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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. We are rude/mean/asshat primadonnas because there are very simple rules here. Nobody gets off scott free for mistkes that could have been prevented with a modicum of effort.
  2. 1) The launcher IS a launcher, we know this because it launches things. 2) What the everloving fuck. Do you read stickies? for instance, the sticky titled "common problems and solutions".
  3. [awful jokes incoming] A piece of string walks into a bar. The barman says "Sorry, buddy, we don't server string here." so ho goes off, and tells his friends no to worry, and that he has a plan, and ties himself up. He walks inot the bar, and the barman says, "Hey, aren't you that piece of string that was in here earlier?" String says "No, i'm a frayed knot." A bear walks into a bar, and the barman says "Hey man, you gotta go, we don't serve bears here." Bear says "If you don't gimme a beer, im gonna have to eat one of your customers" Barman says "you gotta do what you gotta do, but i can't serve any bears here." So the bear goes around, and finds this skeezy, trashy, drunken old lady, and he EATS her. back at the bar he says "Well, i did it. I ate one of your customers. NOW will you gimme a beer?" Barman says "No way man, i told you, we don't server bears, especially not bears on drugs!" Bear says "Drugs!? I'm not on any drugs!" Barman says "Yeah, well what about that bar bitch you ate?" (barbiturate. because some people won't get it >_>)
  4. It wasn't entertaining shit though, it was just shit. It was a big wall of Fuuuuuu- followed by garbled text that i couldn't decipher.
  5. Do me a flavor and stick your whole serverlog into pastebin.
  6. Uh, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say you can't "moneytize" it. Mostly because it's a supremely dick move. Also because there are a million completely free videos that do the exact same tutorial.
  7. Jay?

    New to Tekkit

    Stop signing your posts.
  8. It's true, however, on a case as large as this we should have made roughly 3 grand.
  9. Jay?

    New to Tekkit

    AVG is also a problem antivirus. Delete it and try installing technic again.
  10. So, there's a busker in Portland, OR, and i love him so much. Most of what he does is normal country-shit hipster-busker fare, but there was one day that a friend and i were chatting near him, and my buddy kev has a particular cadence to his voice. This busker sat there with his guitar, and turned Kevs story into a blues song. Kev: "so i woke up this morning" Busker: "Well he woke up this morniiing" (Da nuh, nuh-nuh) Kev: "and i had some fried eggs and bacon" Busker: "havin fried eggs an' bacon" (Dah nuh, nuh-nuh) Kev: "and i saw somthing funny in the eggs" Busker: "An' there's sumthin funny in the eggs" (Dah nuh- nuh-nuh) Kev: "so i said "hey honey, what'd you do to these eggs?" Busker: "So i said honey what'd do to these eggs!" (Da-nuh-nuhnuhnuhnuhnuh-nuh nah.) And so on and so forth. When kev finally finished his story, we look at the guy and he's holding a tattered sign that says "too fuckin sober for this shit"
  11. The great part about the launcher is that you won't even need to mcnostalgia that. You can just keep playing what you like.
  12. Okay, so the printing bill was increased due to a number of different reasons, and crested the 1K mark yesterday. We paid the contractor managing the specialty roughly 4k. We only billed $5,260 on the case q_q. On the other hand, we DID snag a much more favorable contract with that client for their numerous smaller reviews. totally worth it.
  13. Any particular reason this was posted in cafe lame rather than the SSP Screenshot thread?
  14. Speaking of other modding communities, I've heard rumblings that the Annihilation team is finally going to release a version of the Annihilation mod for Warhammer 40k: Soulstorm
  15. Not gonna happen. If you'd read the million other posts about this exact same topic, you'd know what happened and why forestry is gone, never to return.
  16. Hmm. If you're playing the game it's probably not your AV, but you might try turning off norton and reinstalling technic. Also give us your log
  17. Is that your whole log? It looks like you installed Java 7 but didn't ditch Java 6. The major minor error means that the server is trying to use the wrong java
  18. The old way was "You post something dumb, and a moderator or admin spent 15 minutes in the background making you look stupid" The new way is "you post something stupid, and a moderator clicks three buttons, and you look stupid" The biggest difference, for people who post stupid stuff anyways, is that in the old way, you hjust had to post well and hope that a mod eventually forgave you. In the new way it automatically goes away after a set period of time.
  19. It's definitely got potential, but we're also definitely losing money on this project. It's a good investment to make though, since if we can impress this client, they're easily a 200,000 a month client.
  20. We have a relatively nice copy machine, but the client wanted this account resolved by Tuesday, which means that we need the whole thing printed by monday morning, and we have no weekend staff.
  21. In the course of my job, i print a lot of documents. Well, my company just got a HUGE shipment, and about two hours ago, i signed an expenditure request for $860 dollars. To print things. granted, it's to print roughly 25,000 pages, but still. My company just dropped almost a grand, on printing.
  22. Ooooooh that thing looks like it would actually be a nice little programming station to work on GBA code without distractions like Deus Ex and Borderlands on...
  23. What? I've never seen that be the case. That's roughly the case with nano armor, which is why nano is next to useless.
  24. They do discharge, just very very very slowly. Most server owners i've seen just disable crafting the chestpiece.
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