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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Okay, We could probably play telephone for six hours trying to help her, but that would be twice as much work as is probably necessary. Have her come on and post a bug report herself. We don't bite, as long as you follow the rules.
  2. FFS learn how to internet. Read the rules, and the stickies, and do a search on your problems before you post them.
  3. Well, i suppose, but there ARE actually good games now. they just don't get much attention. Atlus is a pretty solid localization company, with only a handful of real flops on their record (Im looking at you raidou kuzunoha vs the soulless army)
  4. Aw man, neowulf, why'd you have to go and remind of UT3? I loved that game as if it were my child.
  5. Solars are easy, and you can scale up production pretty fluidly. A simple trick to use is once you get your MFSU, and connect your first mass fabricator to it, set the redstone behaviour to "emit if partially filled", and have the redstone linked up to the fabricator. This way, all the overflow energy you generate will go directly towards making UUmatter without leaving your system devoid of power for your regular machines.
  6. the batbox property. See, if you use the powersource as the shutoff, you can't use the "emit if partially filled" tag, which tells the unit to emit redstone power unless it's full, and mass fabricators are on by default but turn off with redstone power, so you can tell them to draw power ONLY when the unit is full. That way you never waste any of your generatino power (particularly useful for using things like water setups, solars, or maceration loops)
  7. Yeah, that's an option, but then you lose the flexibility to do things like use overflow style Mass fabrication, without a significant amount of extra work.
  8. Well, i went and bought it, it'll be downloaded by the time i get home. I ove steam sales ^_^
  9. Well, like i said, try it on an OP first, to see if it works.
  10. You have two options there: the first is to make a switch connected to all the machines. they need redstone current to be on while empty. the other one is to put a lever on one of your transformers. that will change it's behavior so that the 3dot side is the higher voltage OUTPUT instead of input, so no power will flow through it.
  11. You removed EE, yah? That may cause issues with extraneous data, like the elchemical table data, which is tied to the character. The player.dat files should be in the world folder somewhere. try deleting yours first, since, being the operator, you can just spawn in anything you lose.
  12. There's no apparent bukkit port for it, so no.
  13. The server operator will need to do that. It's a file on the server that contains your inventory and stats.
  14. Okay, but you still can't allocate 1.5 gigs?
  15. I'm not saying that isn't true, but the fact that it's true doesn't make me any more interested. Without sufficient curiosity to learn about a subject, you really just aren't going to soak it up. That's why i can't stand how the U.S. teaches science. We don't try to give kids the sense of curiosity and amazement with science that we should be.
  16. I dunno, Yahtzee is useful, in that he brings all the worst qualities in a game to light. If you watch one of his reviews and say "well that'll get patched by the community" "i don't really give a flying fuck about that bit" or "these guidelines seem a little arbitrary" then you'll probably actually like the game. That really is a shame, because there are a lot of JRPGs that are amazing games. Give Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne a try.
  17. Jay?


    make a bug report.
  18. Jay?


    Well that's odd, because you did everything right, right?
  19. I suppose those could be good, but I'm more interested in the macroscopic universe.
  20. Now for some !SCIENCE!: Into the Universe with Steven Hawking, How the Universe Works, and the classic Cosmos, by Carl Sagan Are all must see.
  21. Jay?


    Awesome, there must not be any problem then, mystery solved!
  22. You've probably got either mismatched versions, or an antivirus preventing you from properly downloading the client.
  23. Here's your problem: Technic is not a lunch, it's definitely a dinner course. To try and have it for lunch is simply foolish. Also have you tried running it with the .Jar?
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