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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Jay?

    world holes

    Put up a server log to pastebin.
  2. I've had some interactions with the FTB guys here, although not slowpoke. They seem like pretty chill folks. Considering the emphasis on "clearing up misconceptions", it makes me wonder whether or not he talked to kaker or chapshot about anything though.
  3. that's because you have to accept the friend request i sent before i can trade with you.
  4. Jay?


    Theres a free demo, if you want to try it yourself. you can get it on steam. I thought the game was pretty bad. Not unplayable, just not compelling enough to pay for.
  5. Madscientist, sending you a coupon now.
  6. Absolutely nothing. Gee, thanks for this immense amount of useful information.
  7. What do you mean by senser net? It sounds like you have malware of some sort.
  8. Lets just stick this up at the top.
  9. Well, if you aren't too connected to the rest of the buildcraft buildy stuff you could block the blue marker things.
  10. Jay?


    This is a gem, really it is. So much information.
  11. Oh, well, if you were playing your tekkit in singleplayer, it AUGHT to be as simple as stuffing the world data from single player into the place where the world data is kept in multiplayer.
  12. Jay?


    All for incredibly stupid things too. In fact, i think his whole posting career is available in the whalebox.
  13. I'm not saying that FTL IS impossible, just that it's a far cry from being a sure thing. There is a very real chance that FTL is nothing but fantasy. Also, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Humanity is capable of plenty of wonders even at our current technological level.
  14. I'm no scientist, but I'm always struck by the fact that so few people acknowledge the possibility that FTL travel isn't possible and we aren't going to meet aliens, just due to the enormous size of space. Hell, the universe could be littered with sentient life forms, but if they can't get anywhere, they're probably not going to find one another.
  15. Nope.They have a very different set of mods. Also a different set of block IDs.
  16. Jay?

    Dear Mods

    Beer, you're overfed. You may have had a steady diet of nice fatty whalemeat before, but we can't afford to keep feeding you like that. I'm afraid you either need to go on a diet, or we'll need to give you up for adoption :(
  17. Uh, yeah, you're kindof an idiot.
  18. Guys seriously. you don't need to have this argument. There's literally nothing you can possibly add to what has already been said. Just read the old threads, nothing has changed.
  19. You have a different Cap display than i do. Mine only displays the 250 gig cap.
  20. Well, part of that gaming involves hosting a private tekkit server, so there's that.
  21. We do by a lot of games, and do some redownload/reinstalling them, but mostly it's the online gaming that kills us.
  22. Dude, you gave us an incorrect steam name. We couldn't give anything to you if we wanted to. Stop whining.
  23. I also got one of those. I wasnt aware that they were transferrable. In that case, I also have a coupon for someone who comes in and wants it. Also, this totally belongs in the arcade, so i'm moving it there. EDIT: also, thanks a lot steam, for sending me awesome coupons for awesome games, but only when i already own them.
  24. Why did you crosspost this? just edit your first one next time.
  25. Not necessarily. Mojang did some odd shit a month or two ago with their log in system.
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