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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. It also isn't properly compatible with a lot of mods, including modular powersuits.
  2. This is the voltz bugs board: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/voltz-bug-board.69/
  3. 1. This goes in the bug report forums. 2. No one can help you without logs.
  4. The oil fabricator is not craftable for precisely that reason. I have not heard of any power armor-related issues?
  5. Hey everyone, I hope you've seen this on the front page: http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/support-your-modders-vote-in-the-modjam.34 But I wanted to add a voltz-specific addendum, that Calclavia and aidancbrady teamed up as "Wattz" to create a new UE mod called Resonant Induction, and they'd appreciate your support in the voting. Please be sure to check out the mods, before voting! There are a lot of categories, and a lot of great mods by new modders. Thanks for your support, guys!
  6. Unstickying..
  7. The oil fabricator's recipe was disabled for this precise reason. There was an issue where this was not the case in SSP, which has been fixed in 2.0.4. I have promoted 2.0.4 to recommended- instructions for use will be on the Technic front page momentarily, and if you have any questions or problems from here forward, please feel free to start a new thread either in this forum or the Technic Voltz forum respectively. Thank you all for helping to test this version of Voltz!
  8. If you have not modified the server at all from the defaults we ship out, updating the server is very easy- shut down the server, delete the config, mods, and coremods folders from your live server's FTP, and copy the contents of the server zip over your existing server. Your world files should be unaffected. If you want to delete your map and start a new one, deleting the world folder from your server should cause a new one to be generated. You technically don't have to recopy the entire server over, but if you're not sure what to do, it's probably safer if you don't overthink things.
  9. The workaround you described is the documented way of picking up oil in galacticraft, so I'm not sure what you believe the problem is. I was able to connect universal cable to everything I tried, including mekanism windmills and atomic science turbines. Please be specific about what problems you're having. There has never been a leather universal cable recipe. Picking up yellow cake irradiates me pretty hardcore. Ore's radiation was toned down, so it only has a small chance of irradiating you each tick, and green particles are now used to alert you to its presence.
  10. Hey everyone, Sorry, but I screwed up the packing of 2.0.2- the oil fix didn't go in. I just promoted 2.0.3 to latest with the oil fix, so try again. I'm not going to make a new thread because 2.0.3 is just what 2.0.2 was SUPPOSED to be. EDIT: The 2.0.2 SERVER was packed correctly, so continue using it. The above issue should only have affected SSP games.
  11. I apologize- Buildcraft is 3.7.2, I'd just managed to mess up the OP above. My understanding of Additional Pipes is that the buildcraft API did not change in 372, so a new AP version was unnecessary.
  12. That's not enough info to help you!
  13. Hello, we've moved on to 1.1.6! I should have the problem to see this next one through to recommended. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lets-test-tekkit-1-1-6.50312/
  14. Hey, everyone, I've just promoted Tekkit 1.1.6 to Latest. There are a ton of key mod updates, the update to Minecraft 1.5.2, along with several new mods! We've got Project Bench, a direct drop-in replacement for the RP2 project bench, a couple new generators, Logistics Pipes, and Simple Power Storage, by Technic's sct! SPS adds a "Makeshift Energy Cell" which can be used as an early-game alternative to the Redstone Energy Cell! If you're interested in helping test, back up your worlds (SSP or server) and set your launcher up to use the "Latest" build, or manually select version 1.1.6. Play with us and report issues in this thread! This is a clean slate, so even if you've already reported an issue elsewhere (including the 1.1.1-5 threads), if it's present in 1.1.6, be sure to report it in this thread. The 1.1.6 server can be downloaded here:http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/tekkitmain/Tekkit_Server_v1.1.6.zip Changelog for Tekkit 1.1.6- this is a list of all changes since 1.0.6: - Update Forge to build 737. - Removed the Forge transparency fix (it was too memory-heavy to have as a default in Tekkit) - Modular Powersuits' glow effect was disabled by default - Added Project Bench version 1.7.5 - Added Atomic Science version - Added MFFS version - Added Open Peripheral version 0.1.9 - Added Buildcraft: Logistic Pipes version 0.7.3.technic637 - Added Simple Power Storage version 1.0.10 - Equivalent Exchange 3 version pre1h has had a crash bug removed - Balkon's Weapon Mod updated to version 1.13 - bspkrsCore updated to version 2.09 - Buildcraft updated to version 3.7.2 - Chicken Chunks updated to version - Code Chicken Core updated to version - Computer Craft updated to version 1.53 - CoFH Core updated to version - CoFH OmniTools to version - Custom LAN Ports updated to version 1.5.2 - Dimensional Anchors updated to version 55.0.3 - Equivalent Exchange 3 updated to version pre1h - Ender Storage updated to version - Greg's Lighting updated to version 1.8.4 - Immibis Core updated to version 55.1.6 - Iron Chests updated to version - MineFactory Reloaded updated to version - Mystcraft updated to version - Not Enough Items updated to version - Nether Ores updated to version - Omni Tools updated to version - OpenCCSensors updated to version - PowerCrystals Core updated to version - Rei's Minimap updated to version 3.3_06 - Thermal Expansion updated to version - Applied Energistics updated to version 11.c - Steve's Carts updated to version 2.0.0.a122 - Dimensional Doors updated to version - Modular Powersuits updated to version - MPS Addons updated to version - Immibis Microblocks updated to version 55.0.7 - Backpacks updated to version 1.12.13 - Treecapitator updated to version 1.5.2.r14 - Trade Booth updated to version 0.4.2 - Buildcraft: Additional Pipes updated to version 2.3.1 - Galacticraft updated to version a0.1.36.410 - NEI Plugins updated to version
  15. Oil should be findable in new chunks- between y=20 and y=30.
  16. Hello, please continue this conversation with 2.0.2: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/help-us-test-voltz-2-0-2.50287/
  17. Hello, Voltz 2.0.2 has been promoted to Latest in the launcher. 2.0 maps will not be compatible with 1.X maps. We'd like you to help us test this version over the next week so that we can promote it to recommended and get Voltz back on track! Download Voltz 2.0.2 from the technic client, and get the 2.0.2 server from here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/voltz/Voltz_Server_v2.0.2.zip If you've been playing around with 2.0.2 already, you'll want to downgrade to 2.0.1 and re-upgrade to 2.0.2. The following changes have been made since 2.0.0: - Mekanism has been upgraded to version 5.5.6.bugfix1. - MineChem has been removed. - Modular Powersuits now uses vanilla recipes. - The oil fabricator recipe has been disabled. - The empty cell recipe has been fixed. - A custom galacticraft build with functioning oil worldgen has been created. Let us know what you think!
  18. Technically cal just told me to remove the mod so I don't know either way, but Voltz is currently satisfying all the written requirements for Railcraft permissions.
  19. Hi, Voltz is actually the only technic modpack that currently has a public permissions list, and is therefore, to my knowledge, the only one that has full Railcraft permissions. The decision to pull it was Calclavia's.
  20. I believe that copper cables still have a max capacity, but without ElecExp there's no ordinary wires to replace them with. As has been mentioned, the universal cables have no max.
  21. Were they hooked up to a heat gen? Remember heatgens set fire to nearby stuff, and wires do burn. Put some cobble on top of the wiring near the heatgen.
  22. No, a couple folks were reporting oil present in 2.0.0- I'll do some verification tonight myself.
  23. Are you sure about that? GCraft oil spawns underground, and someone in the last thread advised that it is locatable at diamond-level pretty regularly. Translocators can be replaced by AE, though, and RedLogic can be replaced by MFR.
  24. Whoops! The link now works.
  25. We continue the testing in 2.0.1: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/help-us-test-voltz-2-0-1.49927/
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