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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. You're not from these parts are you? posting misinformation is a capital offense, particularly when Google would reveal the answer.
  2. Post your whole log and we'll find out. Also the bit that tells you only to post the relevant part of your log, that means to only post the most recent session of your log, not just the error bit of it.
  3. It's not just the latest forge they conflict with. They use ModloaderMP which has pretty much always clashed with forge. We here at technic don't recode things, we combine things. If you want flans mods to be in tekkit, you'd need to convince flan to recode everything to not use modloadermp.
  4. The difference is in the quality of writing. MLP is written, by a writer, who writes stories. Barney, and all the other kids shows, are not so much "written" as slapped together as an excuse to draw children's attention to the bright colors and flashing lights.
  5. It's technically possible. Java 7 is available for 32 bit though. We've already gone through the fixs that worked for other OSx users.
  6. Consider: This is for minecraft 1.1 and hasn't been updated at all THIS WHOLE YEAR. Also, it's ugly.
  7. Also try spelling it right. M-F-S-U
  8. Wait, the regular minecraft launcher can't connect to minecraft.net either? there's nothing we can do about that. Try completely reinstalling java, but it sounds like you're having an actual java issue.
  9. check youtube for cow generators and soup generators.
  10. Nono, this is probably a good thing. so long as they don't screw it up in a legendary fashion, this will result in more SMP options, easier hosting for individuals, and probably even better SMP performance.
  11. post pics of your setup.
  12. Uhuh, and what mode are you in? is it duplicating the items, or are you crafting them?
  13. go to video options and increase your view distance.
  14. You're going to need to be a lot more specific. What windows are you using, what version of 32 bit java, and most importantly TELL US WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.
  15. do you have any plugins? there's a bug with this version of craftbukkit that causes servers with no plugins to eat performance. Other possiblities are cable loops and machines spitting item entities everywhere.
  16. you're probably not giving it enough space to grow. Now stop bumping all the ancient rubber tree topics.
  17. Not me, leather armor is plenty if you have a gem sword at hand.
  18. Yeah, that's pretty innefficient though. if you get a chainsaw you can tear through leaves, and theyll drop, and you can use them for plantballs, which can be turned to compressed plantballs, stuffed into cells, and extracted into biofuel, which can be stiffed into fuel cans. It ends up being several hundred times more efficient than just dumping the equivalent amount of plant matter into the generator. Charcoal factories ARE easier though.
  19. I never bother, that iron could be put to better use towards crafting the hundreds of solar panels you'll end up wanting. I also never use coal for burning, and instead set up a charcoal production factory, or if i'm feeling like a hippy, a biofuel factory.
  20. Don't do either of those. Complete and utter waste.
  21. I'm checking it out. I never really wanted to before, but hey, if it's free, why not?
  22. Are you sure you saw it on a bukkit server and not just a regular server? google turns up a bunch of requests for a bukkit port, but no bukkit port.
  23. Its all a lie! Technic will steal your password and kick ur dog! It totally reroutes all the moders donation to a swiss bank account!
  24. Pretty sure that is not bukkited.
  25. You're partially correct. I may not like the game much, but without spending a single cent, i managed to play enough games to unlock a couple fun champions with just my winnings. As long as Planetside2 keeps things in rotation, and lets you earn a reasonable amount of income to buy those things permanently, it's not an issue.
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