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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. It looks like there's nothing in our log, but the pack is being launched and there may be something in the FML log for ATB. Try pulling the fml-latest.log from .technic\modpacks\attack-of-the-bteam\logs and let us see that.
  2. Is this a windows machine? Can you go to your launcher logs folder %appdata%\.technic\logs and put the contents of your most recent log on paste.ubuntu.com and link me?
  3. Which packs did you try to play, and have you tried increasing your ram allocation to 2Gb from Launcher Options -> Java Settings
  4. It looks like you have a corrupt world file.
  5. We're sorry to see you leave. The update was supposed to be a minor thing but it's been nothing but trouble. Unfortunately, moving back to xenforo requires someone to make an IPB4 -> xenforo converter, so we're stuck here until that happens. We've ended up renewing our IPB subscription just so we can make the situation as comfortable as possible while we wait for the opportunity to leave. We hope you'll keep an eye on us and come back when things improve.
  6. What is your OS, what happens when you try to start it?
  7. There's a lot going on here- one of the packs you attempted to run isn't java 8 compatible. You also appear to be hooked up to 32-bit java, which you should probably change from the Java Settings tab of Launcher Options. Finally, I'd suggest increasing your memory allocation from the same place, if possible.
  8. If you converted your minecraft account, you need to use your email address & password.
  9. Every part of the zip file has been done wrong. Read https://technicpack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204199345-How-to-make-a-Minecraft-modpack and follow those instructions from the beginning, to the letter.
  10. Boy this is a hell of a necro, but I guess there's still conversation to be had. I disagree that tekkit classic was like the pinnacle of modding although a lot of people obviously feel as you do. Classic's still one of our most popular packs. The reason we can't revive Technic SSP is that we honestly don't have the old files. There is a pack that is on the platform that claims to be Technic SSP. I think it might be but we actually don't know and can't check. Regardless, it seems just fine to us to let that pack exist and continue existing- http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/removed-modpack.21133 Technically against our TOS, but that guy's doing us a favor so we let it slide.
  11. Clicking install this modpack just puts the link in your clipboard. You have to paste it into "add pack" int the launcher next.
  12. Are you using the exact same login in the technic launcher which you do for the vanilla launcher? That means if you put your email in the vanilla launcher, you put your email in the technic launcher.
  13. We have temporarily deactivated runs & installs in the launcher. They'll be back up soon.
  14. Use the exact same email & password in the vanilla launcher. Does it work?
  15. This error happens sometimes for users with overly active security software. Something on your computer sees the minecraft download link with the /ad/ in it and tries to block it because it thinks it's an ad.
  16. I don't know. One possibility is that you're downloading the jar but don't have java installed, so OSX sees the jar as a zip.
  17. The dropbox link is a 404, for one. For another, modpacks have to be zips, not rars. And before you get any too-clever ideas, it is not enough to rename your rar to a zip. It has to actually be a zip.
  18. The articles on http://support.technicpack.net/ are the absolute last-word correct articles. The modpack archive isn't named modpack.jar, there needs to be a modpack.jar in the bin folder of the modpack archive. Generally, that file is a renamed forge jar. I feel like a lot of the confusion here is occurring because you're misunderstanding some tutorials. Regardless, a link to your platform pack is generally the best way to get help since people can examine your files & settings directly.
  19. I moved this to bug reports because that seemed the best place for it. This is our mistake and I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet- the current latest server isn't compatible with Java 8. You can fix this manually by adding LegacyJavaFixer (from the latest client install) to the server's modlist.
  20. I can't provide example code, but here's how to hit the API. Please be responsible with your API usage- cache information and don't hit the API more than once per hour or so. We don't want to have to lock it down because people using the API for stuff like this sounds really cool to us, but if people use the API irresponsibly and cost us a lot of money, we'll have to do something about it. The other thing is that the API is for the launcher first. We may change it without notice. We'll help you get acclimated if you ask us about changes in #technic on SynIRC, but your site need to have a backup plan if everything goes sideways because it definitely could. If us changing the API causes your site to 500, that's on you not us. Put some guard conditions so that API changes don't bust your site. First, you need the latest stable launcher build #- http://api.technicpack.net/launcher/version/stable4 You'll use it the build # from that response in all the requests to come. http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/attack-of-the-bteam?build=<build #> That will provide basically all the information you need. Replace attack-of-the-bteam with your own pack's slug. The feed field will provide what you were asking for. Runs/Downloads/Ratings is also a thing that many pack owners use from the API. Currently those numbers are turned off because they were causing slowdowns on the API but they'll be going back up soon. I hope this helps you put together something interesting!
  21. Hi, Solder is the technology we use to deliver our packs to the launcher, and it's open source so anyone can use it. When you link your pack to solder, you get some new features: Users can see old versions and switch between versions from the modpack options menu. You can have separate latest & recommended builds. You can upload each mod version separately instead of having one huge install. This is a lot of extra work, but this way, when users switch between versions, they only have to download the changes. This saves them time, and you bandwidth. You can gather CIDs from your beta users and input them into solder, and then have "private" builds that only your beta users can see. Solder's pretty cool, but it requires you to secure your own hosting and setting it up generally requires a certain level of expertise. We informally provide support for Solder in #technic on SynIRC, but we generally don't provide support for people who haven't set up Laravel yet. If you can't secure your own webhosting or the idea of setting up a PHP server yourself sounds daunting, Solder may not be for you. If you're interested, check out solder.io for more info.
  22. The download currently at http://technicpack.net/download is not a zip, and hasn't been for some time.
  23. CanVox


    We don't sell ranks. You're probably thinking of some server somewhere.
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