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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. You never actually told us whether you did or not, you just told us we were assuming you did, and then say that the fix wasn't practical, and didn't work for someone else. you also didn't do was tell us what the result of trying it was. Realistically though, if it's a problem with the server, and you cant get your clients to use a plugin, your options are to set up frequent auto restarts and wait for the next server update, or use a previous version.
  2. dude, seriously, your problem is an entirely different one, go submit your own report.
  3. It is, but you're running some kind of bizarre double-bit system, and we have no way to know what's going on. Unless another user has come up with some kind of magical fix, you'll probably need to wait for a new version that may or may not fix it. (dual booting isnt really too hard, though)
  4. Okay, but since you run servers, you should know that different systems don't always react the same, and that two bugs that look like the same thing aren't always the same thing. So please, seriously, you came here to get help with your bug, and we gave you advice. If you aren't going to try the advice before dismissing it, what do you want from us?
  5. uh, yeah, if you're playing ssp fine, then your problem has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on here. This person can't even get the launcher to open, so stop threadjacking.
  6. A large part of it is that the last few days have been goddamn ridiculous. the other part is that he said that it didn't make sense for it to work, and asked for us to provide him a fix, without actually trying it first.
  7. so try bootcamp? if not, you may need to dual boot. (dual booting will be good for you in the long run anyways)
  8. It'll probably be slow with wine. If it's too slow to play with wine, you might look into dual booting.
  9. It's a bug. Did you bother following the advice before dismissing it?
  10. Okay, well download the .jar instead. DONT get it from your .techniclauncher folder, get it from the website.
  11. can you uncheck those two java 6's? EDIT: try getting Wine or bootcamp and running technic in a windows emulation.
  12. Okay, how did you know that you had when you filled out the bug report?
  13. Okay, well post your newest log, it should be appended with "_0"
  14. No, you don't need to delete the exe, but it's important that you have the correct launcher version when doenloading mods, the previous one wouldn't download the right version of minecraft.
  15. even launching the .jar you get the
  16. Is that still going on? i believe theres a fix for that in the common problems and solutions thread.
  17. You aren't aloud to post regularly there, you have to use the "submit a bug report" button.
  18. Yeah, it shouldn't be doing that. Try downloading the .jar from the website.
  19. It's possible that you're launchers aren't closing out properly... Try reinstalling your java and any dependencies. Besides that. i've got no clue.
  20. you can also try temporarily uninstalling your AV and redownloading. The chumps get more responses because they make us mad. Also, the people who are competent usually end up solving their own problems.
  21. Have you tried gluing goldfish all over your body and jogging laps around the library of congress? Also get the newer version of the launcher. We're on
  22. so THAT'S what's going on. yesterday was bizzarre.
  23. Does this tuff happen on new worlds, or just the one you've got now? Also, what about other servers?
  24. You need to ditch that host. Java 7 has been the recommended version for a while. You COULD just use modloader to disable nether ores, but you also would have to disable advanced machines. Better off just saving your world and getting a host that has the ability to stay up to date.
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