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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. WOOPS. I lied. I assumed that steam would keep my series in order of chronology, or at least release, but no, it kept them in alphabetical. I've been playing Human Revolution.
  2. No. The launcher functions by downloading the minecraft files from mojang. In order to do this, it needs to relay valid login credentials.
  3. Well, Cosmos is always going to be first on my list, because carl sagan is my nerd-crush. It was wildly popular... about 30 years ago. So it may be a little harder to track down than Into the Universe, which isn't even 3 years old yet. They're both on netflix though, so if you've got 8 bucks and a debit card, you can watch them both. Cant say for How the Universe Works, someone gave it to me as a gift.
  4. When dealing with a person of unknown gender, "they" is a valid pronoun.
  5. Be aware of any reviews of anime because the level of fanboy/antifanboy attached to the community is so intense, that most reviews are either blindly stating that it's great, or blindly stating that it's awful. You're better off asking people that you know if you want reccomendations on anime.
  6. Almost definitely. I've snipped the link, since idont like the idea of them getting ore traffic.
  7. I'll look into those, but for now, I'm hooked on 2.
  8. So, i skipped Deus Ex 1 because of the graphics. Dont get me wrong, i like a good story, and im certainly not all about graphics, but with my high def screen it just looked hideous. After 10 minutes of playing Deus Ex 2, all i can say is Holy Fuck. It was somebodies job to tell me about awesome stuff like this, and they dropped the fuckin ball, man.
  9. Yes, that is exactly what i was talking about. Test your ram, and see if it's all working properly. If it is, then i can't help you.
  10. It's odd that you assume anyone who disagrees with you is just ill read. But anyway, now that you've made that final leap from trying to vaguely provide things that might be counterpoints to my arguments, to trying to use emotional appeals and insults to intelligence to make your point, i feel that it's time to wrap this thread up. Show's over folks, go home, and throw the popcorn bags in the recycling on the way out.
  11. What? what does this have to do with optifine? You probably have something blocking the pack from downloading tekkit properly. That or you are using the wrong version.
  12. Actually, no, he didn't have to get congress to vote on it, because the deferred action IS a power the president has a right to legally. China IS actually very loose in controlling their businesses, which makes the country wealthier, but the people significantly poorer. Actually, Edison wasn't an inventor, he was a ceo. His "inventions" were all things that already existed, he just told people how they could be applied in practice. He offered Nikola Tesla the modern equivalent of $1 million to figure out how to make lightbulbs work, and when tesla did it, and asked for his check, Edison said that he had only been joking, then went off to sell his new patent. Also his power stations? those were all DC (direct current) and completely impractical. It was Teslas' discovery of Alternating Current that was the big breakthrough. Stress by the government? the government PAYS for those things. The railroad industry in particular hasnt made a profit in 6 years at the very least. Every year, a huge chunk of government money goes to keeping railroads open, usable, and in good repair, because almost anything that's transported by train, can be more cheaply hauled in some other way. Speaking of Insurance companies, you want a shark to blame for the blood in the water, THERE's a shark for you. Were you aware that the insured cost for procedures is typically ten times that of the uninsured cost? (here's the part where you say That's interesting, since the argument of music was one of the first you made, and one of the first I addressed. And no, there isn't such a thing as natural talent. Only hard work, and acting like musicians who use a computer aren't musicians because they don't use a physical instrument is not only absurd, it's offensive. Also, while you seem to have decided that this is an argument between liberal and conservative, it isn't. I'm arguing against your logical fallacies and your idea that a lack of controls would bring about positive conditions. I have, but considering that Animal farm Is anticommunist (and pro socialist, in case you missed the beginning of the book), and Fahrenheit 451 is ostensibly about the television discouraging literature (and speculatively about the suppression if ideas)
  13. On further investigation, the only article i can find with any citations that is not also published by a conservative opinion column, states that the "amnesty" plan violates article 1, section 8 of the constitution, which states that congress shall have the power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization. However, the obama plan doesn't lead to naturalization, it's just deferred action, to be judged again every two years. As a note, i find it interesting that you argue against government interference with american life, but then note that it "only recently became illegal to track someone without a warrant" Actually, companies moved their operations to china because in china, people will work twelve hour days, 7 day weeks, for a few dollars a day. Again, if you really want to reject those protections, go somewhere where your wellbeing is secondary to your employers. Like china. Steve Jobs is one man, and most certainly did not start out poor. Neither did Bill Gates. They both invented something, and found someone to buy it. Nobody who lacks technological knowledge has that opportunity, and so those people need the protection of the law. Nice definition.com skillz, but we are so far from either of those things it's not even funny. Talent isn't natural, do you know any singers? Ask them how long it took them to develope that talent. Same with any instrumentalists. Also, you don't CODE music. you take samples of sounds and arrange them, one tiny piece at a time, manually changing pitch, length, and speed. Now ask someone who does that for a living how long it took them to develope the talent to do that well. You seem to be laboring under the idea that nothing that you use a computer for is valid and worthwhile. Welcome to the 21st century, computers are tools in the same way that a guitar is. You tell it what to do and it does it, the quality of the result is how good you are at telling it what to do. Music doesn't have to lack computers to be music, it has to have Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody.
  14. Nope. Try going into your options and changing your view distance.
  15. Immigration, being a federal responsibility, is not subject to the tenth amendment, which says that states retain any rights not reserved by the federal government. Again, you seem to not understand what music is, or the amount of talent it requires. Music doesn't require skill with an instrument, vocal ability, or tradition. It requires Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody. Not really. sex outside of a committed monogomous relationship, without consent, is bad, but not because of sex. That has more to do with trust. Paranoia isn't a valid argument against reliance on technology. And again, you seem to think that nothing technological requires talent. Communism: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Socialism: From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution. The american dream is a sham.The self made man does not exist. We survived in a sparsely regulated state of business because the means of production, shipping, and selling were primitive, and a reasonable financial investment could give you enough of a hold to make a respectable business. Now that we have vast megacorporations that can spend 2 million dollars on putting a single location out of buisiness, just so that they can have less competition in the area means that stricter protections are necessary. No, try again, criticism of one government policy does not disprove the idea that regulations are a necessary function.
  16. The launcher makes it the version that you tell it to. Make sure that you've selected the version that goes with the server you're trying to connect to.
  17. I actually HAVE seen that, and the problem ended up being a bad stick of ram. I can't tell you that that's your problem, but its a starting place.
  18. Learn to communicate. There are a dozen icons that you could be referring to as the cheat toggle. BTW which one did you click?
  19. Actually, almost everything you've mentioned is way off. The amnesty plan is only for immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the US before they were 16 years old, have lived here for at least five continuous years, have no criminal record and either are now attending high school, graduated from high school, earned a GED or served in the military. That's a net gain for the U.S. That's less money spent deporting productive people. Classical music has been enjoying a resurgence on an incredible scale, and there's nothing wrong with rap, hiphop, dubstep, or in fact, any of the newer genres of music. The purpose of music is to be shared and enjoyed, so the fact that you dont enjoy them doesn't speak to their quality, so long as other people enjoy them. Your use of the term "unaltered music" tells me that you don't understand the skills necessary to create good computer generated music. Music is a collection of sounds, arranged in a fashion so as to express a message or be compelling. That's just dumb. It isn't new, it isnt just a U.S. thing, and sex isnt bad. By all means, you are welcome to give up modern medicine, comfortable life, and go live in the woods. Your argument that we should regress back to a time when the average life expectancy was in the 40s is downright silly. you don't know what communism is do you? Completely free enterprise doesn't work on such a large scale. Regulations are absolutely necessary, because the lack of regulations breeds poverty and hostility towards small buisiness. An unregulated market provides the largest group to overpower smaller groups, and run them into the ground in the pursuit of profit. You can blame No Child Left Behind for that. We're teaching to the lowest common denominator, and we're teaching to a dry, empty standard, rather than engaging kids and generating curiosity. Basically, go back to your porch, yell at the children to get off your lawn, and come back when you have sources for me to refute.
  20. In game, go to your inventory and click on the options button. There should be a cheat toggle in there.
  21. In the mean time try completely uninstalling McAfee, as it can be a dick if it's not configured properly.
  22. Okay, first off, that's the Java error, what we need is the launcher error, in .techniclauncher/logs
  23. Stop that. We don't care about your pictures, we want your fat juicy errors. You couldn't edit it out because I did it first.
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