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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. That's not your whole log, but it sounds like you need to delete your tekkit folder and have it redownload.
  2. Okay, give us your newest log, and we'll see if we can fix that too.
  3. What's that supposed to mean? We have absolutely no tolerance for stupidity here. If anything shit like that is how you make sure that you get punished.
  4. League of Legends is still going strong for unimaginable reasons. Their fanbase is hideous though.
  5. Why the hell did you choose Mute Gray for the text that you were putting into the Light Gray text box?
  6. If less doesn't help, try it up to 2 gigs.
  7. Is that serverside or clientside? i was asking about clientside, it's unlikely that the server is what's slow. Try allocating 1 gig to the client, maybe even less. (java is a strange beast.)
  8. Yeah, it has to do with how java changes between major versions. It actually makes a new path in the java folder, which can trick a lot of programs into not updating the path, since there's nothing wrong with the old path.
  9. Hrmph. How much ram do you have allocated?
  10. Yes. It's likely that your installation is trying to use Java 6, despite Java 7 being available to it.
  11. Update to java 7, that should fix it.
  12. Do you have a single core computer? the version of Optifine that comes standard may not be the right one for you.
  13. That usually means that you've got the wrong bit version of Java. Did you make sure to get the 64 bit Windows JRE?
  14. My cursive is gorgeous. It makes me sad that my descendants might look at my letters and stories have no goddamn idea what they mean.
  15. Doesn't matter. I like Choptree2. It's just the not having any plugins that causes the leak. McMMO is a good choice too, if you like that kind of thing.
  16. Next time use code tags. You're still running Java 6. Try deleting ALL of your java stuff and installing 7 from scratch.
  17. then your problem must not be like his.
  18. does your server have any plugins installed? theres a bug with servers without plugins, that causes them to eat up processing power.
  19. It's important to note, all you people talking about how grammar isnt that important, that the reading of legal documents, particularly contracts and pieces of legislation is highly dependent on using grammar to create accurate sentences. This is necessary to ensure that there aren't loopholes that people (or organizations (or governments)) can use to skirt their responsibilities, or manipulate to their own benefit, despite the intent of the document. It's important for average people to understand these things because everyone ends up signing contracts eventually, and you're responsible for reading that crap. Also, our education system is tailored to the people doing the worst, so more people doing badly in grammar results in schools teaching less grammar.
  20. try uninstalling norton. It sometimes keeps its fingers in things even if there's an exception (sometimes even if it's off)
  21. Show us your new log. EDIT: also get the newer version of the launcher, you've got, it should be
  22. Your topic was probably deleted because you either posted it in the wrong section, or didn't follow the report format. He fixed it by deleting all the java 6 crap, getting java 7, and launching the .jar.
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