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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. The number of fucks i give could not fill a shot glass. You will follow the rules and the posting guidelines or you will be mocked without mercy.
  2. You're an idiot. Your sentences contain no punctuation, this isn't the server board, and there is not a single person who's going to look at this garbage and be jealous. Learn to spell, learn to use punctuation, learn to read, and learn how to format a post. OR go back to MCforums. The reason your server always gets "ripped the hell out", i assume, is because you post it like that, and stoically refuse to follow the guidelines.
  3. Bravo, that is very well done. The billiards table is an especially nice touch.
  4. How about reading the rules, posting readable sentences and posting in the right sections? How does that sound? I don't actually care how it sounds, because it's not optional.
  5. Can we get off of this train of thought? it really isn't a productive one. Also the difference between creators being upset and consumers being upset is a pretty vast difference. Not saying i necessarily agree, but if you're going to make an analogy, at least make it an accurate one.
  6. It's not the first time a dev has shown up. it's not even the second or third. If people come on and are disruptive, they'll be handled with our typical grace and poise. I'd like to remind you that that goes for everyone. Technics userbase has been known to get a little overzealous in the past as well.
  7. Doesn't go there either. This is a modding question, sounds like.
  8. seriously dude, this topic has been gone over once a week for the last year. use the search button.
  9. This may be the only other time that i chime in, but here goes anyway: The bit about not wanting to cause drama between modders actually makes a lot of sense to me, considering the attitude that many modders as well as regular users have, wherein anyone who works with, for, or in cooperation with technic is instantly branded as being evil and/or terminally dense. Whether or not any of the involved modders ACTUALLY care about that is unknown, but the percieved threat of negative reaction from the community is a real concern.
  10. It aught to be in your steam inventory.
  11. I sent it, you must have declined or blocked it, because now i can't reinvite you.
  12. You realize you just linked to a huge fuckall thread of youtube comments right? Can't see shit in there.
  13. What? you're afraid that if you look for the roaming folder, all your other programs will suddenly realize that it doesn't exist? It's a computer, not an experiment in quantum mechanics. Schroedingers Folder: until you look for it, it is both causing bugs and not causing bugs.
  14. Have you tried just doing a hard search for "roaming" ? Unless a bunch of other things on your computer aren't working, it wouldnt make sense for you to not have a "roaming" folder
  15. That's... Odd. Give us some more system data. EDIT: Actually, go to your Start menu, and search for %.techniclauncher%
  16. No, that probably just means that you have folders hidden. youll need to unhide everything in appdata.
  17. Also, have you bothered trying to redownload the launcher, or clearing out your appdata/roaming/.techniclauncher folder?
  18. Uh... try googling? EDIT: Milk was faster. but yes, those are .net frameworks. I use plurals for them because some things still use older .net framework, so you might still need them.
  19. How about you give us some information?
  20. Try reinstalling your .Net frameworks
  21. And that's fine. the problem comes in when people take their server like that and post "awsum server hamchi only no asshole EVERYTHING ENABLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]]]]]]]] (sory my !key bork)"
  22. I see two possibilities being likely, both of which are good for the end user. A) FTB and technic end up in a "quality arms race", trying to outdo one another, and it just ends up with two great packs. FTB and Technic start specializing more, trying to do things that the other doesnt, leading to more variety to choose from in modpacks.
  23. Hamachi is really easy to use, which is why it gets used so often by people who make really low effort servers (and posts). There's nothing wrong with hamachi.
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