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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. I'll probably putz around with the classes until i realize that i'm still only useful as a sniper.
  2. The reason we don't have an introductions board is that, around here, you distinguish yourself by the quality of your posts, rather than just showing up.
  3. He's on this exact forum. His name is cheap shot.
  4. True Not entirely, Norton DOES have some issues where it prevents some people from downloading the pack initially though. This is only speculation. Any computercraft program you make is technically stored on your computer, and if it uses malicious style code, it is possible that an antivirus would detect that. I have no clue whether that has or can happen, it was just an idle thought. Not that i can see. The spout launcher, and thus, the technic launcher as well, are open source, which means that if someone were to put malicious code, or an unauthorized redirect in it, people would find out in short order, and publicize that fact.
  5. Well, get your brother over here with that virus scan report. Also, is it possible that either your brother is an idiot that installs shit without looking, or that your father is an idiot who assumes any kind of password redirecting is theft?
  6. It's a possibility that you could have a virus that's screwing with your AV. There are a lot that do that nowadays. Have you been getting pop-ups telling you all about some new miracle antivirus, or that you're infected with 1,792,073 viruses?
  7. I took an intro class at PCC Sylvania campus, which i had to drop out of when i got my fancy full time job, but i kept my books, and my uncle (who lives in St. Petersburg) bought me a copy of Rosetta Stone with the russian lessons included.
  8. Cheap did the artsy fartsy stuff, so you can fart ask him directly, but i doubt that'll be a problem. As for linking to our site, that's not a thing you would need to ask permission for, even under the MCForums rules.
  9. Tell him to avoid Alienware, first of all. Being a lazy american, i don't know what the conversion between Pounds and USD is, so here's a couple models of laptop that should do the trick, in the $700- $800 range http://us.toshiba.com/computers/laptops/satellite/S850/S855-S5252 http://us.toshiba.com/computers/laptops/satellite/S850/S855-S5254
  10. That's odd. MSE shouldn't be worried about the launcher, this is the first i've heard of MSE having a false positive with the launcher. Have you done any hacking of peoples systems in ComputerCraft? maybe you've stumbled upon a line of code that MSE recognizes as malicious. Care to post up the bit of the report dealing with the file MSE is telling you is malware?
  11. Uh... Microsoft and the community are in agreement, that the launcher isn't dangerous. Microsoft Security Essentials does not identify any malicious code. Also, i TOLD you what your ultimate solution is. Go dig around in the source.
  12. If you are REALLY concerned, the launcher is 100% opensource. Feel free to visit the Git repository and dig around for yourself. For the record, what antivirus are you using that came up with this result? the launcher is totally clean via Avast, MSE, and McAffee.
  13. Is Jay? : 1. A nasty shouty person? Check 2. A bigot of worrying proportions? (I am assured that my "proportions" are just fine) 3. Targeting social groups with little experience with them? Check 4. Insane? Check 5. Living in the wrong era? Check 6. A moderator in a forum containing a plethora of all the problems above? Check We're... disturbingly similar actually.
  14. Interesting thought: Does the goddess harvest band from EE function with IC2 crops?
  15. This actually looks interesting. I may check it out over the weekend.
  16. My big problem with him isn't even that he doesn't get everything right. It's that when he gets things wrong, he gets them spectacularly wrong, and it always seems to be things involving treating people respectfully. (kinda funny coming from me, aint it?)
  17. Jay?

    Tekkit crash

    Go into the folder where your worlds are, and copy the world you want to keep, then put it... somewhere. Anywhere, as long as it wont get deleted.
  18. So you decided to try and threadjack a thread with a completely different problem while two moderators were in it?
  19. once it's been fixed to support the 4096ID patch, you can use MCEdit to mass replace all the world anchors with something else.
  20. Also, if it's a new card, you should REALLY check to make sure you have the right drivers for it. Also, check on the compatability between the card and the motherboard you have.
  21. Jay?

    Tekkit crash

    Somehow it seems you have two copies of MFFS in your install. Back up your world, and go into option, and click the "clear cache" button.
  22. definitely client side. Try updating your drivers, like torezu said, and try grabbing a different version of optifine.
  23. Those blocks in your inventory look fine... do they get fucked up once you place them?
  24. No idea. The person who ported it either doesn't care, doesn't know what's wrong, or doesn't know how to fix it. Take your pick.
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