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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Close. It's abbreviated similarly, so it's just pegasis. 8D
  2. This is actually not uncommon. As previously noted "EVERYBODY HATES JAY LOLOL" But no, definitely not labigcheese. Too many epithets, not enough complaining about fascism.
  3. I'm really wondering what he thought was going to happen there...
  4. I'm not saying you did. I'm referring to the spam thread that we're having right now where some guy keeps making alt accounts with names like "megajew" and calling me a cunt.
  5. It's so refreshing to get to ban people left and right. We haven't had one of these in a while.
  6. Y'know, except for the people who don't like racial slurs and spam.
  7. Not really how racism works, SexyAdmin's alt.
  8. This isn't a large system, general searches are better. a search on "xbox" revealed everything quite easily.
  9. "oh no, nobody gave a shit about my trolling, and are now making fun of me instead of getting angry! I know! I'll accuse them of masturbating!!"
  10. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/tekkit-mod-for-the-x-box-360.23030/#post-177952 One minute. literally. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/minecraft-xbox-360-edition.8613/ And then another after 5 minutes.
  11. Hm. I was hoping it would be another confession of true love. This was significantly less interesting.
  12. Do you see the magical white box with the word "search" in it? well, you type things in it, and then it finds them for you. it's not complicated or time consuming.
  13. There is a thread that tells you exactly how to install it on this very forum. Please use the search function next time.
  14. Do yourself a favor. Lurk first. Jumping into a community to make snide comments before you know how the community functions is a sure way to get yourself in trouble. I don't think you actually know how logic works. Also, i don't think you know how to use the word "susceptible". You really aren't off to a great start, are you?
  15. That argument doesn't function when someone had made the same fucking thread earlier in the day. stop being an idiot.
  16. That sounds really awesome. I had a similar experience with Underlight, and briefly with it's fan run, post server shutdown version, Shards of truth. Maybe with some luck CoH will have a decent post-shutdown community as well. I keep meaning to go back and revisit it to see how everything is...
  17. That's what i mean. I designed LOTS of characters. I just never actually PLAYED any of them.
  18. No it can't. This is cafe lame, where general technic discussion goes. If the LPers want to have a thread, they need to make one in the actual LP section.
  19. I give it one week before someone has a decent private server up and playable. I only ever played the game for a few minutes, but i loved the flexibility of the character creation system. It was almost as free as the original Mutants and Masterminds.
  20. The questions part of the site isn't quite ready yet. Still being put together and whatnot. For now if you have a bug, fill out a bug report. If you have a regular question put it in the appropriate board.
  21. The difference is that your problems may not be the same, due to those "tiny" little differences (except that having or not having an antivirus is a huge difference), your solutions could be wildly different. think of it this way. You and someone else have cars that don't start. It sounds like the engine is turning over, but then it makes a clunking sound. The only difference is that Person A has a ford Mustang, and you have a Ford Pinto. The solution to Mustangs problem is to check the alternator. The solution to YOUR problem is to run the fuck away because your car is about to explode.
  22. How does that logic even begin to make sense? You refused to make your own bug report, and instead piggybacked on a guy who DID make a bug report that WASN'T THE SAME as the one you would have made.
  23. Yeah, but the amazing atheist is an enormous dick. Google up his views on feminism. Or for much more painful reading, look up the things he's said to and about rape survivors. Dude gets NO respect from me.
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