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Everything posted by Mageleon3860

  1. i would cook for you instead of a weird blue thingy ;)
  2. yes they are. magtubes are awesome :D
  3. but do you see super mario with a knife in his shoe?
  4. your in luck. i do cook but you better be careful on what i do to what i cook muahahaahaha
  5. agree with Industrial Miner the guns, sword, lasers and all that is boring minecraft/tekkit/technic needs something different. maybe a boot knife :-P When jump ontop of a creature or animal it will obviously deal damage pending on what material you've equip to it. Stone > Iron > Gold > Diamond Pending if its mod compatible maybe > Stone > Copper or Stone > Tin or Stone > Silver and Egt. That would be amazing if someone could do that i would use it for ddddaaaayyysss
  6. Wish i had the time to read this i saw little bits of it and looks quit interesting.
  7. Dubstep just really motivates me be besides that the song i like is "21 guns"
  8. Just had a look at the thread "Woazh" and that is absolutely amazing. i have set a challenge for my self and "TRY" to copy your design but on survival :P. you have really have me motivation. Thank you i've been getting bored lately.

  9. Always wondered what that did. Thanks to you also.
  10. give me the left one and i wont come to your house O.o
  11. Love the video. nice voice which i always like in a commentator lovely simple intro you might of earned a sub but some questions 1. What FPS you get? 2. Think you could do lets play would be quit nice. i enjoy'd just this if you did do lets play i'd probably sub. Really like the milk farm but its a bit extreme and could make it more compact quite easier.
  12. can i hug you now? ewww mod!
  13. Thank you once again you help.
  14. lol :')
  15. Orly?
  16. why wtf?.i meant the bees from forestry -.-' the breeds
  17. i don't know why but this just made me giggle lol.. OT: i use tinypic not has fast has other uploaders but i like it.
  18. i just love this forum compared to all the others reasons? 1. everyone goes offtopic and its so funny ^.^ 2. alot of extremely smart people who use words thats startle me *jay?* 3. love the community not alot of arguments 4. so much comedy! specially from admins/mods im not making this thread to be a kiss ass just wanted to say because all over forums are just against everything i just said. anyyywayy im going to bed.
  19. Mageleon3860


    bees arn't really in tekkit or technic anymore but they use to be so i though this would be alright, but could someone give me a list of ALL the bees names please? i don't really wanna know how to get them but that would be useful. if anyone is curious im bored on my world so im making an automatic bee farm with redpower computers all i gotta type is something like "meadowsp > forestd" and those 2 will go in hive/apiary. but i can't find list of names only pictures.
  20. OT = on topic.. same thing. im gonna be honest i have no idea what OP means except overpowered :P
  21. didn't know there was any.. Explain?
  22. shit ya.. the virtual trees will be all gone?.. why didn't we all think of this we should officially all post of one thread. OT: using wrong faction get 1.2.5
  23. im only 16 but im allowed 18+ rated games
  24. i'll have to join tommorow. im in uk if your wondering
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