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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. It should also be noted that at this time, 1.6+ packs do not set the icon & title, due to the way post-1.6 minecraft works. We hope to explore solutions to that eventually, but right now we're concentrating on updating our packs.
  2. I'll definitely take the blame onto myself. Because mojang has better quad-ordering fix for 1.7 the plan is to just push a non-modified forge for 1.6 and hope that everyone updates to 1.7 soon.
  3. As other people have said, you're probably describing tekkit, or possibly tekkit classic. Which mods in specific are you looking for?
  4. Hello, install the OSX "Mavericks" update, that will fix this issue permanently.
  5. Install the OSX "Mavericks" update. It fixes this issue permanently.
  6. Install the OSX "Mavericks" update. It fixes this issue permanently.
  7. Hello, uninstall a program called "Relevant Knowledge". It is a malware that some people have which prevents java from connecting to the internet.
  8. Install the "Mavericks" update for OSX, that will fix the issue.
  9. Before you do anything else, please update java.
  10. Please also include your launcher logs from the .technic/logs folder.
  11. Installing the OS X "Mavericks" update fixes this issue permanently.
  12. See if you have a program called "Relevant Knowledge" installed, and if so, uninstall it.
  13. This isn't really a launcher issue.
  14. Please post your logs from .technic/logs
  15. Hi, to correct this- the 1.7.X login system is the only one that is currently working.
  16. Can you pastebin the config file you edited?
  17. Can you post a log?
  18. This is copy/pasted from ChaosX, and is the hugest bullshit. The message specifically instructs users to open erroneous bug reports with mDiyo. "Yeah, but my attempts to fuck with you didn't work, so you're not allowed to get mad." is the weakest defense.
  19. This should be fixed now.
  20. No problem, we're making a pass to improve error messages on the new launcher soon, I'll make sure that redirect issues like this are called out more prominently.
  21. In hobo joe's case, his file host works great, it just wants downloaders to use the HTTPS address for security reasons. I'm not sure why our HTTP URL Connection isn't following the redirect- it's configured to do so- but it may be that it doesn't regard "301 moved permanently" responses as redirects per se.
  22. Hi, Hobo Joe, here's what's going on: Your zip file has been moved to https://bmrf.me/download/BMRF-Progress.zip When you access the file through the browser, your browser receives the 301 code and then automatically downloads it from the new location. When the launcher attempts to download it, we download the "document has moved" HTML page that has been served and then attempt to open it as a zip file, which fails. I hope this helps!
  23. Do me a favor and link me to your platform page so I can follow the process through from the beginning?
  24. Still, 1.4 mil views over 7 years is an average of 16.7k views per month, that's not too shabby.
  25. So my research says this happens in a few situations: - Your java attempts to use IPv6 on a computer that doesn't support it. We prevent this issue by setting an option on launcher startup that forces it to use IPv4, so this is not the problem. - Your firewall or anti-virus is blocking the launcher from acessing the network. - As planetguy said, a virus is the problem. So I'd investigate the latter two options. Good luck!
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