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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Not going to happen. At all. Your story reeks of bovine feculence, and further inquiry into pirate versions of the launcher will result in unpleasant consequences.
  2. This seems like it will be decent when it's released. Foiled again by closed Betas.
  3. I believe you need to save the structures as schematics or something like that. Be aware that if it's a major version change, and block IDs change, that method won't work without some finagling.
  4. Hokay then. Seems a bit short, but you should probably put that in your OP.
  5. A quick suggestion. Edit that picture so the background is the same color as the forum background. Also, you may want to do something with the list of banned items. If you get those two things sorted out, i'll recommend you for Deluxe
  6. Is there a good reason you're springing for windows 7 ultimate, as opposed to home premium?
  7. I don't understand what you think "it's not ready yet" popping up every week will accomplish. If the devs quit, you can bet that they'll say it out loud, publicly, and at the very least tell a few people to piss off. Unless that happens there's no reason to think that development has stopped. It'll be ready when it's ready, and when it's ready, it'll be released. Any more information than that is just mindless chatter.
  8. 1) if you have enough faith in what mojang puts together that you think their API will cover everything every modder needs, that's a bit naive. 2) No matter how good their API is, it won't fix things like mod clashes when the same thing is being changed. 3) as mentioned by someone else, standardization is a major draw for modpacks, which the API can't provide. Do you have any siblings? Do you know that thing that they invariably do where they want something and say "Gee, it would sure be awesome if [thing] happened." or "I wonder when [thing] is going to happen" They aren't questions, so they aren't asking you for something, but they are being irritating and trying to convince you that [thing] should happen.
  9. That's true as well. Is it odd that the idea of instant internet excites me less than outerspace science pictures?
  10. FTL communications would allow us to send high velocity unmanned craft, but still receive telemetry from outside our local area. maybe not the most exciting thing in the world, but scientifically valuable.
  11. He doesn't. Not really sure how you got that impression...
  12. Marcus sold them in the first game, but he would refuse to sell the next tier until you had gotten to an arbitrarily chosen piece of the plot.
  13. In the original, it was just rocket launchers, eridian guns, and occasionally repeaters that looked like wacky space guns. All the rifles and smgs and whatnot looked generally like guns. I just don't think that was a bad thing. That tapers off a lot by the time you hit level 20 or so. Also, you can use eridium to buy SDUs, rather than waiting for marcus to decide to sell them, meaning that if all you use is SMGs, you can spend all your eridium on ammo upgrades for them, instead of having to wait till the end of the game to max them out.
  14. You need a gem tier tool to mine it. Seriously though, don't ask for medical advice on a minecraft forum. You can call your local hospital on a non-emergency line and they'll give you actual, informed instructions about what you should do.
  15. So, i've had it preordered for a good long while, and have just now decided to spend enough time out of the game to tell people what it's like. I'm going to start with what they fixed from the first game, because some of it is quite nice. The most noticeable thing if you're playing on your PC is going to be the ease of which multiplayer is set up. I'm no multiplayer hound, but when i saw a friend of mine playing just a few levels earlier on a quest i neglected, i went for it. I dropped straight into his game and we played. Fast, simple, easy. Everything that it should be. If you don't play multiplayer, though, you'll probably be more excited that the vehicles have been touched up a bit. Not so much that you'll need to relearn how to drive them, but they react a bit more realistically now, and don't send nearly as much time floating off into the distance, or douing 800 degree flips after running over a pebble. They feel like they actually have some weight behind them now. That combined with the new e-break they have makes sliding possible, if a bit challenging at first. Finally, a smaller personal gripe that's been repaired. The rocket launchers are MUCH more powerful, such that they feel like what they're supposed to be: Heavy, limited ammo weapons, useful for fighting large enemies, or enemies clumped into groups. Anything else is a waste. Unfortunately, it isn't all good news. One of the biggest draws of the original Borderlands was the guns. Don't misunderstand, they're still procedurally generated and there are still more than a billion different combinations, but most of them don't feel like guns anymore. Each manufacturer has a gimmick, but most of the guns fall into one visual category, either Made of plywood and rust or Star Trek convention reject material. They often behave nonsensically as well. Bandit guns take half an hour to reload and have poor accuracy, making them useless unless they're of the incredibly rare variety, whereas some guns can't be reloaded, and must instead be thrown as if they were grenades, except that they do almost no damage when you do that. Still others gain accuracy as you fire, as if they have some kind of bizarre reverse-recoil. As you play through the game, you'll eventually find guns you like, just like before and you'll notice the oddness of the rest of the guns less and less, which makes it less of a deal breaker, but i just can't help wanting the old Jacobs and Vladof guns back. There ARE however a lot of things that are the same though. The writing still ranges from "disturbing" to "mildly offensive" to "genius" which for the most part, is pretty good. A couple characters have new voice actors (the worst and most noticeable replacement is Scooters. Catch a ride will never be as entertaining as it used to be). The skill tree however, seem more well thought out, with multiple play styles being viable options. The end result is that even with the DLC class a month or more away, borderlands 2 already feels like it has more playable characters than the original. The only other big difference that comes to mind is the metagame. In the original, the challenges only existed for the purpose of giving bonus experience, which, lets face it, wasn't really necessary. However, in borderlands 2, they serve as a way to earn tokens that you can use to upgrade your whole account. Each token gives you an option to raise one of five stats. Literally any stat available to your base character is a possibility. These bonuses are applied to every character you make, past present or future, which is a very nice addition. Thanks for reading my huge wall of text.
  16. I would join a technic squad, but i think my awful gamering would drag everyone into certain ruin.
  17. I'm just saying that this place exists only so we can stuff all of these new mod requests someplace where we don't need to look at them, and nobody is going to make your idea for you. You're wasting time that you could be using either learning how to do it yourself, or finding something that you can achieve already. You can shar ideas all day long, but guess what? People who have the ability to make those ideas happen, have ideas of their own. They don't need yours.
  18. Aaaaaand you totally missed the point. The point was that your idea is not special in any way, because you lack the ability to make it happen.
  19. I am about to impart wordly wisdom: Everyone is an idea guy. Your idea isn't special unless you have the resources and know-how to make it happen. Sure, great, you have ideas for a few mods and a modpack. So does damn near everyone else who plays the game. Unless you have the ability to MAKE those mods, you don't stand out.
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