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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Civ is pretty great, but i like character driven plot, and military victories. I don't generally like playing civ, because i always seem to end up with a situation where i have a much more powerful military force, but i lost because the opposition built a billion art museums and statues and other artsy fartsy crap, and won a "cultural victory"
  2. From SMT:Nocturne I really do love that whole OST
  3. You brought this back from the dead to whine about somebodies fucking language?
  4. I'm a bit of an expert on ducks, don't bother with this website. These guys might be able to get rid of the ducks, but they always seam to forget to take their weasels back out. You should call your computers manufacturer, they can walk you through duck removal step by step.
  5. You should maybe take the hint, when moderators start making fun of you.
  6. Have you ever tried branching into Turn Based strategy? there are actually a lot of fun games in that genre. FrontMission4, Fire Emblem (the best ones seem to be for the GBA) And, of course, Chess. I tend to go for RPGs, though.
  8. See this conversation right here? that is almost definitely the point. Get a whole bunch of people to say "BUT WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEAAAAAN!?"
  9. Guys, it's a bot. Probably some kind of chatter bot set up by a college student.
  10. Definitely some kind of spambot. Google tells me that there's a "Matt Mohwinkle community/newmember" post on damn near every forum.
  11. I don't know if they do either, but having tried building a frankentop out of spare bits, i can safely say that it is a pain in the ass.
  12. Wasn't aware you wanted a laptop. Those are much tougher to build. You should go with Toshiba, then. They're pretty fantastic.
  13. Just a quick update, crowd funding, and thereby your best chance to participate in the alpha and beta stages, is ending this week. A lot more detail has been announced regarding how the instancing will work, as well as several other systems. Get in here, you know you want to.
  14. You're using Newegg.com wrong. You're supposed to buy the parts from them and build it yourself. I have two machines that i bought prebuilt, one from iBuyPower which was a pretty good value/cost, and one from Fry's, which was excellent value/cost, but sadly, it's a laptop.
  15. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Great techno/gothic/rock soundtrack .hack//Sign - Great OST, especially the vocal stuff. Very pretty, generally relaxing nice music, also with techno influence. Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII - All three games had magnificent soundtracks, from beginning to end.
  16. You can recycle them with IC2, or you can probably use the Philosopher Stone recipes to manually condense it.
  17. That's quite nice. I like the watercolor effect there.
  18. Hey woah, guys. There's a recruitment thread for a reason.
  19. You know a great place to check? The deluxe server board.
  20. Forge. It pretty much has its own modloader built into it, as well as making mods more compatible with each other. Forge is pretty boss.
  21. Tekkit might not exist anymore, but only because circumstances will cause Technic to fill the same function. Also, locking this, because there are several threads about this already.
  22. If it's a bukkit plugin, just release it. A mod based on one of the two might have had to comply with certain nonsense elsewhere, but bukkit is fine. You should totally separate them though. I'd love to play on a server where Mining Lasers were the only way to kill people in RM, and RM Katars were the only way to kill someone in quantum.
  23. Depends. Do you have it made in such a way that you can have one item damage Quantum, and a different one damage RedMatter? Also, is it a bukkit plugin or a mod?
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