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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. The only thing Winzip doesn't handle spectacularly is Multipart .rars Tends to forget about a handful of bytes every time it moves on to the next rar. 7zip is the best for making executable archives though, and if you're trying to give something to a friend who doesn't know how to computer, executable archives are a lifesaver.
  2. I really hope this happens (even though it won't). The name Square Enix is really a misnomor. Squaresoft didnt merge with Enix, it was devoured slowly and painfully, from the inside out, so that Enix could wear Square's face like a mask, and sell things to all Squares old buddies.
  3. I thought the story was quite excellent. The stressing of duty over ease, the way they handled wakka being kinda racist, the anti-religious overtones, the fact that Tidus willingly gave himself up not to save the world, but to improve it, even after finding strong value in his own life. FF8 was actually incredibly easy without grinding. Just nab a few spells here and there, and make sure to hit the in-map draw points as you go along. Other than that, it's all about smart junctioning and making sure your characters have a good mix of commands, abilities, and you have people put into specific roles. I beat FF8 at level 11 one time. it was very interesting. Also, you don't learn spells in FF8 ever. Spells are more like items in 8, you have a limited number of spells instead of a limited amount of MP. As for AP, the majority of mandatory boss battles gave tons of AP, but no XP. You can actually go through then entire game without leveling up at all.
  4. What? I never grind in final fantasy. you particularly didn't need to in 8. the enemy levels in FF8 were scaled, so you would face a similar difficulty from the final boss at level 15 as you would at level 99. Grinding is the hallmark of a bad singleplayer campaign. You should be able to progress smoothly through the storyline provided you follow about half of the side plots. You didn't need to grind in FF6, FF8, FF10, or at least the first half of 12. This is the case in most decent RPGs outside of the final fantasy franchise as well. As for the storyline, how far did you get? everything starts to twist in together about halfway through the game, and by the time you're 3/4 in, there are no sideplots, everything contributes to the primary goal. As for the cartooniness of 9, i found it incredibly off-putting. Maybe if i had played it when it came out, when i was 11 or 12, i would have liked it, but i didn't go back and play it until i was 18. It just didn't feel right. Not my favorite version of the Sephiroth theme, I thought it was better as pure classical. Still, point is made. You could apply his music to just about anything and make it menacing.
  5. Dongmongler- (N) One who mongles dongs. syn- bag of dicks. Etymology- merging of cockmongler (Etymology- 4chan) and Dong (Etymology- English, 1891, unknown origin)
  6. I'd suggest something other than MCBans, as they have shown themselves to be dongmonglers.
  7. Materia? I don't mind the system. There were enough fun things to do with it that it COULD have been great if the "hold circle=win every fight" method didn't hold true throughout the game. I only had to think about one singe fight in the entire game, and that was against Emerald Weapon. 9 was too cartoony, and too grindy for my taste, but that's accounting for taste so i won't go there. That isn't true. FFX boss battles stayed hard right up until the final battle, unless you did massive amounts of arena-grinding, in which case the extra challenge-bosses were even harder. FF8 fights maintained difficulty throughout the whole game, unless you used exploits. The earlier games got easy if you did too much grinding, but that was an age of speed runs and simpler systems. Are you sure it wasn't just the hollow voice-acting that turned you off? (that is totally a legitimate complaint, btw) my only complaint about the story was that there WEREN'T enough convoluted subplots.
  8. You're joking right? You've got to be joking. 12 didn't even require you to take part in the battles after a few hours. The idea of 12 being better than 6 (or 10) is downright silly. 10 might come close, but 6 was fantastic in its balance, its story, it's gameplay (the esper system was one of my favorite level mechanics in the whole series) and it's character developement.
  9. The battle system COULD have been fun if there were a single difficult fight in the entire game. However, almost every fight throughout the game could be beaten by setting cursor memory and holding circle. Final Fantasy 7 was cliche ridden, poorly written, and the villain, Sephiroth, was only intimidating because of his theme music. The fact that the sum of his character growth through the series was "I miss mommy" puts him leagues behind Kefka and Seymour in particular. Then there's the ending, which was one of the most haphazard, slapdash finales in gaming history. Not a chance. the FF7 soundtrack was Nobuo Eumatsu's crowning achievement, not only in its inherent quality, but the way the composition set the tone for its associated content. These are all enormous cliches. Those characters are in EVERY rpg. The only powerful story elements of final fantasy 7 were the death of Aeris and the reveal of the nature of the lifestream. None of them progressed as people, and were defined exclusively by their "unique" backstory. Compared to Final Fantasy 10, which had an actually well written villain, a bittersweet ending (which by the way is almost unheard of in video games) and, well developed characters who see actual human growth through the story. The vast majority of the adulation the FF7 recieves is due to nostalgia. People remember it from when they were kids or teenagers, and FF7 was the highest quality RPG that was accessible. Anything better than that needed to be imported, or had poor graphics. They remember it as being shiny and new and unusual, but if you want a great story you need to go back to FF6, or forward to FF10., or better yet, leave the Final Fantasy franchise altogether. Shin Megami Tensei has some of the best writing in the gaming world.
  10. Join me in the final fantasy thread, so that i may DESTROY YOU UTTERLY.
  11. I disagree. The best parts about it were superficial. The graphics (at the time) and the music were both 10/10 but the story, gameplay, writing, and immersion were all average at best. A much better experience would have been FFX (which i already like) with the soundtrack replaced with the FF7 soundtrack. Another game i played a lot when i was a kid was Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 2 in the fliptop cartridge.
  12. Does the Mercurial Eye replace things? I thought it just placed them.
  13. >_> Way to make me feel old. My childhood game was Red Version. That and Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge.
  14. We don't need to be thanked individually by every person. You could just say "thanks". Knowing that your band is grateful doesn't add anything to the thread, so it really isn't necessary.
  15. no, that would cause an error. you need a plugin to disable the crafting recipe. I think PEX does it, but i don't know that much about plugins.
  16. Well, there's a towny plugin, i believe, that will stop that from happening. As for the oceans, well, you're on your own with that. As for disabling the PStone, that's problematic, since it's a component of Transmutation tables.
  17. Specify what the exact problem is if you want a fix for. Is it not requiring the correct cost, is it bypassing protections, is it making the wrong transformations?
  18. Keep in mind that if you disable even the low output renewable energy sources, like solars, you'll start seeing people build horrifying lag monsters like redstone engine arrays.
  19. No, but AVG likes to meddle with things. It's possible that the download wasn't actually completed.
  20. You might need to redownload the launcher itself without AVG installed.
  21. O_o Your dad should not be in charge of a computer. AVG isn't even very good as a free antivirus, to pay for it is madness.
  22. I don't think so, although as a matter of practicality and quality I suggest you switch to a more reliable and functional antivirus. Avast! is quite nice.
  23. You may need to completely uninstall AVG. turning it off is not always successful.
  24. Steven Fry is absolutely a comedian. Just not a stand-up comic. "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" was comedy gold, every episode.
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