur on my knee that threatened to fuse my kneecap and tibia.
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