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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Well, the recommended version was 6.1.1, but i would actually suggest going with 7.0.1, since it has Thaumcraft 2. Also, if you're seriously going to get this butthurt about losing worlds, you should stop playing things that have frequent updates.
  2. Okay, if you want to play the old version, delete your launcher folder completely, and select "manual build selection" and pick the version you want. You can also do that to avoid auto updates if you're using a mac.
  3. There is no straight answer, because, like with consoles, OSes, Music, Software, Developers, and a myriad of other things, it depends on your priorities.
  4. There's a dialog box that pops up when it's going to update, and that crystal ball? It's called the website. This update wasn't new information.
  5. Give it a try before you give up. The thermal machines mod is really well done.
  6. Read the announcement. Also you should be backing up your worlds before updates anyways.
  7. did you miss the announcement? the new version isn't compatible with old saves. This is why you're encouraged to keep backups, particularly in long term games like minecraft.
  8. If you were on the west coast, i'd say take a trip through Portland. It's one of the strangest cities i've lived in (and i've been around a bit). Every turn gives you some kind of bizarre sight to see. Accordian players on stilts, unicycling darth vader playing bagpipes, a parade of naked bicyclists, a crowd of people training their cats to ride on their shoulders, 60 person pillow fights, there's even a funny hat/croquet/bowling league. Living here is an exercise in the surreal.
  9. No, it's NOT bad advice. Starting a fresh server on the same machine that's giving you a problem now is dumb, and doing it in single player is twice as dumb because it cuts out half of what needs to happen. Go on a real server and test it, i can guarantee that the problem is with YOUR machine.
  10. Is that your whole launcher log? i don't see a crash in it. Have you tried reinstalling technic, and selecting your build manually, rather than through the "use recommended" or "use latest" options?
  11. Okay, did you see the bit where i gave you advice? please follow it. I'm almost certain the problem is on your end.
  12. Garth "Uhm, Wayne? What do you do if every time you see this one incredible woman, you think you're gonna hurl? " Wayne "I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be."
  13. You should edit your previous post in almost all situations. Have you tried going to your modloader folder, right clicking the cfg, and choosing notepad (or whatever you want) as the default? The button doesn't know what program to open it with unless your system already knows.
  14. Im not a fan of adventure time, or that other show that all the adventure time folks seem to like. something about a pancake? Anyway, Xylord, that whole coma thing has been the 9gag/reddit/4chan explanation for almost every weird cartoon in the last decade. Some of them even have entertaining writings that go with them (the pokemon one was good.)
  15. What version are you trying to launch? the newer dev builds have Forge Mod Loader, which our button doesn't work with yet.
  16. if you have a .techniclauncher folder, give us the log. Otherwise you can try adding everything related to the launcher as an exception in your antivirus, temporarily turning off or uninstalling your AV. Avira isn't usually a problem, but without further info, this looks like the same problem we have with AVG and Norton.
  17. Yeah, well go try it in a real server. It's quite possible that your machine just isn't up to running a server. Nobody else seems to be having this problem, so the likelihood of a "fix" is pretty slim.
  18. Are you experiencing this in more than one server? you may be on a junky server, and your packets are disappearing when crossing a chunk line.
  19. Have you tried going to the options and choosing your build manually? sometimes the autoselect doesn't work.
  20. Don't listen to them, it's actually a terrible virus! It'll delete your hard drive, your backup drive, the easter eggs on your dvds, the food safety information from all the labels in your cupboards, and make your mp3 player play nothing but neil diamond!
  21. "Be yourself, everyone else is taken" ~Oscar Wilde
  22. Portland, OR. Unfortunately im not in an area where i can get FiOs, so i'm pretty much stuck with Comcast. They are enormous dicks. im dropping almost 80 a month on my internet alone, and while it's generally pretty fast, it shuts down for two hours on sunday evenings, every week, during which time the company insists that the connection is on and active (they are lying liars who lie.) Also they have a data cap, that they seem to not really enforce, however, they DO harass me multiple times a month to let me know that i've gone over, which i usually do after about one week.
  23. It's true, i haven't been very active at all. There have been stretches of multiple days where i haven't posted. I'd like to be on more, but my real life job can be very demanding sometimes. Besides, this isn't a very big deal, the rest of the mod team is perfectly capable of managing this place without my help, particularly with the recent changes.
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