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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Why are you such an astounding idiot? I gave you advice, which you refused to take, and then you're complaining that my tech support (which is not what we do here) is bad? Do you really not understand the diagnostic value of checking a behavior on a system besides the one that isn't displaying the intended behavior? Also, if you don't want to be called dumb (which i didn't actually do before now), this isn't the forum to say dumb shit in. Maybe you should have read the forum just a bit before coming in here.
  2. That's the one. i agree, but i really don't think it's saying much.
  3. Try deleting your entire .techniclauncher folder and downloading a new launcher.
  4. That makes sense, but i hate tablets. And i don't particularly like laptops either. If a computer is less than 3 feet tall, im probably not terribly interested. (my phone isn't even a smartphone)
  5. If you have manual build selected, you will not get further updates automatically. Yes, you could have saved your world by quitting any time before you entered the actual world.
  6. okay, first make sure you're deleting all the bits and pieces of AVG, then do a system restart. delete the launcher file and the .techniclauncher folder, redownload the launcher file, and try it again.
  7. there are instructions IN THIS THREAD for backdating to old technic, that say where to find your backup, how to apply it, and how to keep it. Why are you asking this again?
  8. There's a chance that someone will write a converter, but your landscape will be missing important parts of thaumcraft.
  9. I am not really excited for windows 8... But i like 7 quite a bit. I'll probably putz around on Win7 machines until whatever win9 turns out to be.
  10. the item loss is due to old worlds not being save compatible. The creative thing you can change by clicking the button with the C near the top right of your inventory screen.
  11. try deleting your technicspp folder
  12. You already have the download, the download is the launcher. Open launcher>options>there should be a little popup menu now>click on the bubble next to "manual build selection">there's a drop down above that. click on it and select the topmost option.
  13. Wut? if it's part of minecraft, there won't be an option about whether or not to "add it", unless some numbnuts were to make a mod specifically to disable LAN play, it wouldn't even be an issue.
  14. in the launcher, go to options, check "manual build selection" and grab 7.2.6 from the drop down.
  15. If LAN is available for minecraft, it will most likely work for tekkit. this isn't really a thing that the technic team has any control over.
  16. Try manually selecting the build instead of letting it autoselect.
  17. Nope, it was either 6.1.1 or 6.0.7. I can't remember which off the top of my head.
  18. Try deleting your whole .techniclauncher folder now that you've switched AVs
  19. Are you sure you've got the build number exactly right? that's the kind of error you'd get if you were trying to play with mismatched pack content/version number.
  20. I notice that instead of answering the questions that the form asked, you just decided not to give us pertinent information. I suggest you go find out what your OS and antivirus are, and try again.
  21. Avast! also works, if you're the "suspicious of microsoft" type.
  22. Okay, now THAT is an answerable question. C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\technicssp\backups on windows. should be the same for mac once you hit the .techniclauncher folder. Choose the the date that you want to back up to, open the zip, delete the contents of the technicssp folder (except the backups) and you should be able to drop it in there and play. You may need to tell it not to update, but specifically selecting the pack version you're playing, or even denying it access to the internet.
  23. Except that i DID tell you how to use the previous build. Also, i'm a mod, numbnuts. What do you think reporting me is going to do? Also, i just hopped on my Mac Mini, and manually selecting 7.1.0 worked fine. Most of the current complaints are "i didnt expect an update and it updated and my world broke" followed by a demand for an apology. That is absolutely butthurt, and is not a legitimate complaint. The policy has always been "make frequent backups" particularly before a new release. Other current complaints include "tmi doesnt work" "jay? is mean!" "why is forestry gone". None of those complaints will be treated as legit.
  24. If you want a game that never has any save breaking updates, minecraft is not the game for you, particularly not modded minecraft. You clearly don't understand how mods work. and if you're fiddling around with your settings constantly, particularly memory settings, you should be prepared to deal with having to change other things too.
  25. No it doesn't? if you've checked manual build selection, you should ONLY be getting the specific build you checked, no further updates. Are you using some kind of script to launch the .jar?
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