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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Most likely what you actually want to do is get the correct version of optifine for your machine. But hey, if you want to remove it, here's what you do. Download optifine from the official source, and open it up. Look at the names of the class files. go into your Modpack.jar in the folder for whichever pack you're using, and remove those class files. For the record, removing optifine is stupid. Also for the record, not a single one of us will ever go on minecraft forums, so going there for technic support is kindof like shouting at someone at disneyland, because Jet Blue lost your luggage. It seems like you only made one thread in the right location, and it was less than 24 hours ago. Given that the details of problem consist of "it crashes" and your log doesn't show a crash, finding the exact problem will take time. EDIT: Re-read your problem and it's definitely not optifine. an optifine problem would give constant low performance regardless of which pack you're using. The fact that this is only with tekkit means you're having a different problem altogether.
  2. The gas one looks useful, but that depends on how they manage the instant death bit for neurotoxin. If it bypasses armor, it would be a great anti-quantum measure.
  3. Seriously? Redhat STILL doesnt have java 1.7? it's been months!
  4. Woah... 1)you still have the energy link, which converts energy both ways. 2)this topic is done to death. 3)yogscast doesnt have anything to do with tekkits developement at all.
  5. Well, then there's nothing we can do because there's no way to tell what's wrong. Welcome to the joys of linux.
  6. Malice, you've been personally involved in more childish drama on this forum than had any right to exist in the first place. The ice you skate. It is very thin.
  7. It's in the common problems and solutions thread. Which you should have read before submitting your bug.
  8. What do you mean you can't find the stickies? They're at the top of the board you're posting in.
  9. Don't worry about it, just don't double post from now on.
  10. "If you have seven pies, and someone asks for two of them how many do you have left?" "uhhh, seven." *sigh* "Okay, if you have seven pies and someone takes two of them by force, how many do you have?" "Seven." *glare*
  11. Read the stickies. They tell you how to find your error log.
  12. use the edit button. there's no reason to post so many times in a row.
  13. I played everything from III to XII. What i know about XIII comes from a very reliable friend. I actually thought that X was one of the best.The battle system was deep and fun, the leveling system was flexible, and the plot was very original. Some of the voice acting was a bit wooden, but if you can emulate the PS2, you can play the Un-Dub PAL release, which had more content than the NA release.
  14. So, uh, i had a falling out with final fantasy when squaresoft merged with Enix. Every final fantasy game released after that merger was terrible. FFXI was just WoW with moogles FFX-2 was too painful to bear, and seems to have been made for the sole purpose of ruining the Spira plotline by disneyfying the ending. FFXII only required you to play it for an hour or two, and then it would just play itself. FFXIII was... pretty, but completely insubstantial. I'm willing to give the FF team a chance, but I'm afraid they're just gone for good.
  15. I Now have a couple more things to add. Grenades and shields are amazing now. It's no longer a matter of "is it stronger? pick it up." Multiple effects are present on each grenade. Homing Mirvs are ridiculous, as are any kind of singularity grenades. Shields can do things like amplify your next shot when you have full shields, or give you bonus melee damage when your shields are down. Melee has also been made much more effective than it was before. The game seems to be overall much more balanced. Another thing the game has now is real difficulty. Soloing one of the circle of slaughter quests is painfully difficult with some builds. Enemy diversity is also much improved, and many of them even have special gameplay mechanics that you can use to your advantage, or if you aren't paying attention, kill you out of nowhere. (fuck me, i hate Lab Rats) Another area that diversity has improved a lot is in the NPCs. There are at least 15 or so dialogue strings that happen when you talk to nameless characters wandering about. Compared to the first borderlands that had about 5 different lines of dialogue for unimportant characters, none of which amounted to anything more than "you seen my gun?" . I've seen it. Wasn't super impressed, but hey. I don't think you'll be disappointed. See above details.
  16. It isn't. The problem is likely your java.
  17. I actually disagree, and quite a bit. This generation actually sees many more highly intelligent kids and teenagers than before. The difference is the internet, and human nature leading us to focus more on the stupid things people do. The fact is that if you want to identify a smart person, you have to go into their posting history, and look at dozens of posts. Stupid people make themselves the center of attention, by doing stupid shit and waving their arms saying "look at me!"
  18. Not to piss on your parade or anything, but every single generation has had this exact same complaint. People are dumb, have always been dumb, and will always be dumb.
  19. No ETA will be given, the reasons why have been explained many times, quit harassing the devs about it.
  20. 60-100 bucks a month actually isnt that hard to come up with. Even working for about $12 an hour, you can manage it pretty easily.
  21. No. Not until the dupe bugs are fixed.
  22. What? no, wait, what? what? fuckin anime.
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