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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. There are people who have made world converters before, but it's not as simple as that. There are also resources that you would need to place, some of which can damage your world if not placed. You're better off using MCEdit to copy your structures and mass fix their IDs.
  2. Jay?

    New area

    That will never happen. The threat of being banned is how we keep low quality posting to a minimum. To give people a place where they won't get banned for breaking the rules would ruin everything.
  3. Jay?

    New area

    You wouldn't be alone, because any thread made there would be almost guaranteed to end up in the whalebox.
  4. Nah, there's something going on where throttling has gone way up overnight. It's either a glitch, or an attack on Mojang. Either way, it may be a few hours to a day before you can log on reliably again.
  5. It seems like the minecraft servers are having a bit of trouble. This happens on occasion.
  6. Congratulations skrompmo on doing it right. Firedemlazors, welcome to the hoosegow.
  7. You have until tomorrow morning to do the thing i asked op to do. If you do not I'm arresting you for necroposting, threadjacking, and saying "i have the same problem" without any kind of substantiating content.
  8. I would like to point out at this time that Lothos is a user, and in no way actually affiliated with the pack. Any opinions or arguments he makes are literally on his own ass. Also, lothos, come on dude. This has been a civil, intellectual, and relatively restrained thread. Don't be that guy. nobody likes that guy.
  9. Jay?


    Did you just see "requests" and pop in and reply without reading what kind of requests this thread is for? I mean, yeah, you and 20 other people, but still. EDIT: >: ( It is now housecleaning time.
  10. You should seriously consider switching to avast!. It's most likely AVG tampering. This has been a long standing problem.
  11. Try the solution in this thread http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/doesnt-go-further-after-version-check-solved.24064/
  12. Jay?

    Stuck at logo

    Try the solution here. No guarantees, since you're on windows 8. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/doesnt-go-further-after-version-check-solved.24064/
  13. As a courtesy, from now on you folks should try to tag your solved bug reports with the [solved] tag, so that people looking for solutions don't putz around wielding necromancy, or spamming the same problem repeatedly.
  14. Imgur.com will give you a pre-bbcoded line that you can just paste into your post.
  15. But you don't need to? All you need is a klein star and a catalyst of destruction. Remember, you don't need to fight them you need to make sure it isn't worth their while to spam shit above your solars.
  16. so... stop them from blocking the sunlight instead of standing around being a doofus? It's not exactly a difficult task.
  17. Jay?

    Swords+ mod

    It adds nothing to the community whatsoever, and is often used as a replacement for thought provoking content. Moreover, the rules are not optional, and do not require you to agree with them. I suggest you go read them, since you haven't already.
  18. Except that with HV solars, you can power a hugenormous forcefield, quantum armor, or a dozen other things that are more fun than "place collector, receive success"
  19. You're posting in the SMP discussion board rather than the SMP bug board.
  20. That's absolutely your texture pack. You have a dark stone texture installed for your smoothestone texture, but a light stone texture installed for your ores.
  21. Okay, do you know how to find your log? we need that to diagnose problems.
  22. Well, the GTX-550 Ti is dual sli, and i have two of them in my machine. If you can afford an extra after you've got your machine all put together, you should consider it. Just make sure you have adequate cooling and power source to handle it.
  23. I'm not sure if you lot missed it somehow, but cheapshot called no-more-sies on the legal chatter.
  24. Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that they've had busted flight sims on there since day 1
  25. Yeah, steam greenlight is a clusterfuck.
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