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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. Is the reset happening every time you restart the game?
  2. By the way, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the Food Plus upgrade, so you're going to get a lot of complaints about item ID fiddling when loading an old map. It should work anyway, based on my testing. Be sure to back up, though!
  3. Hey, everyone, Attack of the B-Team 1.0.11 is now promoted to latest! If you're interested in helping test, back up your worlds (SSP or server) and set your launcher up to use the "Latest" build, or manually select version 1.0.11. Play with us and report issues in this thread! The 1.0.11 server can be downloaded here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bteam/BTeam_Server_v1.0.11.zip Changelog for Attack of the B-Team 1.0.11; this is a list of all changes since 1.0.10b: - MineFactory Reloaded has been updated to version 2.7.8 - Advanced Genetics has been updated to version 1.4.2 - Carpenter Blocks has been updated to version 2.0.8 - CoFHCore has been updated to version - Food Plus has been updated to version 2.8pre4 - Furnituremod has been updated to version - Galacticraft has been updated to version - Hats has been updated to version 2.1.5 - Tinkers Mechworks has been updated to version 0.1.6 - Necromancy has been updated to version 1.5 - Sync has been updated to version 2.2.1 - Tinkers Construct has been updated to version - Thermal Expansion has been updated to version - Tropicraft has been updated to version 5.1.7 - Waila has been updated to version 1.5.2a - Witchery has been updated to version 0.17.2
  4. That's real weird, so without knowing the reason, I can't answer definitively, but we're not using the existing system for those stats to drive the new stuff, there will be a new tracking system. Reason being, we don't track runs/installs over time, just totals. The admin screen graph view currently on the platform is actually driven by some google analytics integration we use, but with the new Platform, we're bringing that tracking in-house so we can do things like prevent abuse and access the data for searches more quickly.
  5. Any games with mods are a good fit for us. Idunno that we're planning on being like the Nexus per se. Our trump card is our technological superiority, automating stuff, etc, which sets us apart from every company operating on user-created content. So many games have great stuff made by the community, but a really tiny portion of the community actually enjoying that stuff, because of the difficulties of putting together an install that uses that content. In Minecraft, 40%(?) of the community is enjoying Forge mods on a regular, active basis. That's unheard of! It's not just us making that happen, of course, there are tons of other launchers and stuff like Multicraft and the Magic Launcher have been around forever. But the point is that Minecraft doesn't just have a community producing great content, we have a community producing better ways to enjoy that content, and that's very unusual. A lot of game communities could benefit from the sort of tech we produce. Our future tech architecture will have the idea of non-minecraft games in mind, but we don't want to talk about what games or what sort of games we have our eye on, because we're not just some dudes in an IRC channel anymore, and new business thangs take time and discussion. Just know that this new launcher and platform are just the beginning- we want to bring the enjoyment you get from us to everyone.
  6. Launcher only! We'd never interrupt your play experience. We've discussed the idea of premium services for pack developers, and it could happen in the future. A subscription for more than 3 slots could I guess be a thing, but it's so easy to create another user with another 3 slots, that I don't know how much demand there'd be, and it seems kind of lame to set an arbitrary limitation and then sell a way to surpass it. We set that limitation to stop people from creating a ton of terrible useless packs, so we should instead look into setting up a way for productive pack developers to get an expansion without cost. I could see a situation where an account could have its limitations lifted if it hard-linked to solder- any pack you create in solder shows in the platform, with no limitations on pack count? One thing we've discussed (just talk, so far) is a solder subscription service- basically we'd host a solder instance for you, maybe auto-link it to your platform account. That's a real service that we've seen actual demand for, not an arbitrary usage limitation on our users, so the idea really appeals to us. As for sponsored packs, I doubt we'd do anything like that, but we will be working to open up access to our advertising purchasing process so that if a pack owner wanted to promote their pack, they could buy advertising space on the site or the launcher just like everyone else. We haven't nailed down that process yet, so I can't tell you much more than that we'd like that to happen. Nope, feel free to post all about your suggestions and thoughts here. As for broken/nonworking packs, it can be difficult to locate packs that have stopped working, without dedicating a lot of processing power to automated testing. Instead, we're going to change the way that packs are surfaced to keep track of runs & installs over the past 7/14 days, and preference those numbers over +1's, so if a pack stops working, then runs will fall off and the pack will no longer be surfaced. Oh, and that's another thing. We're using a new search service called "elastic search", which aside from being blazing fast, and not as buggy as our current search, allows us to sort & filter by various pack properties. So right now search results are basically arbitrary- we'll be able to sort by popularity or whatever else, so broken packs won't show up on page 1 anymore.
  7. We argued awhile about the time, I think we're sticking with it. It is a saturday night so hopefully staying up real late isn't a deal-breaker. I know that it's made worse by the fact that you guys go on BST that night, which could not be helped. If you can't make it, do the following two things: 1. Tweet any questions you want us to answer to hashtag #newtechnic so we see it and can answer them on the live stream. 2. Catch the stream on VOD & youtube when you wake up the next morning.
  8. 1.0.10a is out! '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  9. Hey, everyone, I've just promoted Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10a to Latest. I've removed Flan's Futuristic Content and rolled back Food Plus, sadly, due to crash issues with those versions. Other than that, we have updates for Open Blocks and Witchery here, as well as a fix for a packing error that was breaking microblocks. If you're interested in helping test, back up your worlds (SSP or server) and set your launcher up to use the "Latest" build, or manually select version 1.0.10a. Play with us and report issues in this thread! The 1.0.10 server can be downloaded here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bteam/BTeam_Server_v1.0.10a.zip Changelog for Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10a- this is a list of all changes since 1.0.9c: - Immibis Core has been updated to version 57.2.0. - MineFactory Reloaded has been updated to version - Random Things has been updated to version 1.9. - Galacticraft, Galacticraft-Planets, and MicDoodleCore have been updated to version - Carpenter's Blocks has been updated to version 2.0.6. - Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod has been updated to version 3.2.9. - Liquid XP has been updated to version 57.1.2. - Forge Microblocks has been updated to build 250. - Witchery has been updated to version 0.16.3. - Open Blocks has been updated to version 1.2.7. - Open Mods Lib has been updated to version 0.4. - Morph has been updated to version 0.7.1. - Bibliocraft version 1.5.5 has been added. - Galacticraft has been reconfigured to ensure that most mod glass blocks work with the oxygen sealer.
  10. Neither of these posts provide enough information to help or fix your issues.
  11. Also I'm aware of the known issue in Open Blocks, where Last Stand makes you invincible. I was hoping ot get the jump on community testing & then when the new Open Blocks comes out, we can look at doing a release.
  12. Hey, everyone, I've just promoted Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10 to Latest. There are a ton of key mod updates, along with the addition of two new mods: Bibliocraft and Flan's Futuristic Content Pack. If you're interested in helping test, back up your worlds (SSP or server) and set your launcher up to use the "Latest" build, or manually select version 1.0.10. Play with us and report issues in this thread! The 1.0.10 server can be downloaded here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bteam/BTeam_Server_v1.0.10.zip Changelog for Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10- this is a list of all changes since 1.0.9c: - Immibis Core has been updated to version 57.2.0. - Food Plus has been updated to version 2.7pre2. - MineFactory Reloaded has been updated to version - Random Things has been updated to version 1.9. - Galacticraft, Galacticraft-Planets, and MicDoodleCore have been updated to version - Carpenter's Blocks has been updated to version 2.0.6. - Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod has been updated to version 3.2.9. - Liquid XP has been updated to version 57.1.2. - Forge Microblocks has been updated to build 250. - Flan's Futuristic Content Pack v5 has been added. - Witchery has been updated to version 0.16.1. - Open Blocks has been updated to version 1.2.6. - Open Mods Lib has been updated to version 0.3. - Morph has been updated to version 0.7.1. - Bibliocraft version 1.5.5 has been added. - Galacticraft has been reconfigured to ensure that most mod glass blocks work with the oxygen sealer. SPECIAL NOTE: Food Plus has a TON of new recipes, and some old ones have been removed. For this reason, 1.0.10 will complain about item mismatches on startup. Please disregard these warnings.
  13. 1.0.9c has been created & promoted to recommended. http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/attack-of-the-b-team-109c-is-now-recommended.71 The crash with NEI for java 1.6 users was fixed, we also updated to the now stable latest version of project: red and a newer version of better storage.
  14. Hello, please continue your testing with 1.0.9b: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  15. Hey, everyone, I've just promoted Attack of the B-Team 1.0.9b to Latest. There are a ton of key mod updates, along with the addition of two new mods: Better Storage and Tinkers MechWorks. If you're interested in helping test, back up your worlds (SSP or server) and set your launcher up to use the "Latest" build, or manually select version 1.0.9b. Play with us and report issues in this thread! The 1.0.9b server can be downloaded here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bteam/BTeam_Server_v1.0.9b.zip Changelog for Attack of the B-Team 1.0.9b- this is a list of all changes since 1.0.8: - Better Storage version added. - Tinkers Mechworks version added. - Elevators have been configured to no longer consume XP. - A configuration issue with Advanced Genetics Healing Crystals has been corrected. - Galacticraft, Galacticraft-Planets, and MicdoodleCore updated to version - Carpenter's Blocks updated to version 2.0.3. - Advanced Genetics updated to version 1.4.1. - Project: Red updated to version - Hats updated to version 2.1.4. - Code Chicken Core updated to version - Not Enough Items updated to version - Tinkers Construct updated to version 1.5.4d4. - Flan's Mod updated to version 4.1.3. - Witchery updated to version 0.15.1. - Waila updated to version 1.5.1a. - Forge Microblocks dependencies have been updated.
  16. Can you get me your config files so I can check 'em out?
  17. I can't help diagnose issues without logs.
  18. Yes, to the best of our knowledge, the key issues preventing mac users from updating are solved. My understanding is that the "standard" should still be to build against 1.6, until the 1.8 release, so mac users don't HAVE to update (and I've heard of some macs not being able to run stuff with the oracle JRE, although I've never gotten the opportunity to really troubleshoot that), but 1.8 will release in the next few months, and modders will definitely kill 1.6 support shortly afterwards- there's definitely been some pull in the community to kill it sooner than that. If someone can update now, they should. 1.6 will not be an option for much longer. Windows & Linux users have no excuse and I generally tell them to update first thing. Yes, this will happen and is not an issue. Additionally, an item conflict for 468(?) will show up in the logs and is also not an issue. The mismatches are from me fixing the heal crystal ID, and the conflict is from the silly way that advgen handles the heal crystal itemblock.
  19. It was excluded because when we first started working on B-Team there was not a stable version of the mod released, it's very new. You can change the worldgen settings in the cofh configuration.
  20. Edit: I then reverted back the 1.0.8 pack and it would not startup either so I reinstalled the launcher and was able to start the 1.0.8 version. I tried updating and it doesn't want to start again. Strange. Edit 2: I even tried reinstalling the launcher and selecting the 1.0.9 version first and it still doesn't want to start up. Hey, it looks like chicken bones abandoned java 1.6 support in the most recent update. I'm going to ask him if that was intentional, and that's certainly a pain, but java 1.8 will be released soon (meaning we will abandon 1.6 soon as well), so I'd definitely recommend updating to 1.7.
  21. In the post you replied to.
  22. Hey, everyone, I've just promoted Attack of the B-Team 1.0.9 to Latest. There are a ton of key mod updates, along with the addition of two new mods: Better Storage and Tinkers MechWorks. If you're interested in helping test, back up your worlds (SSP or server) and set your launcher up to use the "Latest" build, or manually select version 1.0.9. Play with us and report issues in this thread! The 1.0.9 server can be downloaded here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bteam/BTeam_Server_v1.0.9.zip Changelog for Attack of the B-Team 1.0.9- this is a list of all changes since 1.0.8: - Better Storage version added. - Tinkers Mechworks version added. - Elevators have been configured to no longer consume XP. - A configuration issue with Advanced Genetics Healing Crystals has been corrected. - Galacticraft, Galacticraft-Planets, and MicdoodleCore updated to version - Carpenter's Blocks updated to version 2.0.3. - Advanced Genetics updated to version 1.4.1. - Hats updated to version 2.1.4. - Code Chicken Core updated to version - Not Enough Items updated to version - Tinkers Construct updated to version 1.5.3. - Flan's Mod updated to version 4.1.3. - Witchery updated to version 0.15.1. - Waila updated to version 1.5.1a.
  23. pullBlocks=true is I think it, the way it chooses what to destroy is itself configurable, but I'm not clear on the details.
  24. That's really strange, when I was testing through we were seeing a good mix of mobs, ashen warriors, iguanas, water mobs (honestly plesiosaurs were the hard thing to find), flocks of birds, and monkeys. I think deactivating the pathfinding (which we had to do for technical reasons, because CoroAI is super crashy) might have made those mobs harder to find because they don't run around like they used to. EDIT: Also, yes, this is not a bug, I spent an afternoon writing a mod to specifically make this happen lol
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