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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. I saw a link to a wheel of time community that I recognize as being passably large, but uh, heh.
  2. Hi, Merlin, On the Lapito's page: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/lapitos-galacticraft.4030 I see that the platform URL in the box is different from what you posted. Where did you get the link you posted above? It doesn't point at technicpack.net, which all platform URLs are supposed to.
  3. Considering that you read, parsed, and understood the entirety of my thought almost instantly, no, I don't think it's hypocritical. Your OP's signal to noise ratio is abysmal, and I got a couple banal paragraphs in before I started skimming. The issue with your post is that you assume that other users are having the same issue as you. In the case of the IC2 log, that is the case and we've addressed that issue on our front page. In the case of the other issues you have posted, that is not the case. So, is posting a screenshot of you having an issue that nobody else has reported, without logs or diagnostic data "specific enough"? No. No it is not. I'm not saying the issue lies between the chair and keyboard, per se. But with only rage and complain, here's a screenshot of an error message, who the hell can say? And frankly, your behavior has marked you out as someone I don't particularly care to keep around in the community. If a less abrasive player posts a related issue, or if you post something that is actually actionable in any way, then we can begin to troubleshoot, but in the meantime, feel free to fuck off to a different modpack. Yeah, a lot of people don't realize how big this thing is. If your project is 10-20 times larger than us, that means you serve 25-50 million users monthly. I don't doubt your project is large, but I think you're underestimating us a bit.
  4. Hi, VexandRip, thank you for posting this. I'm at the tail-end of minecon right now so it'll take some time to explore the log, but there's some interesting stuff in there.
  5. One thing you can check out is ask an adult whether your firewall settings are preventing you from reaching the network. All of our communications for the launcher are over HTTP, though, so I'm not sure what sort of restrictive settings would prevent you from using the launcher.
  6. Okay, but if your launcher can't find your network, I can't help you aside from telling you that your launcher can't find your network. Have you tried running the launcher as administrator?
  7. Hi, we moved a lot of version.json files to our hosting last night to help people with this issue. I think if you delete your version.json file, you should start working ok.
  8. I'm seeing a lot of this: 2013/10/30 12:46:39 [sEVERE] Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Network is unreachable: connect
  9. You may have bought it, but it's probably attached to a different account.
  10. CanVox

    Game crash

    Read the news post I just linked you to?
  11. Hi, Kaniva, I'm not familiar with your setup, but this thread offers some suggestions for turning off this "feature": http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r24249322-?hilite=routers
  12. Actually kaniva, it looks like your local network is providing a situation where when your router receives a 404 from a remote webpage, it serves you a search page instead. This sucks for us, because we check to see if the technic site has a version.json before we try to use the mojang one. What's going on is your router tells the launcher that there IS a version.json at the remote site, and then we download the search page your router serves up and try to parse it as json. We'll probably need to make some changes to the way we do things to work around this, but it'd be better if you could get your router to stop doing this craziness.
  13. Hi Kaniva, that is not a valid version.json. It looks like something weird happened when we tried to download it- instead we got a page that your local router served up. Delete version.json and see if restarting hexxit works ok.
  14. Hi everyone, after talking with ReaperzWins, we determined that this error is what occurs when you attempt to log into a valid mojang account that doesn't have a purchased copy of Minecraft attached to it. I'm going to be making some fixes to make this more user-friendly in the future.
  15. The link you posted for your zip file doesn't go to the zip file for your pack, it goes to an HTML landing page that you can download the zip file from.
  16. Post your version.json from the pack you tried to run. It's located in the modpack's bin directory.
  17. Include logs from .technic/logs
  18. CanVox

    Game crash

    This is the same issue Tekkit Lite is experiencing: http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/a-brief-note-about-recent-tekkit-lite-crashes.43 This is an issue with IC2's Halloween event and not an issue with the launcher.
  19. This does not even provide enough information to know what problem you're experiencing, let alone enough to help you. What is occurring? Describe the problem using your words. Provide a log.
  20. Okay, you guys, go into .technic/settings.json, activate the option that starts the console. When you click the login button, there is a line that gets posted to the console, but not the log, it looks like this: Valid: {"accessToken":"8dd08cbf37244d0cb2f6564aa816b09a","clientToken":"35207482-219b-4f8d-884a-88a9afae1a54","selectedProfile":{"id":"7d0d8366d03e4b788c3e1ea1af37e285","name":"AAAA"}} Please attempt to log in and post that line to this thread.
  21. Hi, something you can do to fix this is change tekkit classic versions and then change back. So click the cogwheel under tekkit classic, click manual build, change the build to something else, click save, click launch. When it asks you to update click yes. Let it start up or crash or whatever. Then click the cogwheel again, change back to "use recommended", click save, click launch. It'll ask you to update, click yes. This time it should work.
  22. Actually, don't worry about screenshot- I saw what you're talking about in another thread. Please get me the latest technic log from the folder .technic/logs
  23. Can you please give us your latest logs from .technic/logs?
  24. If you go into settings.json, there is an option to activate the console in that file. Turn that on, restart the launcher, and attempt to log in again. Then, copy data from the console, BE SURE TO REMOVE YOUR PASSWORD FROM THE COPIED DATA, and paste it up here.
  25. Can you get me a screenshot?
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