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Everything posted by Milk

  1. Neato. I should get out of my lazy binge and actually do stuff. I got some nice ideas from your base.
  2. How the hell did just YOU manage to connect to the server?
  3. Click "Clear Cache" in the launcher. Should be under options.
  4. I don't know exactly, but it sounds like a bad case of lag. That or it's just phantom power, which sometimes happens. No one really knows why. Have you tried putting this setup in a different chunk?
  5. Just think of all the people who were going to post what everyone else said, but didn't.
  6. Backup your saves and delete the .techniclauncher folder. It's in the same directory as .minecraft.
  7. I found that when I got lag, lowering allocated memory from 1.5g to 1g completely rid of any fps-related lag whatsoever. Don't ask me how or why it happened. I don't know either.
  8. The particle effects in that video look like they're out of TF2. Looks really7 misplaced considering the style of everything else.
  9. Who would use a nuke to enter someone's home?
  10. I laughed as I skimmed over it and noticed every few words he just switched to caps lock.
  11. This happened to me too. It seems to be a fuckup on minecraft's end. I turned off online mode for my server and it worked just fine.
  12. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,10839.0.html
  13. Milk


    Not to mention this is in Cafe Lame as opposed to Off Topic.
  14. It's possible, since all the mods in tekkit are SMP anyway. Though I doubt the team would be willing to put in the extra work. Also, they're just waiting on the redpower2 port, which shouldn't take long. (My guess - about a week)
  15. Sure looks like you're trying to run 32-bit java on your 64-bit platform.
  16. He actually wants to connect to a tekkit server with hack/mine, which is a lot more ridiculous.
  17. Milk


    I have no idea then, man. Perhaps you could have a friend/relative in the U.S./Canada ship it to you? Or, if that's not possible, you could check out http://www.tigerdirect.com/ I use that site sometimes; it's pretty good. Also, this: http://www.tigerdirect.com/sectors/help/international.asp
  18. Milk


    http://www.ibuypower.com/ Not sure if it has all the lights and stuff, but you can customize almost everything. Just have to look for it.
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