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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. I'm not going to get into the biology of it, since i have no real knowledge of it, but the scientific testing has proven a correlation, and that's all. The other psychotropic effects of cannabis use present a case for the trend to be attributed to self medication of schizophrenia, so the study, while interesting and valuable on a scientific level, lacks the substance needed to make legal claims about its benefits or lack thereof. EDIT: My god, you all like it way too hot. Give me 65 Fahrenheit, tops, and I'm a happy camper.
  2. Nah, In ToS, an episode titled "That which survives" saw the Enterprise traveling at Warp 14.1. That was before the warp scale restructuring though. Admittedly, in TNG and Voyager, Federation ships from the future are capable of traveling at warp 13, which suggests a second restructuring.
  3. Voyager was pretty good. Yeah they reached Warp 10 in ToS, but the warp tables were redrawn after the original series. Warp 14.something was possible in ToS, but later it was decided that the threshold should sound more significant, so the actual speed modifiers were changed for TNG. My overall favorite has actually been DS9, due mainly to the slower, more fluid character progression, larger cast, and the fact that it featured an actual healthy family relationship. Also, Dax was, and has been one of the most compelling characters for me.
  4. Try replacing your Optifine and updating your video card drivers.
  5. So, what with the reboot movie having done so well, it seems like we're likely to have a new star trek TV series sometime in the relative future. What i'm interested in, is what form it will take. The new movie was very cinematic and actiony and not very talky. The things I liked about Trek was always the philosophical parts and the pseudo-sciencey stuff. I'm afraid that a new trek series would be more like Star Trek: Enterprise despite its poor reviews, relatively short runtime, and poor ratings. So question time: What do you want to see in a new Trek? What was your favorite Trek? Least favorite Trek? Favorite Star Trek race?
  6. I happen to agree with you but mostly because i check what i'm saying before i commit to it.
  7. So, uh, a couple things you're gonna need to do. Give us your Launcher Version OS (mac is a brand, not an os. It's probably going to be "Mac OSX [CAT]" your launcher log.
  8. But then i'd need to worry about not contradicting the incorrect stuff i'd already said. I'm no stranger to last-minute-google or research-something-someone-says-in-the-middle-of-an-argument but actually bullshitting just doesn't work for me.
  9. I probably could, but i don't actually like faking it. I'd rather be off learning something than hanging about pretending to already know things.
  10. I was referring to the marvel version of Thor, mostly because we aren't in a serious theological discussion. I'm not qualified for those.
  11. My bf, who's name is Jay, wanted to make a play on the minecraft "steve?" character, but we used my email address for the account. He only posted with the account once, and i ended up taking it over. (yes, we're one of those weird couples who shares everything.)
  12. Steam: Syuvial Minecraft: Syuvial Origin: Syuvial Aion: Syuvial Planetside 2: Syuvial In fact, if you see a Syuvial just about anywhere, it's probably either me or my beau.
  13. Whut? the norse mythologies are some of the most compelling in recorded history! Except that Thor could only fly because of Mjolnir, which was a hammer. Jorcer has an axe.
  14. I acknowledge that you have personal problems. They are personal, and as such they are YOUR responsibility.
  15. There's so far, very little evidence that cannabis causes permanent damage to an adult brain. (there's one study that establishes correlation, but not causation with high risk of schizophrenia) It's a good idea to stay away from anything that induces altered states of mind during formative years, though.
  16. That's my hypothesis, based on current observation. It still needs a little more supporting evidence to be accredited as a scientific theory, but i've devised some tests that may yield results.
  17. Unfortunately, the U.S. disagrees, and i don't like pot enough to leave Oregon for it.
  18. Because we hold a philosophy that intelligent behaviour is rewarded, while stupid behaviour is punished. Why do you think that people should help you, even when you're going about asking for it in completely the wrong location?
  19. Not until their work is done. When cannabis is legal, THEN remove the hippies. Until then, we need their drug addled votes.
  20. You spent three days posting in all the wrong places. That is a personal problem, and not something you have any right to get angry at other people about. Did you miss the part where you were in clearly the wrong location? Why are you surprised that noone there was helping you? Your thread was useless, because you were posting in the launcher bug board for a bug that had nothing to do with the launcher.
  21. Yeah, that means that somehow their system is telling the launcher that that data is incorrect. Have you tried retyping everything back in? if someone else went on and typed in the wrong information, the remember me button would be remembering that data instead.
  22. Being a drama queen isn't going to get you anywhere either.
  23. Okay buddy, i was going to play nice with you, but this was bullshit. Grow some patience or go away, these forums don't exist so that you can get anything you want handed to you the moment you ask for it.
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