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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Hasn't most of the pony-meme-spouting died down now though? As for pony avatars, well, i just don't think people really have the priveledge of whining about what image someone else uses to identify themselves on a forum. The only thing that the brony community still seems to do a lot that irritates me is the thing that furries used to do all the time, where they would pop into a forum and go "boo-hoo-hoo everybody hates me".
  2. Most of us do try to >_>. That line is a difficult thing to draw up on the internet though. I mean, the largest concentrations of hate go towards things that are clearly marked as pony stuff,Youtube channels, mods, pony threads in other forums and whatnot.
  3. Yes you do. that modpack you posted is just the voxel modpack with mine little pony in it. I actually really like MLP. The whole huge "brony/antibrony" thing is ridiculous.
  4. You can just cram mine little pony into the modpack.jar for voxelpack.
  5. So, i just googled it, and it's pretty much just voxelpack with mine little pony attached.
  6. Also, Full Frontal Assault. They had kindof a theme going on until Deadlocked.
  7. I wasn't even aware of co-op. Borderlands and Diablo 2 are the only games i've ever played Co-op on.
  8. I wasn't as fond of Deadlocked. Up your Arsenal was much better IMO. Particularly for the butler, but also the quack-o-ray.
  9. Post your log. without it we can't diagnose your problem.
  10. I'd suggest using 7zip to make, and if you hit the filesize filter, use multipart .rars Should befine as long as you put it back together the right way, i.e. making sure the world goes into the proper world folder.
  11. Pavilions have always been a decent line. I've had a couple in my time, and the only recurring problem i've seen is a tendency for the AC jig to come loose, which can prevent the machine from receiving power.
  12. Desktop? build it yourself. You'll get much higher quality for your money. Also, it isn't actually very hard.
  13. iBuyPower is only good if you have a bunch of cash to blow. Their low end and mid range machines all feel really shoddy in my experience. Lenovo seems to be really good at low end. Their cheapest machines still feel like good work and are sturdy, but their higher end stuff never seems very impressive. Toshiba is pretty much always great. HP is hit and miss all across the board. As for Dell, i agree that they aren't a great manufacturer, but the fact that some guys nephew busted a motherboard isn't what makes them bad.
  14. You need Java 7, most likely. This goes in bug reports.
  15. I just realized i didn't put these in: .hack//quartet. They weren't perfect by any means, but the story was actually unique and compelling. The way they integrated a comic and a TV show into the lore was fantastic as well. You could take any entry on its own if you wanted to, but taking them in conjunction with each other made it all quite an experience. Downsides of course, included relatively poor graphics, a soundtrack that had just a handful of good tracks out of the several hundred, and the fact that it was 4 discs, all sold separately, despite being a roughly 120 hour game. The whole thing could have been one disc, and not lost anything.
  16. This is fantastic advice. Alienware is a waste of money that you could be spending on better specs. They put a lot of money into their logo, and all their stupid blinky light bullshit. [opinions]Computers should have at most 3 external lights. one for the power button, one on the CD tray, and one where the ethernet cable connects. Other lights serve no purpose.[/opinions]
  17. Well, Toshiba is generally an excellent manufacturer. You'll probably get more out of a toshiba than most other brands. Stay FAR away from anything bearing the Acer label. HP is a crapshoot, but if you're a student and can spend more than $800 on your computer, you can get a free Xbox360 out of the deal. In the description, make sure they mention the video card, because if they dont, it probably means that it has a shittastic intel integrated 512mb piece of crap. If you want more specific advice, you'll need to give us a pricerange.
  18. I tend to go for SSP, mostly because i can't get anyone i actually like being around to host or join a server anymore.
  19. Hey, just wondering if users will ever figure out how to use the search button?
  20. This isn't the place to ask for that. FIRST someone would need to make a special program to apply mods to minecraft, since the Xbox version and the PC version are totally different architecture. Then people would have to port their mods over to the Xbox version, including accounting for changes in the actual content. THEN people could start packaging mods together. You don't just have the cart before the horse, you've also got the horse upside down, and your trying to whip/and or spur the cart.
  21. It's not bad, and if you qualify for that savings, it's pretty good. Great if you're a tudent and can take advantage of that free xbox thing that HP does with some machines. However, you could get a better machine by using one of those places that builds machines bit by bit rather than buying from the manufacturers site. You could save even more (or get much better performance) by building it yourself (which is much easier than it sounds), and just buying the hardware off of newegg and whatnot.
  22. Can ya go get us a launcher log?
  23. Good catch. No need to hide, that was fair game. Haste makes waste on occasion.
  24. They make quite excellent tools of war if you play pvp/factions/towny.
  25. Oh, well enough. Just business as usual on this end.
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