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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. That depends, Is the temperature measured in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin? If it's Kelvin you may have a slight problem with the universe being broken. But to answer your actual question, no, it just means that you have more cooling than you need.
  2. You're right. It's simply YOUR lazyness. The information is very clear. Is the pack released? If yes, then it's ready. If no, then it's not. Also, accusing the people who are putting this whole thing together (for absolutely no profit) of being lazy is pretty foolish.
  3. Are you sure that they're getting their accounts hacked? Or are they just coming in and griefing, then claiming to have their account hacked when you go to ban them? I just ask because that's almost always bullshit.
  4. Have no more to big deal. Need many more up to complete final!
  5. HALT! Pastebin motherfucker, use it.
  6. There's a place for this, and this isn't it.
  7. You need to click the link that says "submit a bug report". There's nothing stopping you from posting there.
  8. Mo creatures is in technic, but the Bukkit port for it is too buggy to be included in tekkit. Like i said, SMP and SSP have been merged in 1.3, so it may be available in multiplayer when the pack updates to 1.4. Biomes XL was previously in the pack, and was removed for being unstable. If you want further information, use the search feature, because all of this information is readily available.
  9. Forestry will never be back for reasons i don't have the patience to explain again. There are a billion different "portal" mods you could be talking about and the answer is the same for all of them: Unlikely, but not impossible.
  10. Hard to know. 1.3 merged SSP and SMP into one structure, so Tekkit and Technic are likely going to become one pack, and that means that some restructuring may be needed. Tropicraft and Twilight forest have never made the cut to get into the pack though, so i wouldn't hold my breath.
  11. I saw that stealth link. Don't do that.
  12. Yeah, but its all by one company with a horrible track record when it comes to understanding what people want from their product. If they had brought in the Forge folks, or Risugami, maybe things would end up doing well, but as is odds are remarkably slim.
  13. Actually, the modding API is unlikely to be as good as what we have already, and almost certainly can't be better. Anvils in Vanilla, on the other hand, are pretty nifty.
  14. Freelancer. The Rhino was a Mid size freighter for low level pilots, Eagles are mid-high level dogfighters.
  15. The instancing doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather be shoved into an instance, than be puttering around in my Rhino taking missions in goddamn New York, only to have some bastard in an Eagle swoop in and one shot me every time i fight off a bunch of rogues.
  16. Don't bump unless you actually have new information. Your suggestion has been seen and noted, and it isn't a new one. People have been talking about wanting this long before technic even existed.
  17. In which we talk about how Chris Roberts is a god among men, and how we love him forever. Chris Roberts gave us wing commander, and we were not worthy. Then Roberts gave us Wing Commander 2, and we were still not worthy. After that, Chris Roberts gave us Privateer, and we continued not to be worthy. Just before taking a DECADE off, Chris Roberts gave us Freelancer, and we were still not worthy. Now Mr. Roberts is back, creating Star Citizen, and guess what! We aren't worthy. The game is still a couple years off, but every word that comes from his mouth is liquid gold. If he were any other developer, i would call it pandering, or false promises, or some other form of manipulation, but Chris Roberts has ALWAYS given us great things. If you haven't heard about Star Citizen yet, take a peek at this: And then, once you've fallen in love, look at this: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/ships-plan/
  18. Which mass effect are you talking about? All three of them were wildly different in terms of gameplay/story quality. 1 had the best story, but the gameplay was downright painful, 2 was the pinnacle of the series, with acceptable gameplay and good story, and 3 had excellent gameplay, and great story unless you beat it, in which case it turned to liquid shit.
  19. Please joing one of the other dozen threads about this exact topic.
  20. GTX550ti. Currently debating whether i should get a second one of those and go dual sli.
  21. That's not what i'm talking about, that was basic materia combo stuff. I'm talking about the in-depth stuff. For instance, if you have multiple linked slots on the same equipment, you can apply multiple linked-materia effects to the same spell. for instance: lets say you have a weapon with three sets of linked slots In the first you have Lightning and MP Absorb, in the second you have Lightning and Quadra Magic, and in the last you have Lightning an All. Every lightning spell you cast will drain MP, hit all enemies AND hit four times. Unfortunately, the only fight i ever needed more than just physical attacks for was Emerald Weapon. BTW, i didn't grind much in FF7, i just followed the subplots as they were handed to me. I never said he was docile, just ineffectual. The only things he ever killed were the weaktastic. Remember that big snake thing in the swamp, that everybody made a big deal of? did you ever go back and fight it? I did. it wasn't even worth the five minutes it took. Whenever an actual challenging enemy confronted him he ran off monologue-ing, and whining about mother. Seifer is a terrible example, and realistically 8 wasn't a particularly great game either. I have huge fantastic bedazzled nostalgia goggles for it, because i only got through disc one as a kid, and the desire to beat that game tortured me for nearly five years before i managed to play it again. That doesn't make it good though. The villains in that game did more flip-flopping than an american politician at the beach. FF8 had a few gems in its soundtrack as well, but the thing about the FF7 soundtrack was that it fit the world SO well, and managed to convey the right emotions for every scene, on top of being quite well done on a composition level. While it's technically possible that a new RPG will surface with better music, the odds are getting slimmer and slimmer as graphics get better. FFX only had two songs i found memorable, and FFXII didn't have any. Other games are also seeing a decline in musical quality, simply because music used to be necessary for setting the mood, and had to be well composed due to limitations in how consoles could output that music. With better graphics the mood can be set through dramatic visuals, with only light background incidental music. You should do it. Kefka was a wonderful villain, and FFVI is one of my favorite RPGs. Not really? It's difficult to take anything Cait Sith says as any more than just telling us what we want to hear. Barret never really liked blowing up reactors, but he did it through necessity. The only thing that changed was that he had bigger fish to fry. There's no real evidence to suggest that he wouldn't have gone straight back to bombing Mako plants. Changes in Cloud's demeanor are hard to gauge because of the stupid "im not really me" subplot. FFX had a lot of good character driven plot. the only really unchanging character was Kihmari, everyone else grew in some way particularly the main character, Sir Dickington the 3rd. I don't think i'm eligible to be part of a PAINS brawl, but even if i were, those are reserved for people who are angrily flailing about. This is just a good natured debate. If you insist.
  22. The dark and redmatter axes both have special abilities that allow you to clear HUGE swaths of wood and foliage.
  23. I'm a glutton for punishment, and try to always beat each game i start, but Till the End of Time was too big for me, when coupled with its badness. The combat system was unintuitive and varied wildly between out of balance in your favor, and out of balance in the enemies favor. i think i was pretty close to the end, at about 160 hours in, i encountered a boss with an attack i couldn't seem to survive or dodge at all. EDIT: Munaus, I'm still ready and willing to go at it, the ball is in your court.
  24. Ugh, now you've gone and made me think about star ocean: till the end of time.
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