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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. There may be an issue with your launcher. Redownload it and don't let spoutcraft update.
  2. Yeah, you definitely need to update your drivers. how old is your machine? have you been able to play technic before? That error is saying that your card doesn't support a basic graphics process.
  3. It may auto update it's webstart java, but that's a different bit. Use firefox and go and ACTUALLY update it, because you most definitely are not using the latest java. Google is lying to you. (coincidentally, they are also lying to you when they say that chromebooks are gonna be awesome.)
  4. Google chrome doesn't autoupdate your java. Give us your log and we might be able to see something.
  5. you're lucky that i'm in such a good mood. I was quite tempted to leave it.
  6. It isn't necessary, but i like to do it anyway. It's a chance for me to be sassy.
  7. What? that wasn't even me being mean. Thats the part that comes next. That was me explaining exactly why it's important for pvp servers to have posts that look good. I was using the general you, as in "all of you" "you people". However, NOW i'm using the personal you, as in you screwed up.
  8. There is no free minecraft. even if we were to fix your problem you wont be able to play. Also, wrong section, ro report format, answer is in the stickies.
  9. I'm not going to walk you through it. If you want to see what we're looking for in deluxe servers, go look at the servers that have been deluxed.
  10. Most of the SMT games are great. Stay away from the "raidou kusunoha vs" games though, they were slow and clunky. Also, be prepared for a much more difficult experience than final fantasy has ever given you. SMT is kind of like Final Fantasy, merged with pokemon, on meth and steroids at the same time. Do not play your first playthrough on hard mode, you will be eaten.
  11. Try ditching WMP, and getting VLC instead, Also have you gone and gotten yourself the K-Lite codec pack yet?
  12. If you're going to go for SMT, a couple other noteworthy games in the franchise are Digital Devil Saga's 1 and 2, and Persona 3.
  13. yeah, sure that's a great sentiment, except that your post is supposed to be representative of the server. If you aren't willing to go to the effort of making the post look decent, there's no way you could be trusted to put the effort into making a server with a robust experience. Now stop. you have your answer, it's not going to change just because you don't like it. I did look at the screenshots. Your server post is ugly. You need to make it look better. Then, once it looks better, you need to make it look even better than that.
  14. Pff. Go and get yourself a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Or Deus Ex.
  15. like i said. If it doesn't look good, in addition to being unique it's not going to be deluxed. and before you go spouting about how theres no point in making pvp servers look good, look at forgotten vault. That's not just pvp, it's an anarchy server that got deluxed.
  16. Is anything banned on the server? have you tried crafting vanilla things? are you the only person on the server with this problem?
  17. O_o that's incredibly odd. Have you tried starting a new world? how about clearing your cache? try redownloading the server?
  18. It's a communal thing, there are no individual board moderators. The actual deluxing is almost always done by cheapshot or kakermix though. As for how to make your server deluxe, you can start by making it not ugly. Then go further and make it pretty. Then go further than that and make it fantastic. Then go further than that and make it unique.
  19. No, that's completely false. I grew up in Brockton, and the only macs i even SAW were the shitty iMacs in middle school No, no i'm not. In fact, aside from the ipad i use for work, i don't use any apple products because their production is shoddy, customer service is ridiculous, and quality is, in general, lower than their competitors.
  20. Uh yeah, you do realize that the launcher is open source right? you didn't get hacked because of the launcher. What you did was mistype your password for the password change. If you HAD been hacked via someone leeching your password from the launcher, the password reset would have prevented the hacker from changing your password again.
  21. Tesla coils still work, but they can't be modified. Nothing is being removed.
  22. Definitely watch at least the first couple seasons. after a while they get into this angels vs demons conflict that was (i think at least) a little TOO over the top.
  23. Actually, Macs are great for artists, old people who don't want to learn how to use computers, and children who can't be trusted with a system as flexible as windows (much less linux) Bullshit. 9 times out of 10, a mac is the wrong choice, because it's only the right choice for the handful of people i listed above, and just costs more for the ability to do less.
  24. When i was a teenager is was into all the silly witchy-poo thjings that all the gothy outcast loner teens try out. Then i discovered !!science!!. Did you know that Ethanol burns at 55 degrees Fahrenheit? And also, water wont put it out. Neither will the majority of fire-retardant foams employed in the U.S. basically what i'm saying is that however dark your imagination can be, however evil the superstitious fantastical creatures you read about may be, one nasty human being with a little creativity and access to a highschool level chemistry set will blow it right out of the water.
  25. OR you could stop wasting peoples time and use google.
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