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Everything posted by Graziservers

  1. I have a static ip for a reason. There is probably others who also have statics.
  2. I used clan slots, and what they do is, automatically allocate as much ram as your server is using. You buy servers by the slot. It's a good concept and would be a great concept for minecraft servers, but not tekkit. They said I capped out my ram and CPU usage. I mean as long as you watch why you're building it'll be fine. I recommend getting a dedicated host. *Link Removed* Limestone Networks would be the best by far.
  3. I'm at work on my iPhone ATM, is tekkit customizer available on the bukkit plugin list?
  4. Essentials or server signs. You can do this in both. Make a sign that changes the time to day when you click it. If you're looking for something that keeps it day, not sure. Probably a mod. Not a plugin.
  5. The moderators should not allow you to post IP's...
  6. Wondering if anyone has this made up that is willing to share, including a list of the items that the ID's correspond to. Would be a huge help. Thanks in advanced.
  7. Thank ya, sir. Anyone found a list of common blocks that need banning?
  8. I was not bashing it was merely a joke, you on the other hand flat out told someone you don't know to "shut up" How old are you? Did you get picked on, or what?
  9. Auditioning for moderator? You need to work on your intimidation factor, I'm not one bit concerned.
  10. Actually I received a certification from Sun about four years ago, when I was doing runescape servers. Someone makes one seemingly senseless post so you 'attempt' to bash them? You have no clue who I am, my experience, or the level of my knowledge. You just look like an ass, that's about all you accomplished.
  11. Are you new to the internet or something? In the internet there are no feelings.
  12. Why lie? It's obvious he's not an IT. Someone has been lying to him obviously. I feel that I did the right thing by being honest, thanks.
  13. Oh god.. A dyslexic IT, who reccomends Dell, who didn't even go to school. I have a question.. Who's dick are you sucking to even land a job? I know I wouldn't hire you.
  14. Took the words right out of my mouth. If you prefer dell you don't belong in IT. By the way Mr. IT, what is your major? Since it obviously isn't English.
  15. That's not for hosting or gaming most likely for video rendering or encoding.
  16. I use tapatalk for 90% of my posts which doesn't show descriptions but as I said. This one has no excuse.
  17. Me either and I don't know why it should honestly. I'm not a fan of rail craft. Too much work for minimal payoff.
  18. Why do you feel the need to be confrontational on every thread ie seen you on? Sorry to say but you are not always right. This should have been an easy one yes, but some of the board names - I have no clue what they are meant for. Obviously some kind of e-kid jokes but they make no sense to me.
  19. I've heard it as well. Not sure how its done but in my open server I'm planning on disabling them. Sadly people can't just play fair.
  20. Crown and coke. Simple but it gets the job done.
  21. Memory leaks. Stupid looking GUI. Not to mention the new GUI is a resource hog. Also it's obvious Microsoft is trying to sell their new laptops with touch screen. I prefer 7. I have run 8. My favorite is XP.
  22. I know what I'm doing.. It was a temporary fix.
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