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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Jay?

    Yogbox server

    Not around here. There's hack/mine. It's kinda like Diablo 2, except more frustrating and blocky. Tekkit is fun, but not as adventurey.
  2. Jay?

    Yogbox server

    you can't. yogbox is SSP only.
  3. I'm a little confused about why you were so surprised. A few months back when some guy was making and distributing "FTB+" here, you guys (i'm not sure if it was you personally, but it was definitely multiple people from the FTB team) came in and asked for it to be removed.Everything was handled nice and respectfully then too. I remember this quite clearly because I'm the one who did the removing. So it isn't as if the concept that we're a relatively rational and reasonable bunch of people is new information.
  4. IP bans are a placebo. Any putz off the street can make a new gmail and hop on a proxy server, and be back in less than ten minutes. The answer to problem people like that is consistency. As long as we make sure to always draw a line, and punish infractions with the least amount of fucks given, everything will turn out fine.
  5. At least. All of them so far have ended in disaster. Usually in full-on "ban this idiot" button endings.
  6. Not interested in anyones drama. if you two don't get along now for whatever reason, you can both jolly well leave each other alone. The internet is a big place.
  7. I mean that while he may have come across as a deuche in his last post, unless he stays here and keeps it up, it's just one of the dangers of running a server. Butts get hurt all the time. In an unrelated note, i'd like to urge your userbase to put more effort into their posts. One line posts and "lol awesome server" and posts that consist of nothing but a smiley face are all actually in violation of the "golden rule" here.
  8. Have you tried breeding jellyfish and praying to sun-gods?
  9. He was only really active here for the first few pages, and he wasn't being disruptive then, either. I have no clue what kind of invisible shenanigans you two are involved in, but i swear, i will turn this car around RIGHT NOW.
  10. I can't do it. I'm too confrontational. It's a weakness i have.
  11. The custom option is in the works, and may surface eventually.
  12. Here, have a conversation.
  13. Yes. I do have good advice. Stop threadjacking.
  14. So in other words you were outright lying when you said this?
  15. For the same reason that you can't steal a story that someone wrote, paste paragraphs from it into your own, and say that you wrote it. It's called plagiarism. You get to write your own code, that's how modmaking works.
  16. Still ew. Anyways, no. Stealing code is yucky.
  17. Not without permission. Also, if you were going to steal content, why would you steal from something that hideous?
  18. That's an error we typically see when the launcher is being blocked by your antivirus. Try adding it as an exception in your AV.
  19. Okay, Crystal chests can be a source of lag if they're full of different types of things, and if you have a pipe that's overloaded and dropping things, that can kill the framerate. go in there and switch to a type of chest that doesn't show you its contents, and make sure to clean up any pipes that are spilling.
  20. There could be many possible things causing it, but unless you give us details there's no way to tell.
  21. I dunno. I just know that they all have that silly naming convention.
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