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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. I don't get it. it's legos, but virtual, but not minecraft. Also, does anyone here have experience with those new Chromebook notebooks? I was considering getting one, but then they made some asinine comment about windows "torturing its users".
  2. Well, if your problem really is like this, then the post right above yours solved it.
  3. What? i don't think you understand computers. Your operating system is either 32 or 64 bit. a 64 bit operating system due to the x86 architecture, btu it isn't optimal, and most like wont function properly. you most certainly CAN delete the other javas, and if you can't, then there probably isnt much we can do to help you, because yo udon't have permissions on your own machine.
  4. That's in the works. It isn't quite as simple as it sounds.
  5. Delete ALL java installations besides the most recent one that corresponds to your computer, then we can work from there. Also, you have to post your own report format as well.
  6. Jay?


    Oops. sorry. Did that fix it?
  7. Jay?


    Google it? I can't remember what they were called. you can test my theory by going to the minecraft menu and turning off all the sounds.
  8. It's only been one night. Some people have lives to get to. He was probably off somewhere trying really hard to affirm his masculinity.
  9. Jay?

    I'm confused

    We have that fancy little button that forces you to use the report format now, because we've had an enormous problem getting people to do it here.
  10. we don't support older versions. Saying not to ask why you use an old one isn't going to get you support.
  11. Jay?


    This is actually a well known problem. It's your IC2 sounds. try going into the resource folders and deleting the IC2 machine noises.
  12. Actually, the recommended build of technic is on Minecraft 1.1. Nothing is "ported" at all. This metric is still invalid as a comparison since the technic guys have been focusing on tekkit and the SSp version hasn't been updated yet. You can keep saying that it has more mods all you want, but that doesn't make the pack better, just bigger. Bloated one might say. Again, you guys are comparing your 1.2.5 pack to our 1.1 pack, while ignoring the pack where both packs are on the same version. That was the default behaviour or NEI at the time, and not exactly difficult to change. None of the newer versions OR other versions have that behaviour. Nice try, but you just rehashed all the invalid metrics that were addressed earlier. We only ban people who break the rules, or do obviously over the top things that shouldn't have to be explained. Like threatening the staff with violence. In case you hadn't noticed mad cock is still completely able to post and he's clearly in your favor, in fact we were having a nice little debate until you popped in to express your unparalleled rage and act like a spoiled child on the internet.
  13. Truly sparkling repartee. I think it's rather telling though, that when faced with a fair and logical debate, your only recourse is to threaten us with violence. Why are you so opposed to words? Do you feel that you can't stand your ground in civilized society? There's plenty you could say. I've admitted to being incorrect on a number of occasions. The fact that you instantly gave up as soon as you were faced with a debate doesn't mean that I'm impossible to argue with.
  14. You deliberately chose the SSP pack, in favor of the much more up to date SMP pack, I'm just saying that your metrics are no good. There's a huge difference between comparing a modpack with 5 mods to a mod pack with twice as many, to a modpack with 20 mods to a modpack with 25 mods, most of which are the same. Again, you chose the out of date pack to compare the two. Minecraft may be for children, but technic doesn't have a stated age range. The people who complain about how mean we are fall into three categories: 1. Pirates who want to use the pack, but can't because they don't have a legit copy. 2. People who didn't read the rules or the stickies when they showed up here, and expected this place to be like MCforums, where you have 32 chances to get it right before you get banned 3. People who already hated technic, and came here to spout their opinion. DNS is also specifically for people who pirated minecraft. Now, on the subject of quality, there ARE metrics for quality in most situations, but popularity isnt one of them. Beiber is popular mostly as a result of a change in the music industry (which i could have a nice long rant about, and may in fact do elsewhere) that has resulted in popularity not actually being defined by the people buying music, but the ones selling it. I can understand that sentiment, and that MAY function over here, where our users are held to a tight standard, but on MCforums it acts less like a method of getting it out of the way, and more like an invitation. Please take a look at both sides of the history before you try and state that as fact. Technic grew organically from a private modpack between a few people, which didn't need permissions, and was then featured before it was ready, which led to explosive growth that it was not prepared for. the mods weren't "pirated" they were just used, and then released in a way that wasnt intended. I don't bite heads off until rules are broken, or falsehoods are uttered.
  15. Yeah see, your metrics aren't really that great. First of all, you're comparing a pack for 1.1 with a pack for 1.2.5, which is obviously not going to stack well, and the technic devs have been focusing on tekkit, rather than technic. Second, you list "number of mods" as a measurement of quality, which it is not. Third, you measure how "up to date" they are, which by its nature is a temporary metric. Fourth, you criticize how we talk down to people, but fail to mention that it's only people who break the rules, and refuse to work within our system that we talk down to. Fifth, you try to use popularity as a metric, which, as the story of justin beiber can tell you, is NOT a metric of quality. Finally, you randomly toss away any sense of objectivity, calling both packs illegal, when they're in a grey area at worst, and technic has most if not all of its permissions together now. Nice try, and your reviewing itself isn't bad, but the most important part of a comparative review is the metrics used to compare the two.
  16. The problem with the people having this problem is that NONE of our regulars have it, and the people who've had it either disappear after it's fixed, or refuse to give enough information to figure out what's happening.
  17. okay, try downloading the .jar from the site, and see how you fare with that. Also, try ensuring that you have it utilizing java 7, since some people still have a java 6 install, even after getting Java 7.
  18. The technic devs seem to think that it should be included. Interestingly enough, that makes your opinion seem a little bit insignificant.
  19. Hm. I have puzzlement. I see ragnar couldn't help you much either. I'll see if i can get someone more knowledgeable to help.
  20. I'm dekellering you for posting what fixes you've tried, and then fguring out your problem on your own. Congratulations on being an adult.
  21. Are these new worlds or old worlds that have been converted? Care to post your logs, folks? Also, OP, is there any way you could test the server without your special monitoring program? they could be interacting badly.
  22. ...oh. now i'm all full of disappoint. I may have to buy planetside.
  23. Experiment and find out. I told you i don't remember the values.
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