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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Actually the bees are in sharp decline, and it's rather alarming.
  2. Didn't forget, i just want bring my current building to a more complete state before i post it anywhere.
  3. This argument is silly. Any fight between two full sets would drag on to infinity. Gem armor gives you flight, so quantum can't hit you. Quantum gives you super-sprint, i DARE you to hit a super sprinter with lightning while she's ducking and weaving, much less hit her the thousand some-odd times you would need to to kill her.
  4. Halt! Cease and desist! Next person to say "hurf durf creative hurf durf" or "lol thats not technic" will be dealt with harshly.
  5. Cut it out, all of you. This thread is for known fixes, not texture packs or making fun of awful posters.
  6. Fun fact, he was damn close to a ban anyways.
  7. I wouldn't consider that to be cheap either, the Iron cost has to be astounding.
  8. The difference is the experience. There is an appeal to a certain amount of limitation, as well as a certain amount of tedium. OP is trying to strike what they perceive as the ideal balance of tedium and expedience.
  9. AVG has been a problem for a long time. Uninstall AVG and redownload the launcher.
  10. I'm really not anything special in minecraft, but if i'm on the server tonight, i'll take a few screenshots.
  11. I don't have any pics, but it's pretty large. I'm building a sort of chapel right now, and its about 25% larger than an NPC village on its own.
  12. I may eventually, but i'm playing in another small server right now. I need to at least finish my town before i move on.
  13. are you using the right wrench? you should post a screenshot of your setup.
  14. did you try using a wooden conductive pipe going from the engine to the stone conductive? Also, you might try gold conductive pipes, much better. Also, have you tried powering the pump directly?
  15. Gender: [ ]Boy [X]Girl How old are you? 22 Do you have a PC or Mac? [X]PC [X]Mac What kinds of games do you like? [ ]Action [X]Shooters [X]RPG [ ]Horror [X]Sandbox [X]Simulators [ ]2D [X]Strategy Are you currently playing any games on a regular basis? [X]Yes [ ]No Name 2 games you like the most. Borderlands 2 Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion How many hours do you spend daily in front of the computer? [ ]none [ ]1-2 hrs [ ]3-5 hrs [ ]5-8 hrs [X]more than 8 hrs Do you consider yourself to be addicted to computer? [X]Yes [ ]No What do you like best about a game? Depends on genre. FPS's and Simulators need good graphics, but RPGs need to have well written plot and dialogue.In the end i tend to enjoy games. Good controls are always necessary though, nothing worse than a game with a great idea ruined by terrible control schemes.
  16. It either depends, or changed recently. I've had a few people who were warned for "inappropriate behavior" reply to auto-generated PMs from me recently, trying to play rules lawyer. Either the inappropriate behavior warning comes with a PM, or an autoPM was implemented recently.
  17. Except that that isn't how scientific discourse works. You said something about e=mc^2 being proven false, and cited a video. I then cited a video and a handful of articles explaining why your citation wasn't accurate. Science isn't about "believe" or "not believe", it's about what you can demonstrate. Also, threads in "off topic" rarely go the way you want them to.
  18. Hey check it out, it's that exact video, except a year ago. Your information is out of date. http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/8/3072393/speed-of-light-neutrino-mistake-cern http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/22/einstein-was-right-all-along-faster-than-light-neutrino-was-product-of-error/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light_neutrino_anomaly Loose cable in the GPS tracking machine, as well as an oversped "clock oscillator", whatever that is. Please be more diligent with your fact checking if you're gonna post physics stuffs.
  19. Peer review or it didn't happen. EDIT: if you're talking about the Neutrinos at CERN, that ended up being an equipment error.
  20. I'm not gonna say the movie was bad, It just felt more Star Wars-y than Star Trek-y.
  21. As a person who enjoys continuity, i will diss enterprise all i like. Are you referring to the time that Tom Paris went everywhere in space at the same time, and turned into a mutant, or the using the Borg Transwarp Coils, which only lasted for abou 20,000 light years? Either way, Voyager never say any practical long term trans-warp capabilities.
  22. These are the things i don't see in your post.
  23. They could totally do that in cannon too, utilizing the same technology that the Borg Trans-Warp nexus used.
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