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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. okay, to do a manual reinstall, go to user/appdata/roaming/and delete the whole .techniclauncher folder. You may want to delete and redownload the launcher exe as well.
  2. Hm. have you tried the standard uninstall/reinstall routine?
  3. Okay, try deleting your technicSSP folder and redownloading.
  4. Okay, navigate to your techniclauncher folder and copy the directory location for me.
  5. Dude seriously. Use pastebin, i'm sure your internet powers a sufficient for a google search.
  6. That's the wrong log. The log we're looking for should be here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\logs
  7. There's always the possibility that flan will revamp everything, and make it much more functional, in it's current state, it's not going to happen.
  8. Pirates, much like other people, come in many varieties. Some are after convenience, and some just want to build a giant wrought iron middle finger in front of FBI headquarters. If it's hackable, it'll get hacked, this is just a reality that we have to live with in the modern age.
  9. Gold ore will also refuse to macerate. not sure what the cause is. Diamond, coal, lapis, redstone and the IC2 ores work fine though.
  10. Try deleting your technicssp folder, and going to options and selecting your build manually.
  11. You aren't very bright are you? We moderate like this ON PURPOSE. Now, unless you start getting entertaining again very soon, i might get bored and shut this nonsense up.
  12. Are you on a mac or windows? do you have any special characters in your PC username? dashes or colons or things like that?
  13. The jokes are generally about the people that i'm rude to. Have fun with that. Again, this whole situation would have gone much better, and much quicker for you if you had followed my advice.
  14. Sooooo you don't know anything, but you expect an answer?
  15. You should really google things before you make embarrassing statements.
  16. The point of being rude is to drive people like you away. I wish it would be more successful. The admins were well aware of my attitude before i was made a mod. In fact, my attitude is a subject of frequent jest around here. Seriously, if you are bothered, you do not belong here.
  17. You guys all realize that you're playing a game with frequent content changing updates, right? you should be backing up constantly if you care about keeping your worlds. Also, even if someone DOES build a converter for this new version, you're going to have to move to new land anyways to get the things from TC2. No amount of "testing" would have changed anything, the saves aren't compatible because the content is different
  18. No, if your error log was different, that would mean you were having a different problem. But seeing as your error log was the same, and neither one included any information on a crash, all you were doing is linking to another thread, without contributing anything.
  19. Actually, if you had followed my advice we could have gotten on with it and figured out the problem. INSTEAD, you decided that i was telling you to do things just to waste your time, and the best option was to argue about it instead. Again. If this is coming as a surprise to you, you don't belong here. I was referring to the attitude. You're on the right board, but if you had done some research about your problem before making a bug report, you wouldnt have needed a bug report. You're partially right. I also based my hypothesis on the fact that anyone submitting a bug report should have looked into the basic mechanics they were working with in the first place. We don't work for you guys, we aren't the tech support, we are forum support. We're here to force users to work properly, not make the game work properly. This thread was posted several weeks after the most recent tekkit update. If this was a problem that people were having, we would've had numerous complaints on day one.
  20. I dunno, i got tired of japanese stuff too. The odd gem filters over, but it seems to all be just a different shade of retarded to me. Better off cherrypicking the best stuff from all around.
  21. I think you must have either done something else, or not followed my original advice, because if you had deleted .techniclauncher, like i told you to, that file would have been deleted along with it. Try manually selecting the new build rather than using the "always use recomended" setting
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