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Everything posted by Dash16
Yeah, couldn't sleep. Smart phone + insomnia = message board shenanigans.
Cyclic Assembler - automate building with schematics. Automatic Crafting Table - items can be placed and they don't pop off, similar to a project table Powered Furnace - smelts without sand Go learn Thermal Expansion, I'm sure you'll find there is much in it that replaces IC2.
I don't know, create oil with an Oil Fabricator? Honestly, your arguments amount to the same thing that everyone else who posts inflammatory topics like this one. IC2 was really good at solving problems IC2 created. Your claim that removing IC2 was a mistake only serves to highlight your ignorance and lack of investigation into why it was removed in the first place.
Oh god. Hey! Yeah you! Tekkit Classic and Tekkit Lite still exist, go play them if you want IC2.
Good eye. I must be getting tired, my typing is getting sloppy and I'm missing stuff like that. As good a sign as any to call it a night.
Wiki to the rescue! http://wiki.technicpack.net/Sludge
LWJGL was reverted to an older version so a fix should be live (if not the fix that will resolve the issue for newer versions). Olloth rolled it back: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/mac-users-important-fix-hello-crash-problem.35023/page-8#post-376994
Dash16 replied to Cheap Shot's question in Technic Launcher
Well, thanks at least for fixing this retroactively. It does seem like a tough spot to be in, with some Macs being affected in different ways because of oddities in LWJGL. From what I hear, in the near future minecraft core will require LWJGL 2.9, so that's a problem Mojang has to figure out as well. I'm wrestling with an issue with LWJGL myself right now, can't figure out why minecraft is running OpenGL 2.1 when the hardware and the driver both support OpenGL 3.2. I don't know if it's a limitation in LWJGL for all Macs, or just my specific graphics card. If you need additional testers, I'm happy to help. I happen to work for a certain fruit themed company based out of Cupertino and have access to a pretty wide spread of Macs. I'm a little disappointed that someone who apparently is in charge of the launcher has the attitude that "Mac is dumb", but am willing to look past the slight in interest of providing a stable, playable environment for the platform so all Mac users can enjoy Technic. -
Yeah, pretty much all templates. Would be nice to have a complete template for what a new page should have, as well as break off each section and describe what the syntax is for anyone else who wants to help. Especially the footer at the bottom of most mod pages, that shows the entire contents of the items/blocks in that mod, I find that to be the most challenging to edit. As far as the Compressed Sawdust... you got me. I even inspected the page source to see why there was so much white space on the page, I can't figure it out. There are some other oddities, such as the minium stone transmutation recipes (http://wiki.technicpack.net/Minium_Stone#Transmutations) that someone else so helpfully put into the page. I spent some time cleaning it up just now, adding images for missing graphics of some Vanilla stuff and saw that the quantity wasn't showing on the output, even though it had the correct syntax. Can't figure out that one either.
You know what would be SUPER helpful? A page full of templates. Dunno if we could host it on the wiki in plain text so the wiki doesn't interpret the code and try to render it. It might make more sense to host a template page elsewhere... Like here? Maybe a new sub forum could be setup so we can keep all that discussion separate?
I think the slot that gets filled depends on which side you are inputting to. Heard that somewhere, haven't tested it myself.
I dunno, I could work on AE, I'm in love with that mod. Never played it before the new Tekkit, and already can't figure out how I lived without it! Chests? Who needs chests?!? I've also been learning a bunch about Galacticraft, seeing as that is one of the core mods for Tekkit and kind of an endgame scenario, I figure it should be documented pretty well. Can't promise I'll stay out of Thermal Expansion, but if I see you actively editing there I'll work on something else. ;)
Sure enough, the client reports OpenGL 2.1, both in Vanilla Minecraft and in Tekkit(main). Crud. Well, at least I know how to investigate fixing it, or... I knew I kept that Boot Camp partition around for something . For posterities sake, my OpenGL renderer outside of Minecraft is reporting: OpenGL 3.2 NVIDIA-8.10.44 304.10.65f03 Whatever that means. [EDIT: I updated my LWJGL to the latest version, 2.9.0, and still stuck with the OpenGL 2.1 renderer. I dunno if my specific video card isn't supported for OpenGL3.2 in LWJGL, or if it is a limitation across the entire OS. I'll test with some newer computers at work and see what I get there.]
Hmm, no "Render Inventory Block" on the keybinding screen. I wonder if LWJGL doesn't support OpenGL 3.2 for the Mac, or if my particular graphics card isn't supported. I know outside of minecraft, the graphics card and driver support it. Is there any way to check within Minecraft what version of OpenGL is being used by the client?
Does this work in the Mac client? I'm trying to use it to grab screenshots for the Technic wiki, and placed it in ~/Library/Application Support/technic/tekkitmain/mods folder, but pressing P doesn't do anything. I've confirmed my card and OS supports Open GL 3.2. Should there be a /rendered directory inside ../tekkitmain?
SWEET! Will give it a go, and if I get it working will post instructions for others. Should we coordinate our editing efforts so we aren't working on the same thing at the same time? There's only a few people submitting and editing content according to the 'recent changes' page, but still might be nice to divvy that up in some way. I've noticed some have gone and added content to the pages I've been building, which is awesome! I still need to go through and mark some of those pages as stubs, so they can be easily found and completed. Is there a template of sorts that can be referred to as a completed page? There's a lot of sections to a page, and some blocks/items might have more sections to them but I feel there should be a minimum requirement somewhere that we can point to and say "build a page with at least these features and we're in a good place". There's the info box (with several different templates in itself, for blocks and items), the crafting section, description, and mod directory at the bottom. Am I forgetting anything? [Edit: I've been using a URL I crafted by taking the base string and changing it to match the item I'm uploading. I'm sure there's a better/smarter way to do this, but it's been getting the job done. http://wiki.technicpack.net/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=Grid_ At the end of that URL, place the file name of the item. In your example, you'd put Wrench_(Buildcraft).png That SHOULD do it.
I'm not sure where those large 3d images come from. I can typically scale up the flat images, even from 16x16, to a much larger nice looking graphic. But those quarter perspective high resolution shots... I'm not sure how they are done. Maybe reach out to whomever uploaded that file and see where they got it from, or how they made the image? Sorry for ninja'ing your edit, I was kind of in the zone today and hammered out a LOT of wiki content. :D
MFR has a pretty big 1.5.2 update as well, some exciting sounding stuff! http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1629898-151152-powercrystals-mods-15-updates-are-here-rednet-logic-is-here-100-upvotes/#mfr-desc Added: Chocolate Milk liquid Added: Mushroom Soup liquid Added: Laser Drill (and associated bits) Added: Auto-Anvil Added: Vine Scaffolding Added: Block Smasher Added: RedNote Added: Auto-Brewer Added: Jailer's Safari Net Added: RedNet cable has cable-only and force-connect modes Added: RedNet Historian Added: Unifier output preferences Added: Fruit Picker (works on cocoa and Pam's fruit) Added: PRC delay line circuit
Or BukkitForge.
I just spent a large chunk of my time at work today putting up some framework and fleshing out other parts of the wiki. I've never been a contributor on a wiki before, so at least I don't have any other system's syntax learned that I need to adjust, but I've been learning a lot by looking at existing pages and stealing/modifying a lot of code. I agree, we need templates for pretty much all the TE machines; Induction Smelter, Liquid Transposer, Magma Crucible, etc. I'm sure there's a way to create a custom template of some kind, but I haven't figured it out yet. It looks like they are using MediaWiki, so their webpage might be a good place to start. We need more contributors! Honestly, even if we are just copy/pasting from other wikis into this one, at least all the information will be in one, central place. I know I relied HEAVILY on the wiki when learning Tekkit Classic, and suspect a lot of the facepalm topics that get posted here would be avoided by having a good wiki. Edit: I know you've figured it out, but I figured I'd answer your question anyway so that others can learn. Most images can be found in the modpack itself, or in the minecraft.jar file. If a modpack is packaged as a .jar, you can always copy it somewhere, rename the copy to a .zip instead of a .jar, then extract the contents of the pack. Poking around inside the files will give you pretty much every image you'll need, and for other images (such as 3D renders of blocks), check the official wiki or website for the mod. Resizing images to their proper sizes to be displayed in Crafting recipes is also a good idea. If you have Photoshop, make sure to change the sampling rate from Bicubic to Nearest Neighbor, so the image isn't interpolated and image quality altered or worsened. Images in the crafting recipes are 32x32, and the large image on the top right of the page is usually 128x128.
Yeah I have another computer on which updating to Java 7 had no effect on the lagginess. Playing in full screen, as you said, results in much better performance.
How have you gotten around sending different materials to different machines when requested? What I mean by that is, if a Redstone Energy Conduit takes 1 Energy Conduit and 2 redstone melted into Destabilized Redstone, you have to send the Energy Conduit to the Liquid Transposer and send the Redstone to the Magma Crucible. Do you just have a tank of Redstone nearby that you keep full, then simply send an Energy Conduit to the Transposer? I suppose you could set something up with an export bus, piping Redstone constantly into the Crucible so that when the liquid levels in the Crucible go down to feed the Transposer, Redstone is immediately imported and melted. And I suppose you could setup a level emitter to keep a minimum amount of redstone in the network, so the export bus doesn't go too crazy and use all your Redstone up. Never mind, I think I answered my own question. Funny how thinking about a problem can lead one to the solution without outside intervention, figure I'll leave this here for anyone else trying to figure that out. :)