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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. have you gotten a mojang account recently? you might need to log in with your mojang rather than your minecraft.
  2. Girls, stop arguing, you're both pretty awful.
  3. Oh this guy is a regular. Sovietcheese is his 3rd or 4th account, all of which popped on, complained about trains and zeppelins (and once tried to get us to add the mcdonalds mod O_o). The only reason we haven't bothered stopping him from coming back is the fact that he has a Whalebox Moment ratio higher than 60%. It's really pretty astounding.
  4. Uh, what i was saying is that the twitter account posts things TO the main site. If you look at the main site you can see the twitter and do what you want with that information.
  5. Jay?


    If we had the power to do that, the world population would take a nose dive. Starting with this guy.
  6. You may want to read the news posts on the news section of the site.
  7. Okay, so CC use Lua, if you need help look for lua tutorials, but if you don't understand lua, you're just making things much harder for yourself, when you could just be using signs.
  8. Uh yeah, if you can't figure out a "hello world" you should probably not worry too much about working on computercraft.
  9. Well, where was it supposed to go? did you expect people to just keep wandering in and saying "yeah man, typos"?
  10. i don't consider it a necro unless it's at least two weeks old, however i get more severe for much older posts.
  11. Thats a big terminal. Either Computercraft or Redpower computers.
  12. Jay?

    Dear Mods

    Don't misunderstand, there's still plenty of stupid abound, it's just that now, the stupid tends to hop into already created threads, and we have to moderate without causing a huge scene. HOWEVER, if you want a good laugh, you should check out the boxed threads about the person who "caught" the hacker that was changing everyones accounts.
  13. I recognize that it's unfeasible for modern journalists (see: Julian Assange), I just feel like the modern world could do with a nice, big, binge drinking, coke snorting, truth speaking, Hunter S. Thompson clone. He would walk into rooms and you could identify all the bankers, because they'd be busily scurrying out the windows.
  14. Mechwarrior still exists? I thought Armored Core had finally put it into its grave and claimed the throne as "most popular/coolest mech game"
  15. So, there was a big hullabaloo about BL2 recently, how eurogamer released 14 minutes of gameplay footage, which was apparently covered in a non-disclosure act somewhere along the line. There was a lot of BL2 publicity that arose out of it, among other things. However, one phrase gave me pause. A lot of people bandied about the term "shoddy journalism". And then there's me thinking "no wait, isn't that BETTER journalism?" The source was accurate, the information was correct, and it filled a spot in the community that was previously lacking. Basically, i'm wishing journalism was more like the way it was long before i was born, in an age where journalists are feared and hated because they will do ANYTHING for a story. We have such watered down journalism now, where the things people want to keep secret are kept secret, whether or not they're things that the general public should know. Before you get your knickers in a knot, i realize that Borderlands 2 is not exactly "serious business", but it still underscores something i view as a decidedly negative trend.
  16. Well, for one thing, yes, i am the kind of girl who won't watch things unless they have decent resolution, but that's not what kills my bandwidth. What kills my bandwidth is the fact that my roommate and i both play online games, and use Digital Distribution solutions to buy our games. That puts us squarely at about 600 gigs a month, if you include all our streaming.
  17. Done about what? It's not as if we can build a giant moonbase to broadcast hypnotic signals into the home of every human being and tell them all to acknowledge us as supreme overlords stop being idiots.
  18. Oh god, this is bad news. I've never once abided by my data cap with them, and if they're going to start actually billing for it I'm going to have to switch providers sooner than i thought. EDIT: also, who signed up for the service? They should be able to use their regular email to get their account info sorted out.
  19. Do we not have Advanced Power Systems in the pack? I hardly ever play regular technic now >_>
  20. In fact, if you're thinking about following in Tesla's footsteps at ALL, you may want to avoid investors. Or at least always have a lawyer present when the investors come around. You may also wish to avoid pigeons.
  21. And even then the best you can hope for is a museum in your name, a reputation for mad science, and an internet poster.
  22. OR you could overengineer all of the things and do it this way: Solar Array>cables>IC2 Storage> Cables> Energy link/appropriate crossover engine> energy pipes> teleport pipes> energy pipes> BC storage> Energy pipes> Energy Link> Cables> IC2 Storage.
  23. Bumps ARE low effort posts. As for other people bumping, report it. We punish every instance of bumping that we see, but the fact that we are not omniscient doesn't excuse YOUR rule breaking. Finally, nobody really cares what you want. This has always been a community where rulebreakers are made fun of.
  24. I suppose that's true, but it looks like the decision has already been made. My roomate just bought a laptop from HP, and i's coming with a free 360.
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