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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Maybe if you're already familiar with windows. Realistically, Servers are just as easy to set up using linux as they are on windows, it's just a matter of where your experience is.
  2. Most people are intimidated by unfamiliar operating systems. The fact that more and more people are capable of hosting their own servers, means that they're more likely to use an OS they're more familiar with.
  3. You should look into compatability between those plugins and tekkit. Sometimes Tekkit needs specific versions, or patches.
  4. Uhh, not that i know of. You could always redownload the server again, extract the zip, and use that list of files to find everything.
  5. To uninstall, delete the tekkit files from your server. You can't just turn it into a vanilla server though.
  6. The trick is to hold alt, type a number on you numpad (off to the right), and then release alt.
  7. They're complicated alt-functions. Or you could just copy them.
  8. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ I teleported home one night With Ron and Sid and Meg. Ron stole Meggie's heart away And I got Sidney's leg. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
  9. Or make a private server and don't just hand out the IP all over the place.
  10. Wait for it. There will always be decent FPS games, no sense paying a premium to by it soon, unless it ends up doing something fun and unusual.
  11. They did. It was followed quickly by three prominent conspiracy theories. "That hospital doesn't exist!" "That baby wasn't Obama!" and the ever popular "Obama is really a reptile man, seeking to destabilize the world government!" once all the theories were either debunked or failed to gain any traction, people just went back to demanding his birth certificate.
  12. Go with Tekkit. That way you can have guest players once in a while.
  13. I actually disagree. Jill Stein wouldn't make a good president. I agree with her on almost every topic, but she talks a lot about how awful everyone else is and never seems to release any substantial information about her actual policies.
  14. There's that, but there are myriad other problems, not just the one. Corporate money and gifts filtering about in congress comes to mind. My biggest problem with U.S. Politics is really how hard it is to gauge what a candidates actual policies are going to be. The whole year before a big election is chock full of people lying through their teeth, telling people just what they want to hear, and I'm sure that at least a third of it is true. But you never know who's telling the truth, and who's in desperate need of new trousers.
  15. Oh also, be warned, I'm watching this thread like a hawk. Feel free to express your opinions civilly, but if things turn nasty, i WILL put the kibosh on it.
  16. I'd love to think of myself as independent, but the reality is that every time there's an election, i can't find a single right leaning candidate that i can agree with. I do take the time to try though. I mean, granted i've only been consciously aware of three elections, and only old enough to vote in two of them. For reference i took that quiz, and it gave me 91% on Jill Stein (After the nonsense from the third debate though, i couldn't vote for her in good conscience even if i thought a win was possible), and 89% with Obama. 13% for romney, which really isn't surprising to me. Keep in mind folks, that this quiz only measures priorities, and not histories and conveniently leaves out questions about how effective you think a certain candidate may be.
  17. I'm using a backup. My discs got trashed by a family member. Maybe i'll try burning them onto a disc and running it through that...
  18. How long have you played? I always get hangups in battle where the next turn just refuses to start. Usually starting near the middle of disc 1, and continuing at least through the first quarter of disc 2.
  19. I loved the Legaia games! Unfortunately LoD doesn't take well to emulation, so i can't really play it again.
  20. So, my boyfriend is amazing, and cooks. A lot. He makes homemade coconut truffles, and they are the absolute best thing in the entire world ever.
  21. I'm the Manager of External Operations in a medical peer review company. It's my job to coordinate doctors, sales guys, tech guys, nurses, and hospital managers who use our system in external offices. @_@ Somebody please, for the love of whatever gods may be, kill me.
  22. The funny thing about that, is that releasing a spotless permission list would have the exact same effect that Obamas birth certificate had. It would spawn more conspiracy theories, and when those were debunked or enough time had passed, people would go right back to saying "Technicpack isn't a real american! She can't be mayor of the internet!"
  23. that's a great game. Also pretty popular. Anybody else play Legend of Dragoon for the PS1?
  24. You should look into the Pokemon hacks by Drayano. He did FireRed: Omega and BlazeBlack, both of which include all pokemon that had been created at the time, and include significantly tougher opponents. Seriously. In FR:O, Misty kicked my ass repeatedly. MISTY. Also, it's nice to have the newer graphics, and some of the newer systems are neat.
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