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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. We don't measure it by pages. General rule of thumb is that if it's more than three weeks old, someone is probably going to grumble. I don't hand out points for anything less than a month though.
  2. Ban the fuck out of them. Better to have a small community of intelligent, competent people, than a 200 slot server full of complete fucknuts.
  3. There's nothing stopping you guys from setting and completing challenges on your own.
  4. seems it would be a lot of work for something that wouldn't contribute to the functioning and maintenance of the actual modpack...
  5. That could be neat, but we have a philosophy around here that users actions should speak for themselves, and as such we try to avoid things like trophies, signatures, and anything that automatically shows itself to everyone you talk to.
  6. I'm even seeing a good degree of success using a $20 headset. The biggest challenge has been memorizing all the commands.
  7. My favorite drink at the moment is a shot. 3 parts Apple Pie, 1 part Kraken Rum.
  8. Sorry, using the speech recognition thing tends to put you in a very literal frame of mind.
  9. Is that account using the right version of tekkit? go into the options menu of the launcher and manually select the version that matches all the others.
  10. I'm not sure what you did to get a result like that. If you're using windows voice recognition, say mouse grid, and navigate to the post box, say 'dictate', and say what you want to post. You may get garbled grammar, but all your spelling should be perfect. And just say insert when you're ready to post.
  11. Like I said, the dictation is a bit finicky. You have to read over the crap it typed for you, or you'll end up talking nonsense. Control panel/ease of access/speech recognition
  12. Nope, Windows 7, and I didn't have to install anything aether. Just a cheap microphone, and a few minutes looking up the basic commands.
  13. Yeah, I'm actually really enjoying it. It indexes all the entries of your start bar, so regardless of what it is, you can open almost any program via voice commands. Saying "comma" "period" and "question mark" every time i need them is a bit grating though.
  14. So I'm making this post using windows voice recognition. It's a lot more powerful than I thought it would be. Has anybody else tried to use this system? The dictation to be a little finicky, scratch that, it's very finicky. Getting used to it though, it seems to be learning, which is worrying. This has been a test of the windows voice recognition system, it seems to have gone well.
  15. Not really. in most cases, these older console games aren't being sold anymore. The fact that they're off the market means that the publisher and designers have made their money and moved on to new projects. I'm sure there's a business to be made by buying the printing rights to old games and re-releasing them as a special order product, but nobody is doing that yet. Moreover, emulators are for much more than piracy. Emulators have the ability to do things that consoles can't, like record video and screenshots, disable sprite layers, speed up the game, give you access to things that were disabled (like the chocobo minigame on FFVIII). My boyfriend records RPG playthroughs but there's no way he could do that on a regular console, unless he had a prohibitively expensive recording setup. Almost. Some games can be better, actually. But there are a few games that i've been totally unable to run in an emulator. Mostly mid-to-late PS2 era action/shooter games.
  16. Luckily, all the disgaea games emulate fantastically.
  17. Here's the problem: There are two kinds of "not good with english". There's the "not my language" one, which is perfectly acceptable, and typically includes things like misused words, adjectives on the wrong sides of nouns, and subject/predicate disagreements. The other one is the "i'm a lazy ass, and i don't care about my language", which is not okay. Typically characterized by blatant typos making it into the final post, lack of punctuation, run-on sentences, and sometimes lack of spacing (which results in wall-o-text). Also frequently paired with complete lack of care and effort in other areas. OP's language wasn't good, but it wasn't terrible either. Your post was god-awful though. OP: Very difficult to tell given the fact that you gave us almost no information, but could it be that you have overbearing parents who have your computer on lockdown? it sounds like the launcher is being run by someone who doesn't have write access to the appdata directory it needs.
  18. Your best bet is to buy it on amazon.com. Gamestop will charge you out the ear for it, if you can manage to find a copy stocked. Which you wont. EDIT: Also, that game is the absolute tits, just like all the games in the Disgaea franchise. Makai Kingdom is a great example of those as well. DOUBLE EDIT: Steambot Chronicles was also an awesome game.
  19. Today, in music that has no right to be as good as it is, Sailor Moon, Metal Edition.
  20. Nope, not safe at all, it's just one big scam. Kakermix really works for the mafia, and he sells hacked minecraft accounts that he got from the launcher, to pay back the mob for accidentally crashing their yacht.
  21. This thread needs some more music off the beaten path. Hazmat Modine - Bahamut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeUGeNTTD9k Asylum Street Spankers - Scrotum Asylum Street Spankers - D.R.I.N.K. http://grooveshark.com/s/D+R+I+N+K/2SKrwS?src=5 Tom Waits - Underground Diablo Swing Orchestra - Ballrog Boogie
  22. So, i checked out the news for it, and someone brought up a great point. If they make a sequel, it will have to declare one of the 4 terrible endings as being "cannon". I think that a prequel is their only real option here, given that anything else will require either a galactic Borg civilization, no contact between earth and anywhere else, Reapers as part of every day life, or Mass effect 3: 2, the "you did nothing, now you get to try again" edition. As for prequel content, the skyllian blitz and its surrounding events could be an interesting setting.
  23. That hasn't been my experience at all. I've had to fix every single Acer that anyone in my family or group of friends has ever purchased, including the Aspire that my mother bought me two years ago. The most common problem has been AC jigs coming loose and needing to be re-soldered, followed by RAM sticks going dead. There have been a few that i couldn't fix at all. I've recommended Toshiba laptops for every one of those people, and none of the ones who listened to me have had a single problem.
  24. is there an option that tells them to stop?
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