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Everything posted by Neowulf

  1. If you're doing it in Modders Metropolis Questions then you must be looking to poke around the code yourself, because it's stated quite clearly that this is the place for programmers to share information and expertise on modding while SSP questions belong ion the Technic SSP section. So. Take your freshly decompiled EE source and look for the red matter furnace tile entity. In there should be the code for doubling drops. Look for a bit of code that creates a new stack, that should be the output part and will have the logic for doubling the output of smelting operations. Probably just a simple switch statement with a case for each of the ore blocks, though it could be an if statement checking for "instanceof" (that might make all ores compatible with EE by default, though I haven't looked at ore blocks yet to see if that's even possible). Just insert the dust items into the logic with the ore blocks. Recompile successfully, and you're done.
  2. Try 1 tvp in each of the 4 corners of the 3x3 crafting table. X_X ___ X_X X=TVP, _=empty _X_ X_X _X_ Creates chicken. XXX ___ XXX Creates beef. X_X X_X X_X Creates pork.
  3. I wanted to give the soybean crop something useful so I added the soybeans, from there I Don't Now and I both thought it would make a good food production chain. It can be used to make raw pork, raw beef, raw fish, and raw chicken. I was also going to have it work as a wheat replacement in bread, cake, and cookies, but forgot to add that in. I was going to have the macerated soy be soymeal, and some intermediary "sculpted TVP" foods that cooked into the beef/pork/ect... final products, but things started to blur a bit when I started making that final push to get an update out.
  4. It's really hard to get a REGULAR .ZIP FILE. They hate bran muffins and refuse to drink their Metamucil.
  5. You're living up to your name in a very bad way derpy. The EMC values in EE are hard coded, there is no way to change them short of decompiling the mod, altering the source, recompiling, and forcing all who connect to your server to replace their EE mods with yours. And don't bother asking how to do that. This is one of those "if you don't already know how, then you don't know how stupid it is to try" things. Most servers that feature some sort of economy or PVP will heavily limit or completely disable EE.
  6. If you have regular wood you can make IC2 crops and crossbreed until you have stickreed. It looks like sugarcane but at the final stage it harvests for resin.
  7. Aww, only everloving doublefuck? I was going for a triple.
  8. Use a BC pump to move it into a a tank, then try the IC2 pump. Oil is BC, so IC2 might not work. If it doesn't work use a deployer to fill the buckets from the tank and a filter to pull full buckets from the deployer. Use whatever setup you want to send empty buckets back. Also, oil may act like water but it doesn't create infinite source blocks. And you can't fill a bucket from flowing liquids, just the source blocks.
  9. IC2 pump next to a chest will fill empty buckets. Just place it over an infinite water source block or on top of a BC tank. IC2 pump simulates an empty bucket right clicking on whatever is directly below it.
  10. Story goes better if you follow normal progression.
  11. 2 is the worst of the bunch. It was hacked into the smallest levels they could so it would run on an xbox as smoothly as possible, trading lag for loading.
  12. Are ewe shore ewe rally wanna no whats wrung with peeps grandmar nowadays?
  13. Because you fail basic reading and comprehension skills.
  14. Nah, he was in vegas. Of course that gives it a 50/50 change his "wife and kids" were really an organ harvester and her gang of midget surgeons. He probably woke up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice with a hangover, a goodbye note, and signed divorce papers.
  15. Politics... I'mma guess 5 posts max before this thread has to be shut down.
  16. Because awesome games must be properly remembered and replayed, lest we forget them and start believing crap like what they did to duke 4 is acceptable.
  17. The first one had a very glaring flaw that pissed me off. The tranq dart still counted as a kill. I went through the first mission using just that weapon, successfully taking down every enemy without a single bullet, and everyone treated me like a mass murderer when I was done. Still played the hell out of it. Only FPS that could draw my attention away from unreal tournament at the time.
  18. New is not the problem. Refusing to make any real effort in your post is. Welcome to Technic.
  19. Grammar fail. Spelling major fail. Once is a typo, twice is willful ignorance. How do you type with your browser spellcheck highlighting every other word? Basic reading skills and comprehension fail. Gotta wonder if this is legit or just another troll who thinks acting like a stupid newbie is funny.
  20. Technic doesn't steal adf.ly pennies, they hacked paypal to divert half of all donation to them. Didn't you know?
  21. Ooooo, will have to snag. I've already got the first and second on steam, but HR has eluded me thus far. I can always give the extras to one of my brothers.
  22. Depends on your story preferences. While they're all discworld and completely intermeshed, each book (save light fantastic, due to being a two parter with color of magic) is perfectly readable by itself, and yet they all belong to one of the main sub-storylines. The Wizards storyline starts with the first book, and deals with both the adventures of magical bureaucratic academia and the adventures of the most cowardly and talentless wizzard alive, Rincewind. Later stories include The Librarian, an orangutang, definitely smarter than any of the human university staff. The Death storyline starts with Mort, gets good with Soul Music, and follows Death and his Granddaughter Susan. Rather philosophical, and death is a really nice guy. The Witches storyline kinda starts with Equal Rites, but really starts with Wyrd Sisters. The storyline deals mainly with deconstucted legends, fairytales, and popular stories. The City Watch storyline starts with Guards Guards!, and follows Sam vimes and the rest of the city watch. Awesome detective-type novels, Lord Vetinari shows up a lot in these. The Tiffany Aching storyline starts with The Wee Free Men, and follows a witch in training and her Nac Mac Feegle (WA HEY!) friends. The Nac Mac Feegle are best described as scottish berserker smurfs, and if that doesn't get you reading the series then you probably think Twilight is a good series. The Moist von Lipwig story starts with Going Postal, and follows a suave con-man pressganged into civil service by Lord Vetinari. My full suggestion: If you feel like watching a movie, try to find the live action Colour of Magic miniseries BBC did a couple years back, it's mostly true to the books and will definitely get you interested in the series. Then start with the book of the same name and go down this list. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld#Bibliography
  23. Shadow, I must question the validity of that list. The only Pratchett entries are Small Gods and Going Postal, and they're numbers 57 and 60. How?!? Going postal should be in the top 20 atleast, and they completely left out Wyrd Sisters, Soul Music, Maskerade, Jingo, Nightwatch, Hogfather, Guards Guards!, Thud, Making Money, Thief of Time, and, well, EVERYTHING Pratchett. And the miniseries they've done over the years, freakin awesome. I mean Christopher Lee voices Death, that alone makes them worth watching. Netflix has Wyrd Sisters and Soul Music, the mid-90's cartoon miniseries. Used to have the new live action ones, but they're gone now.
  24. Alright, I've finally gotten another release ready. I didn't get the PWM block in (still codeblocking over the inventory code), but I got fertilizer and weedex production covered, a neat little food, and a tool to make expanding your good crops a lot easier. No bukkit port, that stuff scares me right now. But all the raw source is there if someone here feels helpful. :)
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