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Everything posted by Dash16

  1. http://wiki.technicpack.net/Overworld_Space_Station The search fuction of the forums is your friend.
  2. In theory, some of them hang out on these Forums, but don't expect a quick response. I'm looking into running Java 7 as my default JVM, if that works as an acceptable workaround I'll post instructions here. Sadly it won't work for 10.6 users as you need 10.7.3 or higher to use Java in Mac OS. Consider upgrading to 10.8, it's only $20. Edit: So, installing Java 7 seems to fix my issues. Note: Oracle's instructions for updating Java to 7 for the Mac are (bewilderingly) wrong. They seem to make the same incorrect conclusion about running Java 7 from the Internet Plug-Ins directory, vs. having a full Java VM that the OS uses to run java apps outside of a browser. In any case, download the Java 7 JDK from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html After installing the JDK, open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app and type: It should return the following: If it shows 1.6, you still have Java 6 as the default VM, and might need some additional terminal trickery to get it working. Should you run into problems after installing the JDK check here: http://www.mattgifford.co.uk/set-java-7-as-default-jvm-on-mac-osx-mountain-lion Installing Java 7 on my machine fixed the lagginess introduced by the latest TechnicLauncher.jar update. I suspect, but am not sure, that the issue with the screen flipping/mirroring in window mode will also be addressed. Please post your results if so.
  3. Rotate the collector until the pipe connects directly to the block. You may have to reconnect power after rotating. One the oxygen pipe is connected to the collector, it should transfer to the compressor or distributer. You may need to rotate those blocks too. DON'T use the MPS omnitool to rotate, unless you like crashing the entire server. Use the BC wrench or Quartz wrench instead.
  4. No idea what the devs are doing about it. I've tried forcing TechnicLauncher.jar to open in Java 7 from Terminal, but that didn't seem to help. I don't know the mechanics of the handoff from the launcher to spoutcraft, but it seems to me that the launcher may be opening in Java 7, but the other jar files opening in Java 6. Java 6 still is the system core default for java applications, after all; even if there is a Java 7 installation usable in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins. Honestly, I feel like there is a lot confusion (both from the developers, and the users) of Java 6 and Java 7, and would love to lend my knowledge to help get it straightened out. I'm considering making Java 7 my system default and seeing if that helps performance any, but doing so is… messy. I wouldn't expect most novice or even experienced Mac users to know how to change the java installation from the core VM over to the one embedded in the latest plugin.
  5. I'm hoping the mechanics for launch pads and rockets is altered a bit, it's kind of funky to have your pad travel with you. Especially complicates things if you return to the Overworld in a different way, such as jumping into space from the Space Station or using a Dimensional Door or Linking Book. I get that the Rocket requires a pad to launch, but maybe they should be left behind, and the system detects whether or not you have a spare pad with you when you launch (similar to how it detects if you have a parachute or not).
  6. Yeah I suspect the Launcher Updates to the /bin files (jinput.jar, lwjgl_util.jar, lwjgl.jar, natives, and minecraft.jar) are to blame. Really not happy that this fix was rolled out to provide Java 7 support, WHICH WE NEVER NEEDED. Technic Devs, if you are listening, PLEASE rollback your changes so Mac users aren't hit by this issue. I'd rather have a stable, playable system than support for a framework we don't yet need. When Minecraft hits 1.6, we apparently might have to have Java 7 support, but until then we are happy to play on Java 6.
  7. The latest update to the bin files is to blame, I suspect. It's either causing this mirror/flip issue, or causing some absolutely punishing performance hits. I don't think it's an FPS issue, F3 on my Mac indicates I still get decent numbers from 30-70, but it FEELS like it's low FPS. Sluggish, unresponsive, slow. I HATES IT.
  8. Guh, well my workaround finally stopped working, and I had to grit my teeth and be force fed the update today. My screen isn't flipped and mirrored, but it runs DOG slow. It isn't a framerate issue, I'm getting anywhere from 30-70 FPS, but it feels laggy and slow, unresponsive. Delays when opening inventories, lag when using the mouse to look around… it FEELS like a framerate issue but fn+F3 would beg to differ; frame rates are fine. I thought maybe the new lwgjl files weren't playing nice with Java 6, so I forced the TekkitLauncher.jar to open with Java 7 by issuing the following command in Terminal: Didn't seem to help. The updates to the launcher that Olloth mentioned are horrible. They either mirror/flip your display, making it impossible to play in a Window, or the performance is abysmal. Seriously, I wish the devs would just roll back whatever changes they made so Mac users can continue to enjoy Technic pack mods like we always have. I'm going to try changing my system default VM to Java 7 and see if that helps any, but this is getting ridiculous. I shouldn't have to tinker around with Core OS libraries; one of the reasons I game on a Mac at ALL is so I don't have to spend more time troubleshooting my system (drivers, software updates, etc) than I spend actually playing the game. Edit: Well the good news is that installing Java 7 seems to fix the responsiveness issue. If you find that the latest TechnicLauncher.jar update caused the apparent frame rate to drop, or cause Technic modpacks to run slower than expected installing Java 7 JDK from here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html helps. I don't know if it addresses the upside down mirroring issue, I never had that. Better news: its easier than I thought, rather than use the Java 7 VM in Internet Plug-Ins all you have to do is install an entire new JDK. I didn't have to do anything fancy in command line to create new symlinks or anything, but should you find running java -version still reports java 6, try this: http://www.mattgifford.co.uk/set-java-7-as-default-jvm-on-mac-osx-mountain-lion . The instructions are for Mountain Lion, but they should work fine for Lion.
  9. Yeah, pretty much the only thing people are going to agree with you on that wishlist is a better wiki. Everything else is either overpowered, or replaced with something better. MPS > Quantum armor, etc.
  10. Thanks! Think I'm going to start contributing to the wiki myself.
  11. What's the cost in this version of Tekkit? Micdoodle's YouTube shows some different requirements from what I remember when I briefly played around with it. Checked the technic pack wiki and didn't see anything there.
  12. Restore from backup. Time Machine is a backup system: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1427
  13. Is there any way to see the cost of the space station without getting into the rocket and finding out from the dimension select screen?
  14. If you've already been bit by this bug, the only fix I've found (until the technic team fixes the launcher) is to restore all of the folders and files inside ~/Library/Application Support/technic/tekkitmain/bin from a backup (hope you are running Time Machine) and then lock them so the launcher can't update them. Hope this helps, and happy Tekkit'ing!
  15. It's been 3 days, at least. MY suggestion is to STFU and not come down on those simply trying to find a workaround so they can play the game they enjoy. Will it eventually be fixed? Probably. Eventually isn't soon enough in my book. I've found if you lock all the files in the tekkitmain/bin directory, the launcher can't update them and it will continue to function. If you've already updated and have been hit by the upside down mirrored bug, quit the launcher or the game, restore all the files and folders in ../bin and then lock them. (Control click or right click a file, get info, check the locked box.)
  16. Good call, I could have sworn Oracle was supporting 10.6 and higher for Java 7, but I may have been thinking of Adobe and their Flash Player support. The mentality you speak of is a result of Oracle, not Apple. Oracle is responsible for getting Java on Mac OS. The point still stands though, Java 6 at least is installed on 10.6-10.8, and is separate from the Java 7 installation and default for launching JAR files.
  17. Fail in what way? I bet you are simply forgetting to change the conduit from input to output or vice versa.
  18. I wonder if you could lock those files after restoring them, or adjust their permissions so the launcher doesn't replace them. I've still got a game window open from before the issue started happening, and don't plan on quitting it until the issue is fixed. The reason I asked if he had a Mac is if he tests the launcher before pushing out changes like this that break the game for every Mac user. Also, there seems to be a lot of confusion around which java version is the default in OS X. Both Java 6 and Java 7 are installed in 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8, but java 7 is contained in the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins directory and not configured (by default) as the system wide default to launch when you doubleclick a JAR file. It's like he fixed a perceived problem that doesn't exist. I've been happily playing Tekkit in Java 6 (despite the incorrect warnings from TekkitLauncher) for a while now, no lwgl updates needed.
  19. Good news Mac users! You now have to play Tekkit upside down using a mirror. I have to ask, do you have a Mac to test on Olloth?
  20. ... Is there any way to avoid updating TekkitLauncher.jar, or does it autoupdate when it opens?
  21. Um, I think that update may be causing some issues with Tekkit: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/launched-upside-down-mac-w-lwjgl-fix.43689/ Honestly, there is no "need" to downgrade to Java 6 because most Macs already HAVE java 6. When installed on demand, the core OS build of java is 6. The web plugin for Java 7 has a full VM, but the core installation isn't touched. JAR files still use 6.
  22. I know it works because I have an interface connected directly to a harvester and I get the wheat and the seeds. Good luck with your auto farm.
  23. Yeah bum deal, but it happens. Nether seed is the same as the overworld seed, so you're stuck with it unless you want to break your overworld too. Best bet is to bring loads of cobble and try to find the nearest land. That sort of thing would warrant an admin switching to creative and building a safe walkway, in my opinion. Depending on how big that lava lake is, might take a while of holding shift and slowly building a bridge to safety. Better to fly in creative and slap down a quick escape.
  24. Those stupid springs! You can't remove them with anything, and they cause the Buildcraft Filler to completely stop once encountered. I hates them hobbitses.
  25. AE owns me, body and soul. It's genius.
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