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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Well, my thing is this: that program is free, so if it's good, i'll get an Xbox 360 so that all my peripherals will be USB and have readily available drivers for windows. However, im not really a fan of any of the 360 exclusives, so if that doesn't enter in to it, i'm going to get a PS3 instead. (i thought frets on fire was awful btw)
  2. Ore doubling furnace? I've seen schmucks with another "obsidian tools, lol infinite uses/twice as fast as diamond" or "this mod adds 2 ores, but they don't do anything" mods with incredibly restrictive "license" text.
  3. Translated: The fact that his logic doesn't actually follow is probably attributable to his use of Encyclopedia Dramatica.
  4. Thing is, humans suck. Rules aren't tools for preventing things from happening, they're a tool for seeking recourse when people suck AT you. If you're having so much time and effort wasted, you might want to draft a couple more OPs. I can almost guarantee that if you're having troubles, ALL the OPs are stressed too.
  5. Nobody gets free stuff, most servers with decent administration have the necessary infrastructure to ban people who break rules. If the server you're playing on can't figure out how to use things like logblock, hawkeye, etc. etc. you should find a better server, because things are only going to get worse.
  6. Perhaps, but Being a bit of target (due to my reputation here) I do get griefed a bit, and on most servers i've been on, getting it rolled back is as simple as saying "oh hey, i've been griefed. A bunch of stuff is missing." then an OP pops over and says "yup, s'been griefed alright." and then server magic happens and everything is back the way it was. a five minute affair most of the time.
  7. you may not be able to prevent griefers and thieves with rules, but with a halfway decent rollback plugin, you can fix it with minimal effort.
  8. do you have the redpower fakeplayer added as OP?
  9. Also, you'll need to keep in mind that it was removed due to redundancy with the (much cooler) IC2 crop system. so you're asking them to spend a bunch of effort putting things that are totally unnecessary into the pack.
  10. Jay?

    Anti Virus

    I prefer Avast!, but Microsoft Security Essentials seems to work decently as well.
  11. Actually, this kind of post IS appreciated. This is a totally legit, intelligent PVP move. Griefers don't use intelligent in game functions for their griefing, they use hacked clients and exploits. The reason being that this and other methods in-game are expensive and complicated, and would be lost as soon as the griefer was banned.
  12. Legend of Dragoon. full stop, the game i played the most often, the most times through, only game i ever got 100% on before i was 17, first RPG i ever beat. I think it holds every First for me that an RPG is capable of. Final Fantasy 8 Megaman Legends
  13. I stumbled across this. I was planning on buying a PS3 specifically for rock band, and was told about the GH3 port to pc. Then google told me about THIS: http://www.unsigned-game.com/about.php My question is, has anyone played it? is it worth my time, or should i go ahead and get a console?
  14. Did you miss my previous post? you are pursuing a topic completely unrelated to her deuchery. It's not helpful or funny, it's petty, and unnecessary. There's plenty of muck to rake that's actually relevant.
  15. There's a high number of possibilities, but you don't need to try all of them. If you're reasonably smart, it should only take 20-30 crystals total.
  16. I played X3: TC when the newest version of Freelancer: Discovery turned out to be disappointing. My main complaints with the X series is that flight feels really slow, weapons take forever and a half to charge, and the plot is incredibad.
  17. It's gone. It was part of forestry. There's different stuff now.
  18. Let's not go there. Her gender identity and her complete and utter deuchery are unrelated.
  19. small error, it's not just squares, it's quadrilaterals in general that can all tile on their own.
  20. I'm going to revive this just to say that I am definitely interested. Also, if you could post the format/tools your using, you could totally open it up into something that people could contribute to.
  21. "didn't like it" is not diagnostically relevant. Post a log if you want help finding out what's going wrong.
  22. You should check out our Deluxe Server listing. Most of them are very high quality servers.
  23. No, but it would subject you to godwins law, and require moderator intervention to set things back on track. Don't make me intervene please.
  24. And this is what happens when i take too much time off. I miss out on all the fun stuff.
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