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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. That's... not how it happened. Google is your friend.
  2. It's a bug in the bukkit port. Nothing we can really do about it, unless someone gets that patch working. This bug is ancient too, several versions old.
  3. Wait, what? I don't think you can power steam engines with BC energy... You need to put some kind of fuel in them. Lava, coal, charcoal, coal coke, those things all work, but i'm pretty sure you can't activate them with the energy they're supposed to produce.
  4. There's no way to do this via configs, so you'll have to hop into the code.
  5. I guess that's what actually gets to me about him, though. He DOES say a lot of things that i agree with, and some of the things he says are spot on, but then he goes on to say and do extraordinarily creepy things elsewhere.
  6. You could also switch to RPtubes, since rejected content gets sent back to its source, rather then dumped on the floor.
  7. Okay, try redownloading everything from scratch. Delete the whole .techniclauncher folder, and redownload the .jar version from the website.
  8. Try this: go to .techniclauncher folder, and make a bat with "java -jar technic-launcher.jar" in it.
  9. Officially, my suggestion is to try going to your .techniclauncher folder and running the .jar, knowing that your parents shitty choice in antivirus may very well be preventing you from playing. Unofficially, my suggestion is to remove it anyway, and then reinstall it after you've got technic working.
  10. PROBABLY. That will PROBABLY fix your problem. There is still the chance that there is another problem, but lets start with the common solutions, please.
  11. He did. If you had searched this topic, or read the "common problems and solutions" post, you would know that AVG has been a problem since the first day we used the launcher.
  12. This looks pretty decent, but your edges look super jagged in that first image.
  13. Jay?


    First tell us what your problem is. Then tell us what error you're receiving. THEN tell us what you've tried already.
  14. Did you honestly read those quotes, and still say that he's a good guy? EDIT: Also, strawman. If you want to criticize feminists for saying sexist shit, do it, but don't pretend that the fact that some feminists do it too, exonerates him for the sexist shit HE says.
  15. Ugh... why did you have to make me look up the femitheist? That was creepy beyond belief.
  16. It wasn't a video, it was a redit page. http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/pfejx/i_love_how_the_whiny_feminist_morality_brigade/c3p2bki?context=3 Almost all of his posts have been removed. I'm assuming it was by him, because reddit has a history of patting rapists on the back. However, this article has a small list of the things he said in that discussion. http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2012/02/08/the-not-so-amazing-atheist-self-immolates/ I don't give a rats ass what someones history is, it doesn't excuse you from poor behavior.
  17. He's threatened women with rape, is a pompous dickbag (a bag of dicks), and is one of those jackasses who claims to "represent" atheists. He also sympathizes with school age bullies, and derides the people they bully. He's just generally a blight on society.
  18. Hm. have you tried going into your settings and making that monitor your "primary" monitor?
  19. If you still have the chance, trade down those Ripjaws for some RAM that isn't "specialty gaming RAM" since that means almost nothing, then take the money you saved and stuff it into a better processor or a better video card. i7 processors are nice, and since you have the power supply for it, you could totally go dual sli on that GTX 550ti
  20. English, but i'm taking classes for Russian.
  21. I believe that if you find a unicorn, which is less rare, it's possible to breed a pegasus.
  22. Try it again, there were some problems with the minecraft servers earlier.
  23. Oh god, my eyes. Please utilize line breaks and indentation. They make things significantly easier to read
  24. Jay?

    Stuck at logo

    I know, but there are also at least three different possible solutions to that problem, and i have no experience with this one, OR windows 8.
  25. No, you can figure that much out yourself.
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