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Everything posted by Dash16

  1. Is there a way to directly connect Redstone energy cells to each other, without needing conduits? Otherwise, it would seem that a parallel setup would actually be better than connecting them all in serial. Given 6 Cells, there are 7 times when the 5% loss occurs in a serial connection. Take those same 6 cells and arrange them in a 2x3 grid, and now there are only 6 times where loss occurs. A 3x2 grid has even better conservation and only loses at 5 times. A 3x2 grid also has the advantage of having a higher total output of MJ, 300MJ/t vs only 100MJ/t on a pure serial layout. I made this layout to demonstrate my findings: Time to restructure my power grid.
  2. Yes, AE autocrafting.
  3. Yeah AE can process ore on demand, no need to grind/smelt stacks and store then, just store in raw form until needed. You can also set minimum levels of certain items, so the system will always have "x" amount of a given resource, and if it falls below that level it automatically makes more. Just need to rethink how you're playing. If you want the old systems, Tekkit Classic and Tekkit Lite still exist.
  4. Try accidentally flipping a transformer in IC2 and watch your entire wiring past the transformer, or worse the machines hooked up to the wiring, explode. IC2 wiring and machines explode too, even if the generators (sans nuclear reactor) don't. Honestly, you can get by without building BC pipes or explodey engines at all. Start off low tech connecting steam or magmatic engines directly to machines, then switch to redstone conduit once you can afford it.
  5. Hmm, good point. The energy loss would be greater in a parallel network. The reason I wanted to increase the overall amount of energy in the conduits over 100MJ/t is some machines will use more. The Energetic Infuser, for example, can pull up to 500MJ. I think I'll prototype some designs in Creative.
  6. So, I've gotten used to the new standard in energy generation, storage and transportation, and was wondering what sorts of builds people were coming up with for storage. I've got a V12 magmatic engine cluster powering my entire base, with a tesseract setup powering a pump in the nether to bring back lava. I've been growing my AE network and now have a steady drain on the system; my engines never lock up. At the moment I have 2 or 3 redstone energy cells in serial connection between the engines and the rest of the machines, and was contemplating if there are better layouts. I'm using 2 conduits between each cube, one pulling power from the cell before it and one putting power into the next cell. Has anyone tried a parallel setup, a grid of sorts with conduits and cells, engines inputting and all cells outputting to one line? Also, what's the bandwidth on redstone conduits? If I connect 10 cells outputting to one conduit line and configure each cell to output 100 MJ/t, will that conduit be running 1,000 MJ/t?
  7. Oh and thank you, excellent job!
  8. If only there was a wiki or something for Thermal Expansion… Oh well.
  9. Shift + mousewheel to select the scanner, then right click with the MPS. You may need to adjust the x y and z values from the defaults on the workbench to at least a value of 1 to get any use out of it. From my experience with the ore scanner, it only gives you a maximum of 5 blocks in any direction. Uses too much power in my opinion to be useful
  10. I've noticed something too, not sure if it's related to this issue. Something seems to keep reselecting the MPS tool when it is already selected. Kind of hard to explain, but you know that tooltip that shows above the hot bar when you select an item? That keeps showing intermittently for me, when the power tool is selected. A side effect of that is when you are mining something that takes a while, like obsidian, is the mining progress starts over. It isn't always an issue, just a little annoying. It's like it switches away from the tool and back instantly, long enough to stop whatever you were doing with the tool and indicate that it's been reselected. I haven't tried unequipping other parts of the power armor suit, but seems like it might be a good isolation step to determine what piece of armor or what upgrade is causing the issue.
  11. I've run into this before, and found persistence is the answer. Just quit the launcher and open it again, and eventually it will stop pestering you. For some stupid reason, the TechnicLauncher.jar file thinks that having the Java 7 WEB PLUGIN is the same as having the Java 7 RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT. They are not the same. Minecraft doesn't need the Java web plugin to function, it needs the right version of JRE running in the core OS. AFAIK, this is still version 6 in 10.6/10.7/10.8, as evidenced by checking your java version from Terminal. Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and type "java -version" without the quotes. Terminal should return something like: That version 1.6.0_45 is Java 6, not Java 7 as the error message would have you believe. I'm running the TechnicLauncher.jar in 10.8 with no issues, although that error message came up a few times when I first started using it. It eventually stopped coming up.
  12. News flash: Tekkit Lite is still available and it has IC2 and RP2! Go play that! Methinks there needs to be a sticky topic in this forum regarding the whining about IC2 and RP2. Yeah, like a lot of other people I was sad to see them go, building HV Solar panel factories and MFSU factories was fun. There are quite a few reasons why they aren't included in the new Tekkit, and should probably be made crystal clear in a sticky... Honestly I'm having a lot of fun learning the new systems like AE, TE, MPS, etc. It's a welcome, refreshing change of pace.
  13. So, is it safe to say that someone (or the community) is working on a patch for Tekkit to apply to the base Sphax package?
  14. I know it's only been a couple days since the release of this latest version of Tekkit(main?), but does anyone know of any texture packs that have been compiled with all of the mods included? I'm a big fan of Sphax PureBDCraft, but to my knowledge the texture pack patch for Tekkit Lite won't work for Tekkit.
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